thaw point

[θɔ pɔɪnt][θɔ: pɔint]

[化] 露点

  • Furthermore based on freeze thaw experiments for the high strength concrete attempts are made to analyze the initial degenerate point and the sharp degenerate point as well as their regularities .

    同时展开了高强混凝土的冻 试验;在试验的基础上,分析了高强混凝土的初劣 与陡劣点以及它们的规律。

  • The publication of Allanbarg 's novel Thaw marked a turning point in the history of the Russian literature and the began of a new literature age .

    五十年代,爱伦堡的长篇小说《 解冻》的发表,是苏联文学史上的巨大转折 ,它标志着一个新的文学时代的开始。