


  • I am thankful to you for your encouraging words .

    对你鼓励我的话,我 表示 感谢

  • They were thankful for the excellent goalkeeping of John Lukic .

    守门员约翰·卢基奇的精彩表现让他们感到 庆幸

  • I am thankful for what I got .


  • Be thankful for whatever you have give and receive .

    不管你有,给予和接受 感谢

  • You 've got it . I will be so thankful !

    你说对了!我会非常 感激 的!

  • I 'm thankful for you for me for our love .

    满怀 谢意,为你,为我,为我们之间 难得的这种感情。

  • I was so thankful for his support

    我对他的支持非常 感激

  • I want to come to love and help more people 's with my heart of being thankful !

    我要用我的 感恩 心来爱和帮助更多的人的!

  • I am thankful that I have faith in love and compassion and universal goodness .


  • I was thankful that my son had won the scholarship .

    我感到 欣慰的是我的儿子获得了奖学金。

  • She 's thankful to be alive .


  • I am thankful to you and your generous gestures .

    非常 感谢和慷慨的举措。

  • I am thankful for having a father still keeping in touch with me .

    我要 感谢爸爸一直关心着我,和我保持联系。

  • I am thankful to you for all this help .


  • I am just thankful that we have a roof over our heads .

    我们有地方住我就 感激了。

  • I 'm proud of you and thankful that you have embraced Mary Kay 's mission .

    你接受了玫琳凯的使命,我为你们自豪并 表示 感激

  • I am likewise thankful that you have not alienated me from the children .

    我也对你没有使我与孩子们疏远 表示 由衷 感谢

  • And I 'm thankful that it 's you I should thank .

    而且我也 感激,那个值得我谢谢的人,是你。

  • How thankful I am to God for having sent you as gift to me .

    我是多么的 感谢上帝把你赐给了我。

  • I 'm very thankful for your words and support .

    我非常 感谢你的话和支持。

  • List everything in your life you are thankful for and be happy .

    列出在你生活中你 感激的和感到快乐的每一件事情。

  • Their citizens are very thankful they are not governed by a dictator .

    他们的公民十分 庆幸没有受独裁者的统治。

  • I was thankful for all the training I had had .

    我真 感谢我接受过的所有训练。

  • You 'll have a new reason to be thankful !

    你就会又有一个新的 感恩的理由了!

  • I am thankful for my family because they help me learn .


  • I feel I 've been blessed in this world and I have a lot to be thankful for .

    我觉得我来到这世上受到庇佑,且我要 感谢 很多。

  • I will be thankful to God for my health my loved ones my business and my country .

    我将 感谢上帝给我健康、我的爱人、我的事业和我的祖国。

  • Most of the time I 'm just thankful that I 've got a job

    多数时候我只是 庆幸自己有份工作。

  • I am thankful for my family ; they are my guiding force .
