


  • Effect of alkali on thiamin content of steamed bread

    加碱对于馒头 硫胺素含量的影响

  • Analysis of the Flavors from Vitamin B_1 ( thiamin ) under Microwave Degradation

    维生素B1微波加热降解 香味成分分析

  • The dietary intakes of zinc selenium and thiamin were between 80 % ~ 90 % RDA .

    居民膳食中锌、硒、 硫胺素摄入量在80%~90%RDA;

  • Firstly fat was in excess supply and calcium thiamin and lactoflavin were in short supply in their diet .

    该部官兵脂肪供应过多,钙、 硫胺素和核黄素等供应不足。

  • A Comparison Study of Thiamin and Riboflavin Status in Pregnant Women between Urban and Rural Area

    北京地区孕妇 硫胺素、核黄素营养状况及城乡比较

  • The qualitative and quantitative analysis of Thiamin Pyrophosphatase ( TPPase ) of neurons in nucleus raphe magnus was done .

    对中缝大核神经元 硫胺素焦磷酸酶(TPPase)进行定性、定量分析。

  • As growth factors corn steep liquor yeast extract milk powder thiamin extract of companion fungi and A mellea mycelia activated clay diatomite and kaolin could promote growth of G umbellata .

    玉米浆、酵母膏、奶粉、 硫胺素、伴生菌提取物、蜜环菌提取物、活性白土、硅藻土、高岭土都对猪苓固体培养的生长显示出不同程度的促进作用。

  • Results Showed : ( 1 ) The intake of thiamin of the rural pregnant women was significantly higher than that of the urban pregnant women . And there was no significant difference in erythrocyte transketolase activity ( TPP effect % ) between the urban and rural .

    结果(1)农村孕妇 硫胺素摄入量显著高于城市孕妇,红细胞转酮醇酶活性(TPP效应%)城乡之间差异无统计学意义;

  • The bio-regulator wa s made up of am-monium salt thiamin and heat inactivation yeast .

    调节剂由铵盐、 硫胺素和热失活酵母组成。

  • Zinc retinol equivalent thiamin riboflavin ascorbic acid were inadequate in their diets the intake of calcium accounted for30.6 % ( males ) and31.4 % ( females ) of RDA .

    锌、视黄醇、 硫胺素、核黄素、抗坏血酸摄入量不足,钙摄入量仅占RDA的30.6%(男生)和31.4%(女生)。

  • A survey and evaluation on the dietary thiamin intake of Tianjin urban partial adults

    天津市区部分成人膳食 维生素 B 1摄入情况的调查与评价

  • Study on Thiamin Intervention in Cd-induced Renal Toxicity

    维生素 B 1对镉致肾毒性干预作用研究

  • Thiamin from 0.38mg/100g to 0.767mg/100g ( P < 0.005 );


  • Rural students had higher intakes of energy protein carbohydrate calcium iron zinc retinal equivalent thiamin niacin and vitamin C and lower intakes of fat selenium and riboflavin than did urban students .

    乡村学生早餐能量、蛋白质、碳水化合物、钙、铁、锌、视黄醇当量、 硫胺素、烟酸及抗坏血酸等摄入量 RDA 百分比高于城市学生,脂肪、硒和核黄素摄入量低于城市学生。

  • The prevalence of thiamin deficiency in hospitalized patients with congestive heart failure

    充血性心力衰竭住院患者中 硫胺素缺乏症的患病率

  • STUDIES ON MILK SUBSTITUTE S ⅳ . The effect of supplementing Milk Substitute 5410 with cod liver oil thiamin or yeast on the growth of rats

    代乳品的研究Ⅳ.用大白鼠试验补充鱼肝油、 硫胺素或酵母粉对於代乳糕5410营养效用的影响

  • Distribution of thiamin riboflavin nicotinic acid total nitrogen and xylose in kaoliang ( andropogon sorghum brot . var. ) kernel

    高粱粒中 硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸、总氮和木糖的分布

  • The vegetarian meal I provided was very good in protein fiver iron phosphate vitamin A vitamin C thiamin riboflavin niacin and poly and mono unsaturated fats . ( the good fats ) .

    我准备的素食富含蛋白质、铁、磷酸盐、维他命A、维他命C、 硫胺素、核黄素、烟酸、 多样 饱和脂肪和单一 饱和脂肪(有益的脂肪)。