


  • The thief was put on probation for two years .

    这个 小偷被处以两年缓刑。

  • A thief ran off with hundreds of pounds yesterday after holding up a petrol station .

    一名 窃贼昨天持械抢劫一家加油站后带着数百英镑逃跑了。

  • The thieves snatched the camera .


  • The police are in chase of the thief .

    警察在追捕 小偷

  • The thief was dragged off to the police station .

    那个 小偷给揪到派出所去了。

  • The thief entered by the window . ; The thief came in through the window .


  • The dogs were smelling round ; perhaps they smelt the thief .

    那些狗在到处嗅,也许它们嗅到了 小偷的气味。

  • The thief hit him a thump on the head .


  • You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card

    如果 小偷盗用你的信用卡,你的卡会立即受到保护。

  • The thief abstracted a wallet from his pocket .


  • Obviously the thief had simply walked out this way as bold as brass .

    显然 贼人是从这里大摇大摆出去的。

  • The thief shook in his shoes when he was caught in the act .


  • Don 't leave your shopping on the back seat of your car — it 's an open invitation to a thief .

    别把买的东西放在汽车后座上——那会 招来 小偷的。

  • They always take habitual tactics of standing facts on their heads and of a thief crying “ stop thief ” .

    他们经常使用颠倒是非、 贼喊捉贼的伎俩。

  • The thief broke into the house .


  • The thief ran into the crowd and vanished .


  • The thief was tailed by a policeman .


  • The thief was seized and turned over to a police station .


  • To set a thief to catch a thief that is what we call “ to counteract one toxin with another ” .


  • The thief broke out of the prison and escaped .


  • The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning .

    警方拘留了 盗窃嫌疑犯以作进一步审问。

  • She chased the thief for 100 yards

    她追了 窃贼100码远。

  • The chances are that the thief will be under 21 and doing it for a lark


  • Ness chased the thief down and held him until police arrived

    内斯追上 小偷,按住他,一直等到警察赶到。

  • ' Are you accusing me of being a thief ? ' — ' I have done no such thing Tony . '

    “你在指责我是 小偷吗?”——“我没有做过这种事,托尼。”

  • The police pounced upon the thief .

    警察向 小偷扑了过去。

  • The thief expressed penitence for all his past actions .


  • The thief had broken in through a first-floor window .


  • The thief got clean away with the money

    那个 拿着钱逃之夭夭了。