tetragonal prism


  • Crystal Tube of Tetragonal Prism of New Inorganic Compound

    具有 独立 形状的新无机化合物 四方 棱柱晶质管

  • In this paper the approximation calculation method based on calculation model of earthwork formula of tetragonal prism is described .

    介绍了以 棱柱 土方公式为计算模型的试算法确定大型场地平整最优设计标高近似解的方法。

  • The active vibration control of adaptive structures for large complex spacecrafts is studied by Human-Simulated Intelligent Control ( HSIC ) experiments of a tetragonal prism truss with a test platform based on MATLAB / dSPACE environment .

    针对大型空间结构,基于 MATLAB/dSPACE综合实验环境建立了以压电堆式主动构件为作动器的自适应桁架结构主动振动控制平台,进行了仿人智能控制实验研究。