


  • Thallium Determination of silicon content Isoamyl alcohol extraction molybdenum blue absorption photometric method

    GB/T2592.9-1981 中硅量的测定异戊醇萃取硅钼蓝吸光光度法

  • Determination of U Th and Tl in Fourteen Chinese Traditional Medicines by Microwave Digestion-ICP-MS The Migration and Release Behaviors of Thallium in the Sulfuric Acid Slag in the Process of Natural Leaching

    ICP-MS分析14种中药铀、钍、铊含量 黄铁矿 冶炼废渣在自然淋滤过程中铊的迁移与释放

  • Synthesis and Characterization on Monomeric Thallium (ⅲ) Metal Complexes with Nitrogen-Oxygen-Donor Ligands Phenanthroline and 8-Hydroxyquinoline

    三价金属 与配体邻啡咯啉和8-羟基喹啉络合物的合成及结构表征

  • A method for the determination of trace thallium in soil samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration with polyurethane foam has been developed .

    本文论述了一种聚氨酯泡塑预富集&石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定土壤样品中痕量 的方法。

  • Nursing Experience in Successful Emergency Treatment of A Case of Acute Thallium Poisoning

    一例急性 中毒抢救成功的护理体会

  • Boarders are forbidden to being any dangerous things or drugs into the dorms such as fuel arsenic thallium amphetamine . furthermore pets are not allowed to bring into the dorms either .

    住宿学生不得携带任何危险及违禁物品,例如汽油,砷, 等伤害力较强之物品或摇头丸,安非他命等毒品进入宿舍,或在宿舍内饲养宠物。

  • How 'd he ingest the thallium ?


  • A Preliminary Application of Plant Ash Method in Some Thallium Ore Deposits ( Prospects ) of Southwestern Guizhou

    植物灰分法在黔西南某些 矿床(点)的初步应用

  • Determination of Poisonous Trace Element Thallium ( I ) by Catalytic Kinetics

    有毒微量元素 的催化动力学法测定研究

  • Distributions of Thallium in soil-cotton system in sewage irrigation area

    污灌区土壤-棉花系统中 的分布特征

  • In 1995 Zhu Ling as a Tsinghua university student was found out to be purposely poisoned twice by lethal chemical : Thallium which leads to her permanent paralysis .

    1995年,当时就读清华大学的学生朱令被发现遭遇两次致命化学 物质 投毒,中毒造成了朱令永久瘫痪。

  • Pollution Investigation and Evaluation of Thallium in Soil around a Sulphuric Acid Plant in Guangdong Province

    广东某硫酸 冶炼工业区土壤 污染及评价

  • The story began in 1994 when Zhu Ling a 21-year-old student at Tsinghua University in Beijing was poisoned with the heavy metal thallium .

    故事要追溯到1994年,当时就读于清华大学、年仅21岁的朱令重金属 中毒。

  • Correlation between genotoxicity of thallium in water and time on Misgurnus anguillicaudatus peripheral red blood cells

    水体中 对泥鳅外周血红细胞的遗传毒性的时效性

  • Determination of trace amount of thallium in water samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with cloud point extraction


  • The researchers listed these as indium arsenic thallium antimony silver and selenium .

    研究人员列出的这类金属名单包括:铟,砷, ,银和硒。

  • You slipped him a little thallium .


  • Determination of trace thallium in environmental samples by GFAAS with activated carbon adsorption


  • Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupatioanl acute thallium poisoning .

    职业性急性 中毒诊断标准及处理原则。

  • The thallium pyrite Fe Tl )( S As ) 2 occurg in the Nanhua As-Tl ore deposit in YunnanProvince .


  • The effect of humic acid on the species and distribution of thallium in polluted soil

    腐殖酸对 污染土壤中 形态和分布的影响

  • The victim in that case a local woman named Zhu Ling suffered severe neurological damage after twice being exposed to massive quantities of thallium while a student at Beijing 's prestigious Tsinghua University in 1994 and 1995 .

    毒案的受害者是一位名叫朱令的北京女子,1994年和1995年在中国知名学府清华大学上学时,她接触到大剂量的 化学 物质 ,导致神经系统严重受损。

  • The Lamuchang Thallium deposit occurs in the core and near the core of the NE Lanmuchang anticline and is controlled by NE-SW faults which have relationship with the Lanmuchang anticline .

    滥木厂 矿床产于NE向滥木厂鼻状背斜核部和近核部,并严格受控于与背斜关系密切的NE向断裂组。

  • Distribution and environmental contribution of thallium in roasting outcome of pyrite

    黄铁矿焙烧产物中 的分布和环境贡献

  • Someone injected the thallium into the cigar .

    有人把 注入了雪茄里。

  • Stability constants of tartrate complexes of thallium (ⅰ) lanthanum and ten divalent metal ions

    酒石酸与亚 、镧及十种二价金属离子的络合常数

  • Environmental Quality of Soil Polluted by Thallium and Lead in Pyrite Deposit Area of Western Guangdong Province

    粤西黄铁矿区 -铅污染土壤的环境质量研究

  • Element and lead isotope tracing to the thallium pollution in soil profiles from a thallium-containing slag pile site in a sulphuric acid plant in Yunfu city Guangdong Province

    广东云浮含Tl硫酸冶炼堆渣场土壤 Tl污染的元素-Pb同位素示踪研究

  • The Migration and Release Behaviors of Thallium in the Sulfuric Acid Slag in the Process of Natural Leaching

    黄铁矿 冶炼废渣在自然淋滤过程中铊的迁移与释放