theory of jurisdiction

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃən][ˈθiəri ɔv ˌdʒuərisˈdikʃən]

[法] 管辖说, 管辖理论

  • With traditional theory of criminal jurisdiction it seems hard for us to ascertain the jurisdiction over cyber crimes .

    在确定网络犯罪刑事 管辖 权时,适用传统的 刑事管辖权 理论面临诸多困境。

  • The first part is the basic theory of the company lawsuit jurisdiction system in the first place .

    第一部分首先是公司诉讼 管辖制度的基本 理论

  • In the world there are some new theories about Internet jurisdiction such as New sovereignty theory Relative jurisdiction theory and the theory of websites acting as jurisdiction base .

    国际上也出现了一些解决Internet管辖权问题的新理论,如新主权理论、管辖权相对论、网址作为新的 管辖基础 等。

  • The tax theory accepts a challenge with the rapid development of the electronic commerce in the globe which especially focuses on the tax jurisdiction theory .

    电子商务在全球的迅猛发展 传统商务活动下的税收 制度 理论,尤其是税收 管辖 理论提出了挑战。

  • There is a special theory and practice of jurisdiction in maritime action such as distress jurisdiction action in rem etc.

    海事诉讼具有独特的 管辖 理论与实践,比如扣押管辖、对物诉讼等。

  • Describes the indisputable theory points of the off-site jurisdiction of the crime of corruption in the academic field : The first whether the off-site jurisdiction is legal or not in the current criminal legal system .

    叙述了学术领域关于腐败犯罪异地 管辖 理论争点:一是异地管辖在目前刑事法律体系中是否具有合法性;二是腐败犯罪异地 管辖 制度建设以及未来图景。

  • Through a comparative analysis of the characteristics of jurisdiction and administration the paper argues that either from the aspect of the theory of law or from the practice of investigation the rights of investigation has the dual nature of jurisdiction and administration .

    文章通过对司法权和行政权特点的比较分析,认为无论是从 法理的角度出发,还是从侦查实践的角度考察,侦查权 应当具有 行政 司法 的双重属性。

  • First analysis the basic theory of tax jurisdiction and then discusses the establishment of e-commerce jurisdiction and the obstacles faced by the conflict .

    首先分析税收 管辖 的基本 理论,再论述电子商务管辖权的确立以及面临的冲突障碍。

  • The thesis is composed of three chapters : the first studies the general theory of the defence to jurisdiction and proves its neccessity ;

    全文总共分三章论述,第一章研究民事诉讼 管辖异议制度之一般 理论,揭示 管辖异议制度存在之必然性和必要性;

  • According to the main characters of Cyber Space the impacts on the theory of International Civil Jurisdiction caused by the application of network are analyzed in this paper .

    本文从网络空间的特点出发,分析了网络化对国际民事 管辖理论的冲击。

  • First the section expounds the theory of the tax jurisdiction in the traditional commerce activities .

    本文的第二部分详尽分析了跨国电子商务对传统商务活动下税收 管辖 理论的挑战。

  • Unjust enrichment is highly regarded in theory and practical circles in Europe Japan and Taiwan . As one of the reasons of the occurrence of the debt unjust enrichment law has become another new jurisdiction after the contract law and the tort law .

    该制度在欧洲地区、日本及我国的台湾地区的 理论 和实务界都备受推崇,作为债的发生原因之一,其已成为继合同法、侵权法之后的又一新的

  • Some scholars bold attempt to create a new jurisdictional theory to replace the original jurisdictional rules such as web site under the jurisdiction of the theory theory of long arm jurisdiction .

    其中一些学者大胆的尝试建立新的管辖理论来代替原来的管辖规则,例如网址管辖理论、长臂 管辖 理论

  • The United States solves the problem of jurisdiction over the Internet case by the traditional theory of long-arm jurisdiction .

    美国依据传统“长臂 管辖”的 基础 理论来解决网络纠纷诉讼管辖的问题。

  • On Theory Pattern of Differentiating Jurisdiction and Association Autonomy & Take Partial Society Theory in Japan as a center

    审判 与团体自治权的 理论模式&以日本的部分社会论为中心

  • The theory of international civil action jurisdiction mainly consists of personal relationship theory power theory and equity theory .

    国际民事诉讼 管辖 理论主要有人身关系理论、权力理论和公平理论。

  • According to the traditional theory court is the only one who can exercise judicial power but with the development of social economy and height division part of jurisdiction was appointed to administrative organs .

    根据传统权力 理论,只有法院才能行使司法权,但随着社会经济的发展和高度分工,部分 司法 开始委任给行政机关行使。

  • Based on the traditional theory of International Civil Jurisdiction the counterpart in Cyber Space are discussed in this paper .

    本文以传统国际民事 管辖 理论为基础,探讨网络空间的国际 民事管辖 问题。

  • The author thinks the theory of special jurisdiction relationship is based on the differentiation of the internal and external administrative actions or administrative legal relations .

    笔者认为特别 权力关系 理论是建立在内外部行政行为或内外部行政法律关系的划分的基础上的。

  • International commercial arbitration system as a basic theory of the controversial issues of the arbitrability issue it is the validity of the arbitration agreement the arbitral tribunal of jurisdiction recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and so has very close ties .

    作为国际商事仲裁制度基础性 理论的争议事项的可仲裁性问题,它与仲裁协议的有效性、仲裁庭 管辖 确定、仲裁裁决的承认与执行等都有着十分密切的联系。

  • Oppugn sand blames base on the theory of adult jurisdiction is inequitable those will harm to the development of JJS as well .

    因此基于成人 司法 理论的立场,而对少年司法制度产生的种种指责与质疑均是不公正的,也是有害于少年司法 制度发展的。

  • In section two the conception and the main contents of the theory of relative jurisdiction are presented and this theory is criticized .

    第四节对美国电子合同 案件 司法 管辖 理论,即最低限度接触理论进行了分析和批判,并介绍了美国的相关实践。

  • The Partial Society Theory is a new theoretical tool which is developed by Japanese judges through cases in order to define the scope of jurisdiction .

    部分社会 是日本的法官们为界定 审判 的范围,通过判例发展出来的一种新的理论工具,其 理论 基础是有社会,就有法的法社会 观点

  • The first chapter is the introduction to the principle of universal jurisdiction introducing the basic theory of jurisdiction which formed a basis for the later discussion .

    第一章是普遍管辖原则的导论,介绍了 管辖权的基本 理论,以作为后文论述普遍 管辖 原则确立必要性的基础。

  • Therefore under the principle of scientific development concept it has the theory and the practical significance to launch the research on the reform of Enhancing Jurisdiction and Strengthening County .

    因此,在坚持以科学发展观统领县域经济发展的原则下,对扩 强县改革展开研究具有重大的 理论和现实意义。

  • The determination of jurisdiction of cyber crime brought great impact to traditional theory on jurisdiction the conflict of transnational criminal jurisdiction on cyber crime has become more serious .

    网络犯罪的管辖权的确定给传统的刑法管辖权 理论带来了极大的冲击,跨国网络犯罪刑事 管辖 的冲突日益严重。

  • Therefore it is essential to define the theory and design the procedure to improve the system of objection jurisdiction .

    因此,从 理论上论证及从程序设计上完善 管辖 异议制度已刻不容缓。

  • The study focuses on the theory and practice of the Long-arm Jurisdiction in U.S. the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship and the Doctrine of Autonomy of the Parties .

    本章主要对美国的长臂 管辖 、最密切联系原则和意思自治原则发展,并运用于互联网环境下确定涉外民事 管辖 的有关 理论和实践加以阐述。

  • The new theory stresses the principles of balancing different interests and safeguarding national interests under the guidance of applicable rules which help optimize the criteria of internet infringement jurisdiction in China .

    强调适用规则应注重利益平衡和维护国民利益原则,对我国网络侵权案件 管辖 的确定标准进行了完善。