thick and fast

[θɪk ənd fæst][θik ænd fɑ:st]


  • Chances continued to come thick and fast as United poured forward in numbers .

    随着曼联增加对进攻 兵力的投入,机会也 越来越多。

  • With rapid development of the national economy and increase in consumption of gas in the contemporary society gas pipeline leakages are occurring thick and fast .

    当今社会,国民经济发展迅速,燃气的使用量日益增长,燃气管道的泄漏事故也 频频发生。

  • The rumours have been coming thick and fast

    谣言 接二连三 传来

  • He served the ball out quite often in this set . Traffic accidents are occurring thick and fast in the area .

    在这局中他频频发球出界。这一地区 频频发生交通事故。

  • Unsurprisingly the critiques of Anglo-Saxon capitalism flowed thick and fast .

    对盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义的批评汹涌 而至,这并不令人吃惊。

  • Questions were coming at them thick and fast .

    问题 铺天盖地向他们 来。

  • Numbers came thick and fast : Chinese GDP growth is on track to hit 8 per cent for 2009 ; exports from emerging Asia to China account for more than 22 per cent of the total ; and Chinese loans are growing at 35 per cent year on year .

    各种数据 密集 出台:中国2009年国内生产总值(GDP)增幅有望突破8%;亚洲新兴经济体对华出口占出口总额的22%以上;中国贷款总量同比增长35%。

  • Distress calls were pouring in thick and fast from all over the area .

    求救电话从该地区各地 蜂拥而至

  • Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an epidemic in2000 reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast .

    自从2000年世界卫生组织宣布肥胖是一种流行病的时候,各种关于其弊端的报道 铺天盖地 来。

  • He knew very well that this was not where joy was buried but his tears fell thick and fast .

    这绝不会是小福子的坟,他知道,可是他的泪一串 一串的往下落。

  • Now however they came thick and fast .

    可是,现在信 来得

  • Regardless the battle fire fall thick and fast or stabilize peaceably ;

    无论 战火纷飞,还是和平安定;

  • It 's snowing thick and fast .

    雨(y ù)雪其霏。

  • Clouds are gathering thick and fast .

    云雾 霏霏

  • Traffic accidents are occurring thick and fast in the area .

    这一地区 频频发生交通事故。

  • Snowflakes were falling thick and fast .

    大雪 纷飞

  • The food safty issues cause public height attention in company with food resource be over development food industrial scale enlarge rapidly ecological environment be pollute seriously day after day and the event thick and fast occur that the malignancy event impact food security .

    食品安全问题是20世纪后期随着食品资源的过度开发,食品生产规模的急剧扩大,生态环境污染的日趋严重,以及影响食品安全的全球性恶性事件的 频频发生,而引起各国的高度关注的。

  • Thick and fast indeed came the events .

    事情 接二连三地发生。

  • In recent years the demand of medium and thick plate continues to increase due to the rapid growth of our economy and fast development of urbanization and .

    近年来,由于我国经济高速增长 城市化、工业化建设不断 加快,中 厚板产品的市场需求不断增加,市场容量不断扩大。

  • In recent years the crisis of police public relations occurs thick and fast which severely damages the relationship between police and civilians and the image of police .

    近年来 警察公共关系危机 频频发生,警民关系及警察形象严重受损。

  • In recent years the academic results about the internal control system come out thick and fast owing to the fields of the accounting and financial theory both home and abroad .

    近年来,国内外会计和财务理论界对于内部控制领域的研究学术成果 层出不穷并且建立了 清晰的内部控制框架理论,使得企业内部控制有据 可依,有章可循。

  • New plans are flying thick and fast .

    各种新方案 满天飞

  • The ideas that come so thick and fast to him in any room where are they now ?

    在室内,他的那种 丰富 敏捷的思想现在何方?

  • The rain falls thick and fast on all souls'day | the men and women sadly move along the way .

    清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲 断魂。(杜牧《清明》)

  • His blows came thick and fast .


  • Debt maturities have been pushed out to 2014 after which they come thick and fast .

    债务到期期限已经被推迟到2014年,此后就将面临 密集 到期局面。

  • Proposals to create an all-encompassing opposition have come thick and fast .

    有关建立一个包容各个反对派的联合政党的呼声如今 高涨

  • There are big games coming up thick and fast and we need to be at our best in all of them .

    接下来还有重要的比赛 我们必须 拿出最好的状态。