


  • Soil natural thermoluminescence survey is the nuclear technical method which has better penetrating power .

    土壤天然 测量是一种穿透能力较强的核技术方法,能探测到地下较 深处 地球 物理信息。

  • The thermal neutron flux density is measured with Soild State Nuclear Track Detector ( SSNTD ) and the γ radiation dose rate is detected with Thermoluminescence Dosimeter ( TLD ) .

    中子通量密度采用固体核径迹探测器测量,γ辐射剂量率用 探测器测定。

  • Soil natural thermoluminescence surveying is an accumulation method of measuring radon and it can measure radon in a long time .

    土壤天然 测量方法是一种累积型测氡方法。

  • Thermoluminescence dosimetry thermoluminescent dosimetry apparatus


  • The quality control of thermoluminescence dosimetry is discussed .

    讨论了 剂量测量的质量控制问题。

  • Research degree on the thermoluminescence of minerals and rocks is low in the study of microscopic characteristics of mineral crystals .

    矿物和岩石的 是矿物晶体特征中研究程度较低的领域。

  • Quality Assurance for Using Thermoluminescence Dosimetry to Monitor the Entrance Surface Doses of Examinees Undergoing X-ray Diagnoses

    监测受检者入射体表剂量的 方法的质量保证

  • A review on the thermoluminescence dating is presented .

    本文评述了 断代的 近况

  • Measurement conditions of natural soil thermoluminescence and their application in a granite type uranium deposit

    花岗岩型铀矿床土壤天然 最佳测试条件研究与应用

  • There were significant differences in the thermoluminescence spectra among the4 types of urinary stones which can provide an important basis for the clinic diagnosis of urinary stone types .

    四类肾结石的 光谱存在显著差异,可为临床上诊断肾结石的类型提供启示。

  • The response of375 ℃ thermoluminescence ( TL ) peak of quartz to radiation can be changed .

    我们观察到了石英375℃ 光峰存在灵敏度的变化。

  • The design principles of thermoluminescence personal dosimeter including undifferential trunk dosimeter and differential trunk dosimeter are proposed .

    提出了 个人剂量计的设计原则,其中包括无鉴别躯干剂量计、有鉴别躯干剂量计等;

  • This study investigated the feasibility of thermoluminescence ( TL ) method in the detection of irradiated food .

    研究了 (TL)法用于辐照食品检测的可行性。

  • The Jixi 's fluorite was irradiated by beta rays in order to find the thermoluminescence characteristics of this fluorite .

    安徽 绩溪萤石对β射线照射有良好的 响应。

  • Lithium fluoride thermoluminescence dosimeter

    放射 发光剂量计氟化锂 剂量计

  • 3414 Fertilizer Response Experiment on Rice in 2008 at Jixi County Anhui Province The Jixi 's fluorite was irradiated by beta rays in order to find the thermoluminescence characteristics of this fluorite .

    2008年绩溪县水稻3414肥料效应田间试验报告安徽 绩溪萤石对β射线照射有良好的 响应。

  • The basic characteristic of120 ℃ thermoluminescence peak of iceland spar was studied .

    对冰洲石120℃ 峰的基本特性进行初步研究。

  • Moreover analysis of the thermoluminescence spectra was carried out with different flux .

    此外,基于不同助熔剂下 不同 发光性能,从另外的角度比较了 产物特征,对 样品又进行了 光谱分析。

  • Thermoluminescence dosimeter system for radiotherapy level monitoring

    GB/T16817-1997治疗级剂量监测用 测量系统

  • Some fundamental Characteristics of thermoluminescence ( TL ) of natural quartz have been probed by experiments in this paper .

    通过实验探讨了天然石英 的若干基本特性: 天然石英和经人工辐照石英的 发光 曲线;热释光信号的热稳定性;

  • Ans 3 : Right brain is in its most active state during early age ( 0-3 ) . An Investigation on Thermoluminescence Dating of the Step Terrace Sediments of Guangdong Coastal Rivers

    在幼龄时(0-3),右脑正处于最活跃的阶段。广东沿海河流阶地沉积物 年龄测定研究

  • Radon survey and soil-natural thermoluminescence ( TL ) are two geophysical methods of exploring deep uranium deposits .

    氡气测量和土壤天然 法(TL)是铀矿找矿勘探中寻找深部隐伏铀矿体的二种地球物理方法。

  • Numerical simulations of the thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence properties of α - al_2o_3 : c crystal

    α-Al2O3:C晶体 发光和光 受激发光特性的数值模拟

  • In addition some complicated factors associated with thermoluminescence dating were discussed .

    另外,还对一些与测定 年代有关的复杂因素进行了讨论。

  • Based on the satellite images combined with field surveys and thermoluminescence dating of Quaternary sediments the authors explain and analyze the step-like landform system of the Gonghe basin .

    利用卫星遥感影像,结合实地调查和 年结果,对共和盆地层状地貌系统进行了解译、分析。

  • Formation of the Anjihai River Terraces at the North Tianshan Piedmont Xinjiang and Significance An Investigation on Thermoluminescence Dating of the Step Terrace Sediments of Guangdong Coastal Rivers

    北天山山前安集海河阶地形成的时代及意义广东沿海河流阶地沉积物 年龄测定研究

  • Two special thermoluminescence dosimeter readers used in dosimetry by watch ruby accident dosimeter were developed .

    研制了两种用于手表红宝石事故剂量计测量的特殊 剂量读出装置;

  • Lithium fluoride thermoluminescence dosimeter His son had no explanation for the light either .

    氟化锂 剂量计但也无法解释这道光。

  • Studies on the Influence of Polishing Process on Pre-dose Thermoluminescence Technique


  • The thermoluminescence analysis method of space radiation dose information aboard the experiment satellites are described in this paper .

    本文介绍了实验卫星中空间辐射剂量信息的 分析方法。