text processing


  • You can assign them to multiple document elements the same way you do in a normal text processing application .

    您可以将它们分配给多个文件元素,方式与您对正常的 文本 处理程序相同。

  • By combining a series of simple commands to make up a complex text transformation the tools available from UNIX let you build nearly any text processing engine you could need .

    通过将一系列简单的命令组合在一起,可以完成复杂的文本转换,UNIX提供的工具允许您构建几乎任何所需的 文本 处理引擎。

  • In text processing a feature that enables individual elements of recorded text to be located .

    文本 处理 技术中,能在所记录的文本中找出各个成分的一种功能。

  • You should also be able to write custom AWK programs to perform complex text processing from the UNIX command line .

    您还应该能够编写自定义的AWK程序,以使用UNIX命令行执行复杂的 文本 处理

  • The familiar read some lines and compare them to some regular expressions style of text processing is generally not well suited to adequately parsing and processing XML .

    文本 处理中常见的“读取几行,并将它们与一些规则表达式比较”样式通常不能很好地适合对XML进行彻底语法分析和处理。

  • Let 's now take the first steps past text processing narrowly construed .

    现在让我们来详细分析 文本 处理的首要步骤。

  • Reading perspective in expository text not only results in a selective memory of relevant information but also influences on-line text processing .

    说明文的阅读视角不仅影响阅读中信息的获得,而且会影响实时 阅读 加工 过程

  • Many text processing commands ( filters ) can take input either from the standard input stream or from a file .

    许多 文本 处理命令(过滤器)可以从标准输入流或从文件中获取输入。

  • Learn the power of UNIX text processing commands .

    了解UNIX 文本 处理命令的强大能力。

  • David 's Text Processing in Python ( Addison Wesley 2003 ) introduces regular expressions formal parsers text manipulation and even state machines .

    David的 Text ProcessinginPython(AddisonWesley,2003)介绍了正则表达式、形式解析器、文本处理还有声明机制。

  • State Key Laboratory for text processing

    文字 信息 处理国家重点实验室

  • This lets you efficiently combine several commands to get your text processing jobs done correctly .

    这使得您可以有效地将多个命令组合在一起,以正确地完成 文本 处理工作。

  • Effects of Reader s L2 Proficiency and Text Imageability on English Text Processing ; The article seems to be slanted towards modern young women in search of equality .

    二语水平和篇章可成像性在中国读者英语 篇章表征建立 过程中的作用这篇文章好像是支持现代年轻女性争取平等。

  • The Rexx programming language was first created in1979 as a very high level scripting language that had a particularly strong facility for text processing tasks .

    Rexx编程语言最初创建于1979年,是一个层次非常高的脚本语言,有特别强大的用于 文本 处理任务的工具。

  • Research of Separating Eleven Segment in Text Processing

    划分11段的思想在 文本 处理方面的研究

  • For complete flexibility in Unix-like systems with a popen function you can pre-process the file with text processing utilities before it is passed into the plot command .

    为了获得更完全的灵活性,在具有popen函数的Unix类系统中,在将文件传送给plot命令之前,可以使用 文本 处理实用程序对文件进行预处理。

  • The first example that came to mind was a text-manipulation program I use to convert drafts of my forthcoming book ( Text Processing in Python ) to LaTeX format .

    想到的第一个示例是用来将我即将出版的书稿( Text ProcessinginPython)转换成LaTeX格式的文本操作程序。

  • But its most natural target is in automation of system scripting and text processing tasks .

    但是它最自然的目标在于系统脚本的自动化和 本文 处理任务。

  • Using powerful tools like sed and Perl and the magic of regular expressions you can easily do complex text processing tasks directly on the UNIX command line .

    使用像sed和Perl这样功能强大的工具,以及神奇的正则表达式,您可以直接通过UNIX命令行轻松地完成复杂的 文本 处理任务。

  • Text and office systems-Keyboards-German keyboard for data and text processing as well as for typewriters information on graphic characters or symbols .

    文本和办公设备。键盘。数据和 文本 加工以及打字机用德文键盘。图形显示字符或符号的信息。

  • Perhaps the greatest strength in Rexx as a text processing language is its useful collection of built-in string manipulation functions .

    或许,作为一门 文本 处理语言,Rexx的最强大之处在于它所具备的实用的内置字符串处理函数。

  • Awk is geared toward text processing and report generation yet features many well-designed features that allow for serious programming .

    awk适合于 文本 处理和报表生成,它还有许多精心设计的特性,允许进行多种方式的编程。

  • In addition to text processing Rational Requirements Composer provides several editors to produce specific artifacts

    除了 文本 处理之外,RationalRequirementsComposer提供了一些编辑器以产生特定的工件

  • The major functions of the OA system include text processing electronic mail information storage and retrieval task management and etc.

    办公自动化系统的主要功能包括 文本 处理、电子函件、信息存储和检索、任务管理等。

  • In general the wide character and unicode support is mostly there in the compiler but the text processing tools aren 't quite up to par yet .

    一般而言,宽字符和unicode支持主要体现在编译器中,但是 文本 处理工具还没有达到标准。

  • Your humble writer knows a little bit about a lot of things but despite writing a fair amount about text processing ( a book for example ) linguistic processing is a relatively novel area for me .

    鄙人并非见多识广,虽然写过很多关于 文本 处理方面的东西(例如,一本书),但是,对我来说,语言 处理(linguisticprocessing)是一个相对新奇的领域。

  • Receiving email is a lot of text processing and the idea of all these strings created and discarded gives me a creepy feeling .

    接收到的email是一些 文本 处理和想法,给我们一中不安的赶紧。

  • And with Perl you 've got a full range of programming constructs you can take advantage of for doing even more complex text processing .

    使用Perl,您可以获得全方位的编程结构,可以充分地利用它们进行更复杂的 文本 处理

  • Now that we have a couple of basic tools for pipelining and redirection let 's look at some of the common UNIX and Linux text processing commands and filters .

    现在,我们具备了一些基本的工具来实现管道和重定向,让我们研究一些常见的UNIX和Linux 文本 处理命令和过滤器。