


  • Objective To verify the therapeutical effect of exogenous reduced glutathione ( GSH ) on the patients with uremic anemia .

    目的观察外源性还原型谷胱甘肽对尿毒症贫血的 治疗效果。

  • According to the clinic report the magnetic field has a specific therapeutical effect on diabetes .

    据临床报告,磁场对糖尿病有一定的 治疗作用。

  • A Research of Therapeutical Effect and Mechanism on Lentivirus Neuroprotective Peptid to Experiment Dementia Rat

    神经保护肽重组慢病毒对实验性痴呆大鼠 治疗作用及机制的研究

  • Objective : To explore the mechanism and therapeutical effect of anti-oxidation on hyperoxic lung injury .

    目的:探讨抗氧化剂治疗高氧肺损伤的 疗效及机制。

  • Aim : To study the therapeutical effect of transcutaneous local hypothermia on rabbits spinal cord injury .

    目的:探讨经皮局部低温对兔脊髓损伤的 治疗作用。

  • Observation of Therapeutical Effect of Combined Use of Peanut Oil and Honey on Intestinal Obstruction

    联合应用花生油与蜂蜜 治疗肠梗阻的效果观察

  • Small dosage of low molecular weight heparin parenteral nutritional support and somatostatin therapy have the therapeutical effects to some extent .

    小剂量低分子肝素、胃肠外营养及生长抑素的联合应用具有较 的疗效。

  • The therapeutical effect of high-protein diet in treatment of over-weight type 2 diabetes patients

    高蛋白膳食对肥胖型2型糖尿病患者的 治疗作用

  • The Study of Therapeutical Effects for Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Hyper-selective Subsegmental Joint Embolization

    原发性肝癌超选择亚肝段栓塞的 临床 疗效观察

  • Objective : To investigate the therapeutical effects and its possible mechanism of Chlormethine on severe acute pancreatitis in rats .

    目的:讨氮芥对重症急性胰腺炎的 治疗作用及其可能机制。

  • The therapeutical effect of Ulinastatin on fulminant hepatic failure in Wistar rat

    乌司他丁对Wistar大鼠暴发性肝衰竭的 治疗作用

  • To investigate therapeutical effect of Carvedilol in chronic congestive heart failure .

    探讨 卡维地洛对慢性充血性心力衰竭的作用。

  • Objective To explore the therapeutical effect and mechanism of JinJuXiang ( JJX ) decoction for female patients with acne .

    目的观察 金菊香煎剂治疗女性寻常性痤疮的临床疗效及作用机制。

  • Clinical therapeutical effect of esomeprazole in the treatment of resistant duodenal ulcer

    埃索美拉唑治疗 治性十二指肠球部溃疡的临床 疗效 观察

  • Immune Modulatory and Therapeutical Effect of Shenqi Tablet Accessory Therapy in Treating Recurrent Genital Herpes

    参芪片辅助治疗复发性生殖器疱疹的 临床 疗效及其免疫调节作用

  • Therapeutical effects of doxycycline on rabbit immobilized osteoarthritis

    强力霉素对兔制动骨关节炎模型的 治疗作用

  • Objective To investigate the clinical therapeutical effect of damage control theory in severe multiple injury with shock resuscitation .

    目的研究损害控制理论在严重多发伤合并休克救治中应用的 临床效果。

  • Therapeutical Effects of TRAIL and ACNU in an Experimental Rat Glioma Model

    TRAIL和ACNU对实验性大鼠脑胶质瘤的 治疗作用

  • The Study of Prevention and Therapeutical Effect of Sivelestat Sodium on SIRS Post Experimental Cerebral Hemorrhage

    西 维来司钠对脑出血后全身炎症反应综合征防治作用的研究

  • Objective : To investigate the therapeutical effects of Cangzhi granule ( CZ ) on patients with functional dyspepsia and its pharmacodynamics .

    目的:观察苍脂颗粒(CZ)对功能性消化不良的 治疗效果并进行药效学研究。

  • Its pathogeny therapeutical methods and preventive measures are also discussed .

    并对 发病原因及预防措施等进行了分析和探讨。

  • Investigation of therapeutical effect and its mechanism of tissue kallikrein on cerebral ischemic-reperfusion rat

    组织型激肽释放酶对脑缺血再灌注大鼠的 治疗作用及其机制的探讨

  • Objective : To explore the therapeutical effects on ischemic apoplexy at acute stage with scheme consisting of Puerarin injection and Edaravone injection .

    目的:探讨中药葛根素注射液结合 依达拉奉注射液对缺血中风急性期的治疗作用。

  • Objective To investigate the therapeutical effect of uvula-preserving uvulopalatopharyngoplasty ( UPPP ) .

    目的观察保留悬壅垂腭咽成形术的 临床效果。

  • Study on therapeutical effect of wet dressing with insulin plus rifampin on diabetic foot

    胰岛素加利福平湿敷法对糖尿病足的 疗效研究

  • Study on the Therapeutical Effects of Crassirhizoma 's Extracts of Different Concentrations to Tinea Corporis in Rats

    贯众不同浓度提取液对大鼠体癣 治疗作用的研究

  • Objective : Aim To study the therapeutical effect of Gusongkang capsule on rats postmenopausal osteoporosis model .

    目的:研究骨松康胶囊对大鼠绝经后骨质疏松模型的 治疗作用。

  • Therapeutical effect of mycophenolate mofetil in rats with immune complex glomerulonephritis

    霉酚酸酯和强的松对免疫复合物性肾炎大鼠的 疗效比较

  • No technological and therapeutical improvements can be practically utilized if the material means for its utilization have not been previously made available by saving and capital accumulation .

    改进了工艺 治疗 ,如果没有储蓄与资本累积预先准备了物质条件,也就无法实际利用了。

  • An Experimental Study on the Therapeutical Effect of Dahongpao Capsule on Pelvic Inflammation in Rats

    大红袍 妇炎宁胶囊治疗大鼠盆腔炎的实验研究