thermonuclear reaction

[ˌθɚmoˈnukliɚ riˈækʃən][ˌθə:məuˈnju:kliə riˈækʃən]


  • A thermonuclear reaction in the interior of stars .

    在恒星内部发生的一种 热核 反应

  • Between 1990-92 through experimentation thermonuclear fusion reaction was achieved through the method of indirect driving and thermonuclear neutron was observed .

    接着在1990-1992年间通过实验,用间接驱动方式实现 热核聚变 反应,观察到了热核中子。

  • Full name of the ITER is International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor the international thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor ITER device is one that produces large-scale fusion reaction of superconducting Tokmak commonly known as artificial Sun .

    ITER全称Internationalthermonuclearexperimentalreactor,国际 热核聚变实验反应堆,ITER装置是一个能产生大规模核聚变 反应的超导托克马克,俗称人造太阳。

  • A new mechanism of thermonuclear reaction is briefly introduced .

    最后,着重介绍一种新的 热核 反应机制。

  • Nothing less than a fission bomb can ignite a thermonuclear reaction .

    威力比一个裂变炸弹小的任何东西都不能点燃 热核 反应

  • Turbulent stress also Causes the thermonuclear reaction of the He burning shell in AGB star not to be un-stable and the occurrence of the thermal pulse greatly ahead of time and very frequent .

    使AGB星氦壳层 热核 反应更加不稳定,热脉动的发生大大提前了,而且更加频繁。

  • Thus controlled thermonuclear fusion reaction can be is the best source of energy .

    因而,受控 热核聚变 反应能是最理想的能源。

  • The SG-III Laser driver facility now under construction is a significant project in China it is used to start thermonuclear reaction by generating high power laser beams under laboratory conditions .

    神光III激光装置是我国在建的一项重大的工程项目,其 作用是在实验室条件下产生高能量激光,从而驱动 热核 聚变

  • The sub clusters make nuclein structure have strict arrange sequence through thermonuclear reaction in the course of forming atomic nuclei ;

    二是形成原子核时群子通过 热核 聚合 反应过程使核素结构有严格的排列顺序;

  • The effect of electron screening on thermonuclear reaction in high magnetic fields is discussed . It is shown that the screening potential would increase in strong magnetic fields (~ 10 13 G ) in relatively low density (ρ / μ e ~ 10 5mol · cm - 3 );

    讨论了强磁场下,电荷屏蔽对 热核 反应的影响,结果表明,在相对低的密度下(ρ/μe~105mol·cm-3),强磁场(~1013G)使得电荷屏蔽势能增加;

  • Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis on the Inner Systems of Thermonuclear Reaction in Tokamaks

    托卡马克受控 热核 反应装置内部的非线性动力学分析

  • The Criterion of the Unstable Thermonuclear Reaction in the Helium Burning Shell of a Thermal Pulsation AGB Star

    AGB星氦燃烧壳层源出现非稳定 热核 反应的判据

  • The total yield and energy spectra of the secon-dary particles of thermonuclear reaction

    热核 反应中次级粒子的总产额和能谱