the Zaire


  • Educated guesses maybe ? If so the estimate of the IMF about the GDP for Zaire were only 60 per cent of those of its sister institution the World Bank .

    或许是有根据的推测?如果是这样的话,国际货币基金组织(IMF)所估计的 扎伊尔 GDP,只有其兄弟机构世界银行的60%。

  • The strain of Ebola that broke out in Zaire has one of the highest case fatality rates of any human virus roughly 90 % .

    扎伊尔 埃博拉病毒 致死率高达90%,是致死率最高的几种人类病毒之一。

  • In30 minutes the test detects viral proteins of Zaire and Sudan Ebola virus from samples of patients'urine and serum using an'immunofiltration assay ' .

    测试使用一种免疫渗滤化验技术,可以在30分钟内从患者的尿液和血浆中检测到 扎伊尔 和苏丹型埃博拉病毒的蛋白。

  • USA ranks the first in oil shale reserves the next are Russia Zaire Brazil Canada Jordan Australia and China .

    美国油页岩储量居世界首位,其次则为俄罗斯、 扎伊尔、巴西、加拿大、约旦、澳大利亚和中国。

  • United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Flash Appeal for the Great Lakes Region in Response to the Crisis in Eastern Zaire

    联合国就 扎伊尔东部危机发出的大湖区问题机构间紧急联合呼吁

  • China is hardly the most corrupt place that I have ever worked but Beijing would not much like being lumped in with the other ones ( Zaire under Mobutu sese Seko anyone ? ) .

    中国绝对不是在我所工作过的国家里腐败最严重 国家,并且中国也不愿意被与其他腐败国家相提并论,比如蒙博托塞塞塞科(mobutuseseseko)领导下的 扎伊尔

  • The Democratic Republic of Congo formerly Zaire is a huge country in Central Africa with sixty million people .

    刚果共和国前身是 扎伊尔,是中非的一个大国家,人口6千万。

  • A group of Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of the Sudan and Zaire and Uganda and Tanzania .

    分布于苏丹、 扎伊尔、乌干达和坦桑尼亚 部分地区的尼罗-撒哈拉语系的分支。

  • The researchers had originally wanted to develop a test for all strains of the virus but they found that it was only sensitive to the Zaire and Sudan strains .

    这组科学家最初希望开发一种能检测所有埃博拉毒株的测试,但是他们发现该技术只对 扎伊尔和苏丹毒株敏感。

  • In 1971 the republic of Congo changed its name to Zaire and in 1997 its name returned to the republic of Congo until now .

    1971年 刚果共和国改国名为 扎伊尔,1997年重新恢复为刚果共和国,并 沿用至今。

  • The country formerly called Zaire has faced international pressure to stop an epidemic of rapes .

    这个原名为 扎伊尔的国家面临国际压力,以阻止强奸的蔓延。

  • International Association for the Industrialization of North-East Zaire


  • A Bantu language of the Kongo used as a lingua franca in southern congo western zaire and Northern angola .

    刚果语刚果人讲的一种班图语,在刚果南部、 扎伊尔西部和安哥拉北部用作一种通用语言。

  • A major African river ( one of the world 's longest ); flows through Zaire into the South Atlantic .

    非洲一条主河流,世界最长 河流之一;流经 扎伊尔,汇入南大西洋。

  • The program includes replacing the signaling system in the provinces of Cabinda Kwanza-Sul Luanda Namibe Benguela and Zaire .

    该工程还包括在卡宾达省、南宽扎省、罗安达省、纳米贝省、本格拉省、 扎伊尔省更换新信号系统。

  • I am going to do China the favour of not treating it like Zaire .

    我将帮中国 忙,不再像在 扎伊尔一样 容忍 上述 行为

  • The Copperbelt of Africa is one of the largest copper-cobalt industrial territorial complexes in the world including Katanga complex in Zaire and the Copperbelt complexes in Zambia .

    非洲 铜带是世界上最大的铜钴工业综合体之一。

  • He spelt the nations of Africa running alphabetically from Algeria to Zaire .

    他按字母顺序拼出了从阿尔及利亚到 扎伊尔 所有非洲国家。

  • The capital of Zaire on the Congo river opposite Brazzaville .


  • The Ebola virus first found in Zaire and the Sudan in1976 causes massive hemorrhaging in human body which throws the victim into shock and is usually fatal .

    埃博拉病毒,1976年在 扎伊尔和苏丹首次发现,会引起人体大量内出血,造成病人休克甚至死亡。