text angle

[tɛkst ˈæŋɡəl][tekst ˈæŋɡl]

[计] 正文角度,文本角度

  • This text provide an angle of view for the study of youth ideological education .

    为青年思想教育问题的研究提供一个 视角

  • This text promotes the visual angle that the functions of management of the risk of the bank deepen with the information technology combine reality closely has put forward the level of utilizing the information technology to promote risk management .

    本文从信息技术推动银行风险功能深化的 视角,紧密结合我国的实际,提出了利用信息技术提升风险管理水平的建议。

  • This text is from the angle management accountancy to study the business enterprise logistics costing .

    本文从管理会计的 角度来研究企业物流成本计算。

  • But this text angle chooses from the quality discusses how the latent entrant chooses to the quality into the market and gives the quantitative relation of the quality choice .

    本文从质量选择的 角度,讨论了潜在进入者如何选择进入质量进入市场,并给出了质量选择的定量关系。

  • On the other hand from text angle the paper discusses the rhetoric effects and textual functions of redundancy with typical data .

    另一方面, 文章 角度,采用典型的语料探讨了冗余在语篇中的修辞效果和语篇功能。

  • So this text proceeds with structural angle of financing analyze the structural impact on capital market of financing hope to draw some meaningful conclusions .

    因此, 本文从融资结构 角度 入手,分析融资结构对资本市场的影响,希望得出一些有意义的结论。

  • This text manage the angle from the finance and introduce the current business enterprise to enhance the necessity to manage to credit sale business with the concrete measure .

    从财务管理 角度,亟须加强当前企业对赊销业务管理的具体措施。

  • This text angle manage from the superhighway discuss in all aspects the superhighway manages to win the meaning of carry through the ISO9000 clan standard investigating to promote the path and valid execution measures of the quantity management system .

    本文从高速公路管理的 角度,论述了在高速公路管理中贯彻ISO9000族标准的意义,吸取国内贯标经验,探索了推行管理体系的途径及有效的实行措施。

  • The study method is from dynamic text angle ie regarding translating as a inter-cultural communication which is accomplished through text .

    本文的研究方法是动态的 视角,即把翻译视为一种动态的跨文化交际过程,而交际是通过语篇完成的,而且立论将建立在充分的英汉互译语料基础上。

  • Second by analyzing existing text classification technology we discuss Chinese text classification at an angle of Text Mining which includes word segmentation characteristic extracting characteristic matching in Chinese text etc and accomplish a system ( STCS ) .

    其次,通过分析现有的文本分类技术,从文本挖掘的 角度研究了中文 文本的分类问题,包括中文的分词、特征提取、特征匹配等问题,设计了文本分类系统(STCS)。

  • It is stated from test materials the content of text and the Angle of the types of questions proposition design such as referenced answer of literature text reading dimension .

    本文重点是从 文本测试的材料、考查的内容以及命题的 角度、题型的设计、参考答案等维度对文学类文本阅读的试题进行较全方面的 分析

  • Under the background that our country needs to overcome the social fair question in present stage urgently the text proposes a new angle to study social fairness question namely take the hearing system as the thinking angle to analyze social fairness question at present .

    在我国现阶段急需克服社会公正问题的背景下, 提出研究我国社会公正问题的新 角度,即以听证制度为视角分析我国现阶段的社会公正问题,从而为整个研究工作定位。

  • This text proceeds from theory angle first has explained the concept the domestic and international research dynamic status and meaning of studying of Human Resources Development .

    本文先从理论 角度 出发,阐述了人力资源开发的概念、国内外的研究动态以及研究意义。

  • Be used as to try once this text corresponds from the angle of the sociology to the institutional analysis announce to public concrete path and tiny view activities that system changes with the period and the connection of the macroscopic construction .

    作为一次尝试, 本文从社会学的 角度 切入对制度的分析,以期揭示制度变迁的具体路径及微观行动与宏观结构之间的关联。

  • The concept of the intelligence course that this text angle that reform from the course under the network with the multimedia environment analyzed Pass to according to the theory of multiple intelligences guides the characteristic analysis of the next intelligence course ;

    本文从课程改革的 角度分析了在网络和多媒体环境下的“智能课程”的概念,通过对基于多元智能理论指导下的“智能课程”的特征分析;

  • This text is from the angle that the medical treatment consume growing the tallest price control for the single disease to consume to the medical treatment the influence that Chinese medicine get relation launch the study .

    本文从医疗消费的 角度,就单病种最高限价对医疗消费中医患关系的影响展开探讨。

  • For trying to find a really suitable method in research and to have an appropriate conclusion of her writing this thesis analyses Xiao Hong 's narrative text from stylistic angle .

    本文主要从文体的 角度对萧红的叙事 文本进行分析,试图找出真正适合她的研究方法,得出和作家创作风格相熨贴的结论。

  • This text proceeds from this angle to China Post especially carried on deep analysis to the market environment trade characteristic and present current situation of postal enterprises of Qinhuangdao .

    本文就从这个 角度出发,对中国邮政,特别是对秦皇岛邮政企业的市场环境、行业特点以及目前的现状进行深入的分析。

  • This text only angle learn from the design art talk slightly < wu ming zuo che zi > of concerning ancient car design of above-mentioned problem .

    本文仅从设计艺术学的 角度,略谈《五明坐车子》中的关于古车设计的上述问题。

  • This text from the angle of psychology analyses general and special characteristic of boxing athlete s and puts forward a few methods of psychological training .

    本文从心理学的 角度对拳击运动员的心理一般特征和特殊特征进行了分析,同时也据此提出了拳击运动员的一些心理训练手段与方法。

  • On this basis this text manage from values angle to propose the cultivation thought of the enterprise core countermeasure strive to provide the valued reference suggestion for the practice of the core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises .

    在此基础上, 本文还从价值观管理 角度提出企业核心竞争力培育的对策思路,力求为中国企业的核心竞争力建设实践提出富有价值的参考建议。

  • This text proceeds from urbanization angle the inner link of studying urbanization development and land of Jiangsu province while utilizing analyze its existing problem propose solving countermeasure and method of the land sustainable utilization problem in the urbanization process .

    本文从城市化 角度出发,研究江苏城市化发展与土地利用之间的内在联系,分析其存在的问题,并提出解决城市化进程中土地可持续利用问题的对策与方法。

  • On How to Interpret Teaching Text in the Angle of Teacher 's View

    论教师对教材 文本 解读

  • In this paper we tried to analyze different rhetoric devices and discuss rhetoric beauty of the text from the angle of aesthetics stylistics rhetorical theory linguistics and other disciplines i. e. making our research interdisciplinary and integral .

    在行文过程中,笔者尝试分析各种修辞手段,并从美学、语言学、修辞学等多个 角度讨论广告 文本的辞彩美,以促使我们的跨学科研究走向更加全面。

  • This is a studying paper about Jian article of Zhenguan period of Tang dynasty in text angle of view .

    本文从谏的 文本 角度对贞观时期的谏文做了基本的研究。

  • Since Yang Yi understands the source text from a male angle and then writes it in a standard patriarchal language she formalizes a male identity in her version .

    杨苡从男性的 角度来理解 原文,并且使用男性的标准语言来撰写译文,因此从一定意义上来讲她在译本中体现了男性身份。

  • It is possible to find out a new kind of discourse when we enter this important text from the angle of cultural study .

    从文化研究的 角度进入这一重要 文本,出现了寻找一种新的话语的可能性。

  • As to the present development route of urbanization of villages we must offer a theory frame to analyse this text proceeds from angle of economics pointed out economics reason and universal law of urbanization of villages that the urbanization formed and developed .

    反思当前的农村城市化发展路径,必须提供一个理论分析框架, 本文从经济学的 角度出发,指出了城市化形成和发展的经济学原因及其农村城市化的一般规律;

  • This text angle that learn come and understand relevant issue of subject this from Chinese person who study mainly .

    本文主要从语文研究性学习的 角度来解读这一课题的有关问题。