



  • Double reduction exhibited at As-073 simultaneously gave evidence of tetrasomic inheritance .

    同时观测到位点 As-073上出现双减少配子, 四倍体遗传提供了证据。

  • Plant aneuploids such as monosomic trisomic tetrasomic et al are the important basic materials for genetic study and chromosome engineering breeding and in the physic orientation of gene loci or molecular markers or linkage groups their function is without substitution .

    植物单体、 三体缺失 等非整倍体是遗传研究和染色体工程育种的重要基础材料,在基因及分子标记的物理定位、 确定连锁群与染色体的 对应 关系上具有不可替代的作用。