theory of law

[ˈθiəri ʌv lɔ][ˈθiəri ɔv lɔ:]

法的理论[法] 法律原理, 法律理论

  • The Theory of Law and Socialist Economic Management in CAPITAL

    资本论》中的 法学 理论与社会主义经济管理

  • Based on the rules and theory of law combining the medical practice the author puts forward suggestions on the difficult issues of informed consent .

    法律规定和 法学 理论为基础,结合医疗实践,就知情同意的难点问题提出了相关建议。

  • Today the study of Marxist theory of law needs a discourse conversion from the critical into the affirmative inclination .

    当代马克思主义 法律 理论的研究面临着从批判性导向向建设性导向的话语转换的需要。

  • Part one points out that the original sin is a theory of law .

    第一部分:原罪论是一种 理论

  • Helping the students to be capable of handling legal English documentation in the future comparative study of the theory of Law .

    使学生能在今后的 法学 理论比较研究中,有能力驾驭英文文献;

  • The first part is the basic theories of the administrative openness system probing into its connotation the bases of constitutionalism the bases of theory of law and the realistic bases .

    全文分四个部分对这一制度进行研究:第一部分集中探讨这一 制度的内涵、宪政基础、 理论基础和现实基础;

  • From Basic Theory of Law to Legal Philosophy

    法学基础 理论到法哲学

  • Modern theory of law divides it into public law private law and social law .

    现代 法学 应当法律分为公法、私法与社会法,这就是三元法律结构。

  • This is sometimes known as the doctrine of legal positivism which is to say that law is the command of the sovereign a sort of command theory of law .

    这就是人们所熟知的,法律实证主义学说,也即,法律即为君主的命令,这是 法律的一种君权命令

  • In the pure theory of law founded by Hans Kelsen definition for the basic concept had been the core and crux of the theory .

    在凯尔森所创立的纯粹 理论中,基本概念的界定已经成为其理论的核心和关键所在。

  • Post - Modernism and Canadian New Realism Theory of Law

    后现代主义与加拿大的新现实主义 法学

  • Although this viewpoint has some deficiencies it has impacted on the orthodox theory of law classification and is praised highly by legal anthropologist and legal sociologists of our country .

    其观点虽有不足,但冲击了正统的 的分类 理论,并被我国法人类学者和法社会学者所推崇。

  • The private power is sacred says from the legal principle theory of law every is the legal prohibition the citizen and the private power individual maybe .

    私权神圣,从 法理上讲,凡是法律没有禁止的,公民和私权个体就可以为。

  • From Pure Theory of Law to logical jurisprudence : a logic way of legal theory researching

    从纯粹 法学到逻辑法学&一种法律理论研究的逻辑进路

  • Basically the theory of law and economics is a creative process which is dynamic and open .

    从根本上讲, 经济学 理论是一个动态的开放的创造性过程。

  • The theory of law can not separate itself from its philosophical contextuality .

    法学 理论本身离不开一定的哲学语境。

  • This paper will analyze the subject matter of pure sociological theory of law and its method review its source generalize its main idea and discuss the gains and losses of its scientific method in the sociological research of law .

    本文从分析纯粹 社会学 理论 研究对象和方法 入手,梳理纯粹 社会学 理论的主要渊源,归纳、提炼这一理论的中心内容,并探讨其科学的方法在法社会学研究中的得失。

  • The first part of this paper details philosophical foundation and legal thought origin of the Institutional Theory of Law .

    第一部分:通过梳理制度 理论 基本 思想的哲学基础及法律思想渊源,明确了该 理论 发展 进化所依存的实证主义哲学立场和 分析实证的 法律态度。

  • The non-perfect theory of law considers that the essential conditions of administrative control under market malfunction situation are standardizing and distinguishing clearly of damage action of stock market .

    法律的不完备性 理论认为,在市场失灵情况下引入行政监管的充分必要条件是,相关 法律难于完备且市场损害行为的类型能够清楚识别和标准化。

  • His discourse theory of law is based on bis theory of communicative action and discourse theory and its aim is to solve the problem of legitimacy of law and rationality of legal practice .

    他的 法律话语 理论的基础是他的交往行为理论和话语理论。他试图用这一理论去解决法律的合法性问题,以及法律实践中的合理性问题。

  • In this sense the discussion that the influence of Kelsen s pure theory of law to right exertion of legislative power and limitation of Kelsen s theory is very important .

    在这种意义上,我们探讨 凯尔森的“纯粹 法学”对立法权正当行使的影响,并揭示其理论的限度就显得十分必要。

  • The Theory of Law and Legal Mechanism on Supervising Administrative Regulations A Normative Analysis on Administrative Legal Obligation

    行政规章监督的法学机理和机制行政法律责任的规范分析& 兼论 行政 法学 研究方法

  • On the basis of the theory of law science in our country legislation of bills of lading in common laws system and domestic and foreign judicial acts this paper makes a primary inquiry into this field .

    本文联系英美法下的提单立法,运用我国有关 法学 理论,结合国内外的司法实践,对该领域的问题进行了初步探讨。

  • For this there are different explainations in the theory of law in two legal chains .

    利他契约对契约相对性原则的突破在两大法系有不同的 法理解说。

  • Deconstruction Or Construction & Postmodernism and development of theory of law

    解构亦或建构&后现代主义与 法理学的发展

  • Then the author analyses from the theory of law to discuss the two legal rights and provides the value of the definition of the right of representative .

    然后,从 法理学角度分析了两权的 起源,并提出了界定法定代表权及其价值。

  • So existing controversies in many theoretical questions for such guarantee form in judicial precedents and theory of law in different country are inevitable .

    这种情况下, 必然会导致各国判例和 理对这种担保中的许多理论问题存在歧义。

  • But there is a problem that the traditional Marxist theory of law have always inclined to deny law as the normative which makes it difficult to accomplish this work .

    而传统马克思主义 法律 理论 法律规范意义的一贯抛弃态度,是实现话语转换的困难所在。

  • Just from this point Kelsen constructs his pure theory of law on the basis of basic norm and discusses the theory of legal norm the relation between validity and .

    正是在这种立场上,凯尔森建构了以基础规范为根基的纯粹 法学 理论 体系,系统论述了法律规范理论、效力与实效理论及 法律 体系的统一性等问题。