thermoplastic plastic

[ˌθɚməˈplæstɪk ˈplæstɪk][ˌθə:məˈplæstik ˈplɑ:stik]


  • Wood-Plastic Composites which use of wood material ( lignin wood flour wood fiber or plant fibers etc. ) filled thermoplastic polymer have the advantages of both wood and plastic .

    木塑复合材料(Wood-plasticcomposites,简称WPC)是一种用木质材料(木质素(Lignin),木粉,木纤维或植物纤维等)填充 聚合物的复合材料,兼有木材和 塑料的优点。

  • MC Nylon is a new thermoplastic engineering plastic used abundantly in many fields .

    MC尼龙,是一种新型的 工程 塑料,现已广泛应用于很多行业中。

  • This dissertation regard the application of turbulent flow pulverizing technology in thermoplastic as research object introduces the application domain and preparation of plastic ultra-fine powder .

    本文以湍流超细粉碎技术在 塑料中的应用为研究对象,介绍了 塑料超细粉体的应用领域与制备技术,概述了撞击式粉碎的相关粉碎理论。

  • The Company is a professional sales and production of thermoplastic synthetic rubber body and special elastomer plastic .

    本公司为专业销售和生产 人造橡胶弹体及特种弹性体 塑料

  • Firstly the interactional principle of laser and material the physical and chemical properties of the thermoplastic plastic is studied in theory and the laser sintering mechanism of powder is also studied .

    首先从理论上分析了激光与材料相互作用原理和 塑料的物理、化学性质,并且研究了粉末激光烧结机理。

  • As thermoplastic polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) which is famous as The King of Plastic has been widely used as antiseptic and friction materials for excellent chemical stability and lubricating properties .

    聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)是一种 塑料,有 塑料王之称,具有高度的化学稳定性和优异的润滑性,是重要的防腐和减摩材料。

  • The recent applications of twin - screw reactive extrusion technique to thermoplastic elastomer plastic alloy and reactive synthesis etc. were presented . The production and research of nylon 6 by reactive extrusion was detailed .

    叙述了近年来双螺杆反应挤出技术在 弹性体、 塑料合金及反应合成等领域的应用,着重阐述反应挤出尼龙6的生产和研究。

  • The FRP materials can be divided into FRTP ( fiber reinforced thermoplastic plastic ) and FRSP ( fiber reinforced thermoset plastic ) according to the resin materials .

    FRP材料根据树脂材料的不同分为FRTP( FRP)和 FRSP(热固性FRP)两种;

  • Thermoplastic polyurethane ( TPU ) membrane is a new type of the plastic films and it is available to meet specific application that unavailable in other thermoplastics .

    聚氨酯(TPU)薄膜是 塑料薄膜中的新产品。

  • As a kind as PHA PHB has properties similar with thermoplastic plastic and polypropylene and is biodegradable and biocompatible as well .

    聚羟基丁酸酯(PHB)是PHA的一种,它具有类似 塑料和聚丙烯的性质,还具有生物可降解性和生物相容性。

  • Research Progress on Thermoplastic Starch Cushioning Package Foam Plastic

    淀粉类缓冲包装发泡 塑料研究进展

  • Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene ( ABS ) is a kind of thermoplastic engineering plastic . Nevertheless both of them are flammable .

    丙稀腈丁二烯苯乙烯共聚物(ABS)是一种性能优良的 工程 塑料,其应用也十分广泛。