



  • Methods The thenar and hypothenar muscles were studied in seven ( 14 sides ) adult cadavers .

    方法用 构筑法研究14侧人 鱼际和小鱼际肌。

  • Press : Press down by the thumb thenar muscle fixed-palm-root .

    按法:用拇指或 鱼际肌、掌根定位式的由上往下压的手法。

  • 26 patients had thenar and interosseous muscles strength M3 . Only 4 patients had poor results .

    鱼际 及骨间肌肌力达M3以上者26例,占86.7%。

  • Methods : The blood supply and nerve innervation of pectoralis minor muscle the comparison of the morphology and dimension of both pectoralis minor muscle and thenar muscle were investigated on 20 sides of adult cadaveric thoraxes and hands .

    方法:在20侧成人胸部及手部标本中,解剖观察胸小肌的血管神经分布及胸小肌和 鱼际肌的形态、大小并将二者进行比较;

  • Transplantation of anterior interosseous nerve to repair thenar branch experimental study and clinical application

    骨间前神经转移修复 鱼际 恢复 功能的实验研究及临床应用

  • Designing for Thenar Pressure Measuring System

    应用于 足底压力检测系统的设计

  • The manipulation of rubbing and scrubbing the therapeutic part of and fro a straight line with the operator 's palmarface minor or major thenar eminance is called scrubbing manipulation .

    以手掌掌面小 鱼际或大 鱼际为着力面,在治疗部位沿直线进行往返摩擦的方法,谓之擦法。

  • Application of Thenar Island Flap to Hand Injuries

    鱼际 岛状血管蒂皮瓣在手外伤的应用

  • Objective To study the prognosis and classification of explosive wounds of the thenar muscles .

    目的评估 鱼际肌爆炸伤的分型及疗效。

  • Micro-anatomical study and clinical application of the thenar flap


  • The Phonological Evolution and Strata of Guo-She in Taihu Lake Wu Group Generally the input equipment can procure the thenar information by three kinds of methods : scanner dynamometry board and video camera .

    吴语太湖片果摄的演化模式与历史层次输入设备获取 足底信息的方式通常有三种:扫描仪、测力板、摄像头。

  • Anatomical basis of the greater thenar flap and its clinical application


  • The 33 cases ( 45.8 % ) Maximus thenar muscles be found miss nerve potential and recruitment to weaken .

    33例(45.8%)大 鱼际肌可见失神经电位,募集反应减弱。

  • With the improved harvest method the flaps were used to repair skin defects in18 cases of which included palm dorsum thenar hypothenar and the thumb .

    临床应用尺动脉 皮瓣修复手掌、手背、小 鱼际鱼际、拇指的皮肤缺损创面18例,提出了避免皮瓣坏死的方法。

  • To exhaust ( a hooked fish ) by allowing it to pull on the line . scanning electron microscopic observation on ABS casts of the fine vasculature about the skin superficial and deep fascia of thenar and hypothenar

    使上钩的鱼疲乏让(上钩的鱼)拉动吊线而致筋疲力尽手 鱼际、小鱼际皮肤及浅、深筋膜微血管铸型的扫描电镜观察

  • Objective To evaluate the results of retrograde proximal and distal thenar flap for repairing thumb soft tissue defect .

    目的总结 大鱼 远、近端逆行岛状皮瓣在修复拇指软组织缺损中的临床应用。

  • Through combine the medical knowledge analysis the application of thenar palmprint in Aided diagnosis system .

    通过结合医学知识分析 鱼际掌纹在辅助诊断系统中的应用。

  • Using computer technology to do thenar palmprint image processing and quantitative identification can realize the automation of palm old .

    利用计算机技术对 鱼际掌纹图像进行处理和量化识别,可以实现诊病过程的自动化。

  • We discovered vascular balls of different shapes in the thenar and hypothenar area .

    观察到在 鱼际和小鱼际皮肤区的真皮网状层内至少有8种形态不同的血管球;

  • Generally the input equipment can procure the thenar information by three kinds of methods : scanner dynamometry board and video camera .

    输入设备获取 足底信息的方式通常有三种:扫描仪、测力板、摄像头。

  • At last simply analysis the case-based reasoning expert system which is used in thenar palmprint aided diagnosis system .

    最后简单分析了基于案例推理技术的专家系统在 鱼际掌纹辅助医学诊断的应用。

  • Objective To discuss the correlation of the form stigmata of maximus thenar dermatoglyphic patterns of palm and allergic dermatitis .

    目的探讨大 鱼际掌纹形态特征与变应性皮炎的相关性。

  • This study provides new data of microvascular three dimensional architecture for the skin transplantation of the arm forearm thenar and hypothenar skin flaps .

    本研究为上臂、前臂、 鱼际和小鱼际皮肤的移植体提供了微血管三维构筑的新资料。

  • Anatomic Basic Study for Designing Reverse Island Flaps in the Palmar Muscle of Thenar Area

    手掌 鱼际区逆行岛状皮瓣设计的解剖学基础

  • The clinical practice of medical experts found that thenar palmprint roughness has some relationship with asthma allergic diseases .

    医学专家临床实践发现, 鱼际掌纹的粗糙程度和患有哮喘等变态反应性疾病有关联关系, 根据患病的 概率 或者严重程度的 大小,将 鱼际掌纹按照其粗糙程度 为四个等级。

  • Objective To establish the normal value of motor unit number estimation ( MUNE ) of thenar muscles to study its relationship with age and test the reproducibility of the technique and its use in MND .

    目的建立 鱼际肌运动单位估数(MUNE)正常值并研究与年龄的关系和该技术的重复性及其在运动神经元病(MND)中的应用。

  • The cutaneous branches came from the thumb radial-dorsal artery which distributed on the radial thenar .

    拇指桡侧指背动脉向 鱼际桡背侧发出的皮支;

  • The musculocutaneous perforators were from the deep vessel in thenar .


  • While the thenar main points Governance disease cough hemoptysis sore throat aphonia and fever .


  • Conclusion Proximal and distal thenar flaps can cover almost any soft tissue defect of the thumb .

    结论 大鱼 远、近端 逆行 状皮瓣可满足拇指大部分软组织缺损的修复需要。