texture correlation

[ˈtɛkstʃɚ ˌkɔrəˈleʃən][ˈtekstʃə ˌkɔ:rəˈleɪʃən]

[计] 纹理相关

  • Soluble solids content of rambutan was described by the image texture and its maximum correlation coefficient was 87.2 % based on the support vector regression and histogram matrix characteristics .

    红毛丹可溶性固形物含量的X射线图像检测采用 纹理 特征描述的方法,利用直方图矩特征和支持向量机回归方法预测红毛丹可溶性固形物含量的 相关系数最高可达87.2%。

  • The proposed algorithm has CFAR property with respect to the texture statistical characterization . A sensitivity analysis shows that the probability of false alarm is only slightly affected by variations in the clutter correlation properties .

    该算法关于杂波的 结构分量统计特性有恒虚警的性质,敏感度分析表明虚警概率仅轻微地受到杂波 相关特性变化的影响。

  • Based on the texture correlation of the neighboring image-blocks part of intra-frame prediction modes with high probability are selected for current image - block which implement the primary scalability of computational complexity .

    利用相邻图像块 纹理 相关性,选择概率大的部分预测模式对当前图像块进行处理,实现帧内预测复杂度的初步分级;

  • It describes the image texture with gray level co-occurrence matrix ( GLCM ) and segments and matches the less-textured area by the contrast entropy and correlation features obtained from the GLCM .

    该算法 利用灰度共生矩阵描述图像的 纹理特征,并通过灰度共生矩阵的对比度、熵和 相关性特征来分割和匹配纹理单一区域。

  • A new characteristic based on the grads texture of image is defined and a new correlation matching method is put forward . Meanwhile the similarity measurement of the new method is the difference of aiming template and real-time image .

    文中定义了一种基于梯度 纹理的新特征,并以目标模板与实时图像的新特征差异为相似性度量,提出了一种新的 相关匹配算法。

  • The new energy function includes structure energy 、 texture energy and correlation energy .

    本文提出了新的能量函数,它包括了结构能量、 纹理能量以及 相关性能量。

  • Feature extraction program based on texture is chosen after comprehensive comparision . Six texture characteristic parameters including Angular Second Moment Contrast Correlation Inverse Difference Moment Entropy and Variance are extracted according to the medical experience .

    综合比较后选择基于灰度共生矩阵的纹理特征提取方案,结合医生经验提取二阶矩、对比度、 相关、逆差矩、熵、方差六个类间差异显著的 纹理特征。

  • With color histogram as its basis and combinatory with the color shape and texture characteristics of image this paper puts forward a kind of search algorithm based on the correlation and polymerization histogram .

    在颜色直方图的基础上,结合图像的颜色、形状和 纹理特征,提出了一种基于 相关聚合直方图的图像检索算法。

  • This paper is based on the gray-level co-occurrence matrix method and particularly study some texture features used for the classification of SAR images including difference variance 、 difference average 、 difference entropy 、 contrast 、 energy 、 variance 、 sum variance 、 inverse difference moment and correlation etc.

    基于灰度共生矩阵技术,研究了可用于合成孔径雷达图像分类的灰度共生矩阵中差方差、差熵、对比度、能量、方差等 纹理特征量,分析了其特征提取和分类 特性

  • With the help of the SPSS statistical software the influence of material yarn texture and fabric structure on the friction characteristics was analyzed by the methods of single correlation and stepwise linear regression .

    并运用SPSS软件,通过单 因素 分析和逐步线性回归分析,研究原料种类、纱线 类型和织物结构等对织物.皮肤摩擦性能的影响。

  • The construction of the valid annotation model or method plays a great role to improve the performance and efficiency of AIA . ( 1 ) Firstly this thesis proposes a new technology which combines image color and texture based on Canonical correlation analysis ( CCA ) .

    有效的标注模型或方法的构建,对于改进AIA的性能与效率会起到很重要的作用。(1)研究了依据典型 相关分析(CCA)组合颜色与 纹理 特征的方法。

  • There were 7 characteristic parameters of Hu moments in shape feature . And 4 characteristic values of texture feature were picked up such as second moment moment of inertia inverse difference moment and grayscale correlation . 4 .

    形状特征提取出了Hu矩的7个特征参数; 纹理特征提取出二阶矩、惯性矩、逆差矩和灰度 相关性的4个特征值。

  • The issues of generating the vector data into texture in real-time vector texture pyramid model the correlation of vector texture and the DEM block and the judge of the texture block are studied in the paper .

    本文研究了矢量数据实时生成纹理、矢量 纹理金字塔模型、矢量纹理与DEM分块 对应 关系以及纹理分块判断等问题。

  • The method improves the estimate of the index of fractional Brownian motion and describes natural texture images with the auto correlation function of the intensity difference between textures .

    该方法利用 纹理图像亮度差值的自 相关函数来描述自然 纹理

  • Real-time texture synthesis is well researched in chapter 4 : ( 1 ) we present a new method of image mosaic based on maximum and intensity correlation and we use this improved image mosaic method to accelerate Image Quilting algorithm .

    对二维实时 纹理合成算法展开了深入地研究,主要内容包括:(1)介绍基于最大梯度和灰度 相关匹配的ImageQuilting加速算法,基本达到实时性要求;

  • A category of the fingerprints which has the different orientation angle structure in different local area of a fingerprint and has a texture pattern correlation among the neighboring local areas of a fingerprint can be viewed as a Markov stochastic field .

    同一类型指纹不同区域上方向角结构的差异以及相邻区域间方向角 结构 联系可以视作一个马尔可夫随机场。

  • For describing the texture features of satellite infrared image statistical measures included energy inertia entropy correlation gray mean and variance are computed on the base of gray co-occurrence matrix and one-dimensional histogram .

    为了描述卫星侦察红外图像背景的 纹理特征,基于灰度共生矩阵和直方图,计算了能量、惯性矩、熵、 相关性、灰度均值和方差等统计特征指标。