


  • Identification of Tetraploid Potato Anther Culture and Its Regenerated Plant

    马铃薯 四倍体 栽培 品种花药培养及再生植株的鉴定

  • By some unexplained mechanism the entry of the bacterium into a tetraploid cell stimulates the plant cell to divide and the continued division of these cells results in this formation of the nodule .

    通过某种不明的机制,细菌侵入 四倍体细胞后刺激了植物细胞的分裂,这样持续分裂导致了根瘤的形成。

  • Study of Dioscorea Zingiberensis on Tetraploid Inducement and Rapid Propagation Technology

    盾叶薯蓣 四倍体诱导及快繁技术的研究

  • The Genetic Evaluation of Plantlets on Fodder-type Tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia

    饲料型 四倍体刺槐组培苗的遗传学鉴定

  • The Research of Rapid Propagation and Salt Stress on Tetraploid Robinia Pseudoacacia


  • Water Use Efficiency and Carbon Isotopic Compositions in Tetraploid Clones of Black Locust under Drought Resistance

    干旱胁迫下 四倍体 刺槐 幼苗水分利用效率及稳定碳同位素组成的研究

  • There are tetraploid and diploid regenerated plants in Page tangelo + Valencia orange and Hongju tangerine + Rough lemon .

    丹西红橘+粗柠檬和佩奇橘柚+伏令夏橙2个组合的再生植株既有二倍体也有 四倍体

  • Study on the Adaptive of Different Cultivation Models of Tetraploid Black Locust in TianShui Area

    天水地区不同栽培模式 四倍体刺槐适应性研究

  • If however the root cell is one of the rare tetraploid cells ( a cell having four sets of chromosomes that arise spontaneously in the root ) it may develop into a nodule .

    如果这个根细胞是罕见的 四倍体细胞(一种在根部自然拥有四套染色体的细胞),它就可能生长成为根瘤。

  • DNA methylation patterns of mouse tetraploid embryos

    小鼠 四倍体早期胚胎基因组甲基化模式

  • Leaf Quality Identification of Tetraploid Mulberry Variety E-sang No.2


  • Such a gamete may be produced by tetraploid tissues or it may be the result of faulty meiosis .

    这样的配子可能是通过 四倍体组织或者是错误的减数分裂产生的。

  • Comparative Studies on the Morphological Characteristics of Diploid and Tetraploid of Wild Sickle Alfalfa

    二倍体和 四倍体野生黄花苜蓿形态特征比较研究

  • Preliminary Study on the Induction in vitro of Tetraploid Mini-watermelon

    小果型西瓜离体诱导 四倍体的初步研究

  • By comparing with other cytological data of Campanulaceae this species is probably tetraploid and the genus Homocodon maybe close to Campanula and Adenophora in phylogeny .

    通过比较桔梗科已有的大量细胞学资料认为该类群应该与风铃草属和 沙参属所代表的类群关系较近。

  • Infrared Spectrum Analysis of Tetraploid Flos Lonicerae New Variety


  • Optimization transformation system of tetraploid

    四倍体 刺槐 遗传转化体系优化的 研究

  • Ovule Culture of Interspecific Hybrids from Diploid Wild Cotton X Tetraploid Cultivars and the Embryo and Seedling Development

    棉属二倍体野生棉与 四倍体栽培棉种间杂交的胚珠培养

  • Two diploid gametes may fuse to give a tetraploid zygote or gamete may develop directly by parthenogenesis .

    两个二倍体配子融合可能产生一个 四倍体合子,这样的配子也可以通过孤雌生殖直接发育而来。

  • Effects of Temperatures and Day Times Treatments on Tetraploid Induction and Its Ploidy Identification in Watermelon

    温度和处理时段对西瓜 四倍体诱导的影响及其倍性鉴定

  • Tissue culture of tetraploid clones K2 and K3 of Robinia pseudoacacia


  • Taking the diploid and tetraploid cultivars of fodder beet as experimental materials the relationship between chromosome ploidy and leaf stomatal characters was studied .

    以饲用甜菜二倍体和 四倍体为试验材料,研究了气孔的长、宽度及气孔保卫细胞叶绿体数目与倍性的关系。

  • Preliminary Study on the Inducement of Tetraploid Quality Small Watermelon Using Colchicine to Soak Root

    秋水仙素浸根法诱导优质小型西瓜 四倍体试验初报

  • This is the first report on the methylation patterns of in vitro-derived mouse tetraploid embryos .

    这是对小鼠 四倍体早期胚胎基因组甲基化模式的首次报道。

  • A micro-propagation system for tetraploid black locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia ) was established by using its shoots .

    通过茎段离体培养建立了 四倍体刺槐无性系的微体繁殖体系。

  • The player tries to get into the penalty box by passing a teammate who relays the ball back to him . Two diploid gametes may fuse to give a tetraploid zygote or gamete may develop directly by parthenogenesis .

    球员将尝试利用与同伴的二过一配合突入禁区。两个二倍体配子融合可能产生一个 四倍体合子,这样的配子也可以通过孤雌生殖直接发育而来。

  • Research Progress on the source of tetraploid mulberry in Guangxi

    广西桑树 四倍体种质资源的研究进展

  • The bacteria multiply rapidly within the tetraploid cells and become surrounded by a membrane synthesized by the host plant .

    细菌在 四倍体细胞中快速繁殖,并逐渐被宿主植物合成的膜所包围。

  • Research on Allopolyploid and Tetraploid Breeding of Scallop

    扇贝异源多倍体与 四倍体培育技术研究

  • Variation and vitality of seed embryos from tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia

    刺槐 同源 四倍体种子胚变异及生活力分析