


  • The influence of different thermoresistant stress alleviating medicine on milk cow 's productive function

    不同 抗热 应激 添加剂对奶牛生产性能的影响

  • Chlorhexidine-iodine complex salt solution was prepared with polyethylene glycol 400 as the solvent and ethanol as the disperser . Polyethylene glycol 400 is thermoresistant stable odorless and not irritative and it can promote the solubility of the complex salt .

    本品采用的溶剂聚乙二醇400 耐热性质稳定、无臭、无刺激性, 太碘络盐有良好的助溶作用,且制得的溶液 相对稳定。

  • It can increase stress ability of sensitizer . Study on the Toxicity of Chinese Herbal Medicine for the Thermoresistant of Milk Cow

    该药能增强 抗体的应激能力。奶牛 抗热 应激中草药 添加剂的毒性试验

  • The traditional Chinese herbal medical feed-additive used as thermoresistant stress alleviation for dairy cow in summer not only increased the milk production but also enhanced the blood cortisol indices in dairy cow .

    中草药饲料添加剂作为奶牛夏季 抗热应激缓冲剂,在提高奶牛产奶量的同时,还能提高奶牛血液中的皮质醇指标。

  • Evaluation of slide agglutination test with leptospiral thermoresistant antigen for early diagnosis of leptospirosis

    耐热抗原 凝试验用于钩端螺旋体病早期诊断的评价

  • The Effect of Thermoresistant Stress Chinese Herbal Additive on Yield and the Composition of Milk of Dairy Cows in Heat stress


  • Thermoresistant saggers containing silicon carbide and granular filler were produced through slip casting in plaster mould .

    用石膏模浇注法生产出了含碳化硅和粒状填料的 耐热 匣钵

  • Study of Thermoresistant Difference at Different Regions of Colonic Circumference

    结肠肠管不同区域对 耐受性差异的研究