


  • Tetrazolium salt assay for rapid determination of viable count of BCG vaccine

    应用 盐法快速检测卡介苗活菌含量

  • Methods Cell differentiation was validated by morphological method and nitroblue tetrazolium ( NBT ) reduction test .

    方法形态学观察和硝基 四氮唑蓝还原反应鉴定DADS诱导HL-60细胞分化;

  • Reliability of models was evaluated with neurology score and tetrazolium chloride stain .

    以神经行为功能评分和氯化 苯基 四氮唑染色对模型的可靠性进行评价。

  • Investigation of Inhibition of Sodium Oleate for Aluminum in Hydrochloride Solution INHIBITION EFFECT OF RED TETRAZOLIUM ON COLD ROLLED STEEL IN H_3PO_4 SOLUTION

    油酸钠对铝在盐酸溶液中的缓蚀作用的研究红 四氮唑对冷轧钢在磷酸溶液中的缓蚀性能

  • The results are followed : 1 . It is found that luteolin has antibacterial activity on Staphylococcus aureus obviously by utilizing oxford cup and 2 3 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride ( TTC ) and the minimum inhibitory concentrations ( MIC ) of luteolin is 0.09 mg / mL.2 .

    研究结果如下:1.利用牛津杯法和2氯化三苯基 四氮唑(TTC)法对木犀草素的抑菌活性进行了研究,实验结果显示木犀草素对金黄色葡萄球菌具有较强的抑菌活性,最低抑菌浓度为0.09mg/mL。

  • Water soluble tetrazolium salts assay showed that the MWCNTs-COOH was less cytotoxic when compared to MWCNTs which demonstrated to be slightly more cytotoxic than MWCNTs-OH .

    水溶性 四氮唑法检测显示碳纳米管的细胞毒性作用呈现浓度依赖性并与作用时间具有一定关系。

  • Infarct size as a percentage of the area at risk was determined with nitro blue tetrazolium .

    并用硝基 染色 判定梗死区面积,以 坏死区占危险区的 百分数 表示

  • This homogeneous colorimetric assay is based on the conversion of a tetrazolium salt MTT a pale yellow substrate to formazan a purple dye .

    该匀相比色检测法是基于一种淡黄色底物 盐MTT可转化生成甲 ,甲臜是一种紫色显色剂。

  • The lipid peroxidation object ( LPO ) content in rat serum was determined with TBA reaction colorimetry and the superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) content with nitroblue tetrazolium staining .

    用TBA反应比色法测定小鼠血清中脂质过氧化物(LPO)的含量,用NBT 四氮唑 法)测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的含量;

  • The Validation of Bacterial Count and Bacterial Colony Affected by Concentration of 2 5 - Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride

    2三苯基氯化 四氮唑浓度对细菌菌落计数影响的验证

  • Methods The effect of chondroitin sulfate on the succinate dihydrogenase ( SDH ) of chondrocytes were measured by nitroblue tetrazolium method .

    方法用硝基 四氮唑 法研究硫酸软骨素对体外培养兔软骨细胞琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)活性的影响。

  • The infarct size was measured by nitroblue tetrazolium staining .

    梗塞大小由硝基 染色 判定,并以坏死区占危险区的百分率表示。

  • The allograft arteries were observed after cryopreservation using tetrazolium test and transmission electron microscope and analysed postoperatively by angiography and pathologic examination .

    观察方法 包括 还原试验、透射电镜、动脉造影及病理检查。

  • Methods MTT tetrazolium assay was adopted to study the effect of these polysaccharide fractions on the activity of spleen cells .

    方法:采用 噻唑蓝(MTT)比色方法研究 紫菜多糖组分对大鼠脾细胞活性的影响。

  • Cell proliferation was measured by trypan blue exclusion and methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium ( MTT ) assay method .

    通过台盼蓝排斥试验及 噻唑 比色法(MTT)反映各组细胞增殖状况;

  • Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium ( MTT ) luminal and anti-oxidative activity reagent xanthine oxidase were all from Sigma Company .

    鲁米诺购自Sigma公司。抗氧化活性试剂 黄嘌呤氧化酶( Sigma公司)。

  • Methods : Using colorimetric MTT ( tetrazolium ) assay in vitro .

    方法:采用体外细胞培养技术和 显色( MTT)方法。

  • Methods By using tetrazolium bromide reduction ( MTT ) assay on human primary PDLC .

    方法用 MTT(噻唑蓝)比色法。

  • The SPC-A1 cell survival rates of different groups were detected by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium chromatometry assay ( MTT assay ) .

    四氮唑 比色法(MTT法)检测不同剂量和时间时SPC-A1细胞的存活率。

  • Cell differentiation was measured by nitro blue tetrazolium ( NBT ) reduction test .

    硝基 四氮唑 (NBT)还原实验检测细胞向 / 系统分化。

  • Objective To introduce a quantitative colorimetric assay based on a tetrazolium salt ( MTT ) .

    目的介绍一种 四氮唑 (MTT)为 底物 反应定量比色分析法。

  • Colorimetric Assay of Glycosylated Protein in Royal Jelly by Nitroblue Tetrazolium Chloride

    氯化硝基 四氮唑 比色法测定蜂王浆中糖化蛋白含量

  • VSMC proliferation was measured by tetrazolium salt ( MTT ) methord .

    采用 盐比色法(MTT)测量细胞增殖。

  • Methods : The contents of amino acids were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and SOD was determined by nitroblue tetrazolium photoreduction method .

    方法:高效液相色谱仪分析氨基酸,氯化硝基四氮唑 NBT)光化还原法测定SOD的含量。

  • The model was evaluated by neurology score and tetrazolium chloride ( TTC ) stain .

    通过神经功能评分和氯化 苯基 四氮唑tetrazoliumchloride,TTC)染色对模型进行评价。

  • 3H-TdR incorporation and microculture tetrazolium ( MTT ) assay were used to study the effects of daidzein genistein and estrogen on cell proliferation .

    应用~3H-TdR掺入法和MTT法,研究了大豆黄酮、染料木素和雌激素对 SHZ-88细胞体外增殖的影响。

  • ( 2 ) Measurement of edema and infarction volume : 2 3 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride ( TTC ) staining method was used to assess the percentage of brain edema and infarct volume .

    脑水肿和梗死体积的测定:氯化三苯基 四氮唑(TTC)染色法测定大鼠脑梗死体积百分比和脑组织水肿程度。

  • The proliferation capacity of HPMC was assessed by tetrazolium salt colorimetry assay ( MTT assay ) .

    甲基 偶氮 盐比色法(MTT)评估 TGF- β1和细胞外 信号调节 激素ERK)及p38阻断剂对HPMC的增殖作用。

  • Methods Cytotoxicity was determined by tetrazolium ( MTT ) assay .

    方法细胞毒作用以 MTT法测定;

  • Methods : ECV-304 cells were injured by hydrogen peroxide and assessed by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium ( MTT ) assay .

    方法:用过氧化氢致ECV-304细胞损伤,以 甲基偶氮 (MTT)比色法检测细胞存活数量。