


  • The models indicated that non-linear relationships were shown between above mentioned combined stress and the thermoregulation .

    这些模型提示,上述复合应激与 体温 调节之间呈非线性关系。

  • Avoid using this computer in extreme cold heat dust or humidity . The anterior hypothalamus provides thermoregulation when the body is too hot .

    不要在过冷、热、尘过重、 度过大的情况下使用此电脑。当人体过热时,下丘脑前部可提供 温度 调节 作用

  • Their chemical thermoregulation ability was established basically at about 9 days .

    体温 环境 温度变化,其化学性 体温 调节能力基本建成的日龄为9日龄。

  • The calculated results can be used to develop the mathematical model of human thermoregulation system .

    计算结果可用于人体 调节系统数学模型。

  • Modulatory effect of phosphatidylinositol turnover on cholinergic receptors in thermoregulation center

    磷脂酰肌醇代谢对 体温 调节中枢胆碱能受体功能的调节作用

  • This phenomenon was termed behavioral thermoregulation or temperature preference .

    这种现象称作行为 调节或温度偏爱。

  • The anterior hypothalamus provides thermoregulation when the body is too hot .

    当人体过热时,下丘脑前部可提供 温度 调节 作用

  • In this paper a new two-dimensional mathematical model of human thermoregulation for personal thermal conditioning with water cooling is developed .

    本文提出了一种新的液冷式个体热调节二维 体温 调节数学模型。

  • The human eccrine sweat gland is an important skin accessory involved in secretion excretion and thermoregulation .

    汗腺是皮肤重要的附属器之一,分为外泌汗腺和顶泌汗腺,其中外泌汗腺起着 体温 调节、分泌、代谢等重要作用。

  • With these considerations it is necessary to further investigate the thermoregulation in spaceflight for the health and safety of astronauts .

    阐明了为保证航天员健康和安全研究航天中 人体 调节的必要性。

  • Analysis of the Effect of Weightlessness on Astronaut 's Thermoregulation

    失重因素对航天员 体温 调节影响的分析

  • Changes and mathematical models of human thermoregulation under combined stress of high temperature vibration and noise

    高温、振动、噪声复合应激时人体 体温 调节改变及数学模型

  • Effects of ATP on the Thermoregulation in the Rat

    ATP对大鼠 体温 调节的影响

  • Thermoregulation and evaporative water loss in Apodemus draco from the Hengduan Mountains region

    横断山区中华姬鼠的 体温 调节和蒸发失水(窑池的) 温度 调节

  • Objective : The purpose of this study was elucidating the thermoregulation function of arcuate nuclei with electrophysiological experiment .

    目的:为弓状核的 体温 调节功能提供电生理学依据。

  • Methods : The literatures on the dual directional thermoregulation of Guizhi Tang were summarized .

    方法:主要对近十年来有关于桂枝汤双向 调节 体温的文献进行综述。

  • Both microgravity and simulated microgravity by HDT exposures degraded human thermoregulation ability in some aspects .

    可见,微重力和卧床模拟微重力暴露后人体 应激 调节能力降低。

  • The activities of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase and α - glycerophosphate oxidase of brown adipose tissure indicated that brown fat played an important role in thermoregulation of neonatal rats .

    褐色脂肪细胞色素氧化酶和α-磷酸甘油氧化酶活力的变化,表明褐色脂肪在大鼠新生儿 阶段 体温 调节中具有重要作用。

  • The report is on mammalian thermoregulation .

    那份报告是有关哺乳动物的 体温 调节

  • Research Progress about Effects and Mechanisms of α - MSH on Thermoregulation

    α-MSH在 体温 调节中作用及其机理的研究进展

  • In the applications of the cabin temperature model the cockpit-human thermoregulation model is mainly discussed .

    座舱温度数学模型的应用中,着重讨论了舱一人系统的 温度数学模型。

  • Objective : To investigate the effect of active fraction A in Guizhi Decoction ( Fr.A ) on dual directional thermoregulation and its mechanism of influencing heat shock protein ( HSP ) in hypothalamus .

    目的:研究桂枝汤有效部位A(Fr.A)在双向 调节 体温的同时对下丘脑热休克蛋白(HSP)的影响。

  • Hypothermia is common in perioperative period because the central thermoregulation is disarranged and body heat balance is interfered with many factors .

    麻醉和手术过程中,中枢 神经 体温 调节功能受到干扰,多种因素影响人体热平衡,形成了围术期常见的低体温。

  • Psychological factors may influence physical thermoregulation .

    心理因素可以影响身体的 温度 调节

  • Cold-resistance and thermoregulation of nestlings of the eastern great reed warbler

    大苇莺雏鸟的耐寒性及 体温 调节

  • The behavioral thermoregulation of adult Chinese Alligators ( Alligator sinensis ) in Zhejiang Changxing Natural Breeding Research Center for Chinese Alligator was studied from June to September 2005 recorded by instantaneous and scan sampling methods .

    2005年6~9月,采用扫描取样法在浙江省长兴扬子鳄自然繁育中心,对人工繁殖的成年扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)行为的发生 频率 活动规律进行了研究,并对其行为 体温 调节进行了分析。

  • Effect of liver on thermoregulation is increasingly attached importance in recent years .

    近年来,肝脏在 体温 调节方面的作用日益受到重视。