territorial claim

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl klem][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl kleim]

[法] 领土要求

  • An ADIZ requires foreign aircraft entering the airspace to identify themselves and Chinese officials have stressed it is not a territorial claim .

    防空识别区要求进入相关空域的外国飞机报告自己的身份,中国官员强调称,它不是一种 领土 要求

  • The first six letters of Paraguay are spread over the Chaco area implying a territorial claim to the area .

    首六个字母的“巴拉圭”遍布查科地区,这意味着 领土 主张的地区。

  • US scientists are due to leave for the Arctic today to gather key data to support a territorial claim in the latest sign of growing international interest in the resource-rich and contested region .

    美国科学家将于今日前往北极收集关键数据,以支持美国对北极地区的 领土 主张。这个最新迹象表明,各国对于资源丰富、相互竭力争夺的北极地区的兴趣正日益浓厚。

  • Firstly the essay explains the right of application and the territorial jurisdiction holding the opinion our law should prescribe enrolling claim right .

    首先,对动产抵押权登记的申请权和 地域管辖进行了分析和说明,主张我国应建立登记 请求权制度。