


  • In that particular case it seems obvious that Professor Thaler helps people make the decisions they really want to make .

    在这个特殊的例子中, 塔勒教授似乎显然是帮助人们做出了他们真正想做的决定。

  • Also the explicit method of calculating surges in the differential surge tank has been deduced firstly by use of Thaler Series Expansion .

    并同样利用 泰勒级数展开方法推导出了差动式调压室 水位波动的显式计算式;

  • Finally the evidence of return mean-reverting from this chapter support the ideas of DeBondt & Thaler ( 1985 ) on stock overreaction .

    最后,价值组合和魅力组合在组合形成前后的收益率反转现象也支持了 DeBondt&Thaler(1985)有关股票市场存在过度反应的观点。

  • For example the economist Richard Thaler has proposed a plan called save more tomorrow in which employees make commitments to contribute to their pensions not now but later .

    例如,经济学家 理查德塔勒(richard thaler 提出了一个名为“明天储蓄更多” savemore tomorrow 的计划,雇员会承诺以后 缴存养老金,而非现在。

  • Sampling Period Selection of Madwed and Boxer Thaler Discretization Methods

    Madwed与 Boxer-Thaler离散化方法中采样周期的选择

  • With the help of Thaler expanding formula of dualistic function the author gave the formula of computing the strain and temperature crossed sensitivity explained the physical meaning .

    运用二元函数的 泰勒展开式给出了应变与温度交叉灵敏度 大小的公式,阐明了其物理意义,并结合 实际 测量 数据 估计了交叉灵敏度;

  • Ariely is a respected academic ; Thaler – also a professor – is widely tipped for a Nobel prize .

    瑞里是一位受人尊敬的学者; 泰勒同样是一位教授,他因为诺贝尔奖而受人尊重。

  • The explicit method for calculating surges in throttled surge tank and simple tank following load rejection has been derived by use of Thaler Series Expansion from the basic formulation of surge tank .

    本文从调压室的基本 微分方程出发,采用 泰勒级数展开式推导了阻抗式和简单式调压室甩荷时 水位波动的显式计算方法。

  • Thaler a former bank analyst who founded Jat in 2007 posted huge returns with short positions in Chinese Internet companies and by going long on travel stocks like Priceline .


  • They have drawn a series of research results . This chapter regards Thaler Rabin and Camerer as the representative figure introducing their main research results .

    本章以 Thaler、Rabin、Camerer为代表人物,介绍他们三位的主要研究成果。

  • They have a little bit of a conflict of interest says Richard Thaler a behavioral economist at the University of Chicago .

    这里有一点利益冲突,芝加哥大学 UniversityofChicago 行为经济学家 理查德·塞勒 Richard Thaler 说。

  • The explicit method of calculating surges in throttled simple and downriver throttled and simple surge tanks has been derived for the first time by use of Thaler Series Expansion from the basic formulation of surge tank .

    根据调压室的基本 微分方程,利用 泰勒级数展开方法首次推导出了阻抗式、简单式、尾水阻抗式和简单式调压 水位波动的显式计算公式。

  • With the coming of industrialization the scientific management theory put forward by Thaler not only exert profound influence on enterprise management but promote the progress of taxation management .

    随着工业化大生产的到来, 泰勒 等人 创立的科学管理原理的 问世,不仅深刻地影响了企业经营管理,而且促进了税收管理的进步。

  • Professor Thaler put forward the concept of mental accounting and held that all organizations from General Motors down to the single person household have explicit and / or implicit mental accounting system .

    心理账户理论(MentalaccountingTheory 萨勒 Thaler 教授提出,他认为:小到个体、家庭,大到 企业集团,都有或明确或潜在的心理账户系统。