


  • Conclusion Hematopneumothorax is the most clinical behave of penetrating injuries of the chest the delayed hematopneumothorax latent heart injury thoracoabdominal trauma should be emphasized at the time for treatment of penetrating injuries of the chest .

    另1例死于枪伤失血性休克。结论胸部穿透伤最多见的临床表现是血气胸,在处理胸部穿透伤时需要注意是否有延迟性血气胸、隐性心脏损伤、 联合伤等。

  • Patients were with mid-sternotomy and thoracoabdominal incision .

    采用左后外 联合切口及胸骨正中切口。

  • Methods The clinical data of 72 elderly cases of thoracoabdominal injuries were retrospectively reviewed .

    方法对 1998 2004 收治的72例老年 联合伤病例进行回顾性分析。

  • The Changes of Operative Methods for Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm


  • A simple surgery technique for intercostals artery preservation in thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair


  • Objective To discuss the application of damage control surgery in the treatment of the patients with thoracoabdominal injuries combined with shock .

    目的探讨损伤控制技术在胸 联合伤合并休克病人的治疗 经验

  • Standard of Thoracoabdominal Incision in Patients with Cardiac Carcinoma

    贲门癌 选择 联合切口的标准

  • Objective To analyze the prognostic factors and nursing countermeasure in the elderly patients suffering from thoracoabdominal injuries .

    目的:探讨老年人 联合伤的预后因素与护理对策。

  • Analysis of Mid Term Results of Total Thoracoabdominal Aortic Replacement : Report of 63 Cases

    63例全 主动脉置换术患者中期结果分析

  • Objective To compare the clinical features and severity of penetrating thoracoabdominal combined injuries ( TACI ) and thoracoabdominal multiple injuries ( TAMI ) so as to guide the diagnosis and management of trauma .

    目的比较穿透性 联合伤(TACI)和胸腹多发伤(TAMI)的临床特点和伤情,以指导创伤的救治。

  • Conclusions As for patients with thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord trauma complicated by thoracoabdominal viscera injury a comprehensive clinical examination including X-ray or CT is necessary .

    结论对胸腰段脊柱脊髓伤合并 脏器伤的患者应全面仔细地体检及X线或CT检查。

  • Management of Patients with Renal Cell Cancer by Thoracoabdominal Approach ( Report of 20 Cases ); Analysis of surgical therapeutic effect of esophagectomy with 2-Field ( thoracic and abdominal ) lymph node dissection for esophageal carcinoma

    联合 切口在肾癌根治术中的应用(附20例报告)食管癌切除胸腹二区淋巴结清扫手术疗效的研究

  • Methods 31 cases of congenial thoracoabdominal hiatus hernia of chinical symptoms and the treating process were retrospectively analyzed .

    方法对31例先天性 腹裂孔疝的临床表现、治疗过程进行回顾性分析。

  • Methods Through left thoracotomy or combined thoracoabdominal incision all 18 patients underwent esophagectomy . The esophagogastrostomy was lain above or below the aortic arch with the stomach spleen and cauda of pancreas lifted to the thoracic cavity .

    方法18例均采用经左胸或胸 联合切口食管癌切除,将残胃连同脾胰尾转移胸腔,主动脉弓上或弓下食管残胃端侧机械吻合术。

  • Objective : To compare the efficacy of tramadol with that of morphine in patient-controlled epidural analgesia ( PCEA ) after esophageal carcinoma surgery through thoracoabdominal incision .

    目的:比较曲马多与吗啡病人自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA),对经 切口行食管癌根治术后病人的镇痛效果。

  • PrefaceThe complexity danger and even complications of the operational therapy of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm ( TAAA ) are more than those of abdominal aortic aneurysm .


  • Methods From 1987 ~ 2001 12 patients of Takayasu 's arteritis with thoracoabdominal aortic stenosis underwent PTA . Aortography and pressure of stenotic segment of arota before and after angioplasty were used to evaluate efficacy .

    方法1987年~2001年,我科应用PTA治疗12例 主动脉型多发性大动脉炎,以扩张前后动脉造影以及术中狭窄段两端测压判断疗效。

  • Method w_1782 16 cases of thoracoabdominal trauma were applied video-assisted thoracoscope . 5 cases of rupture of diaphragm were found .

    方法通过16例 联合伤应用电视胸腔镜,发现创伤性膈肌破裂5例。

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Thoracoabdominal Injury

    联合20 的诊断和治疗

  • Methods Eight canine models of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm exclusion were made by clinically modified Hardy 's operation .

    方法8条杂种犬,依临床改良Hardy术式制作犬 主动脉瘤旷 术模型, 测量 模拟 上方结扎不同程度时瘤腔内的压力、血流及人工血管内压力的变化。

  • Clinical Characteristics and Treating Experience of Thoracoabdominal Injury

    联合23 临床特点和治疗体会

  • Conclusions The operation performance should be simplified for patients with thoracoabdominal injuries in shock and remedial surgery may be performed after the condition is stable .

    结论 联合伤合并休克病人在休克期应尽可能简化手术操作,待病情稳定后再进行治疗性手术。

  • The five-year survival rate of the patients with left thoracic abdominal and thoracoabdominal incision was 30.9 % 31.8 % and 34.8 % respectively . The survival rate of the patients with thoracoabdominal incision was higher than that of the other groups ( P0.05 ) .

    术后5年生存率:经胸切口为30.9%,经 切口为31.8%, 联合切口为34.8%,胸腹联合切口组的生存率高于其他两组,差异有显著性(P0.05)。

  • For radiation treatment of tumors in thoracoabdominal with breathing movement the first one is particularly important .

    针对 腹部呼吸运动下的肿瘤治疗,第一类研究尤为重要。

  • Results The left thoracic incision was performed in 110 cases abdominal incision in 113 and thoracoabdominal incision in 46 cases . The overall rate of resection was 88.5 % ( 238 / 269 ) with combined multiple organ resection in 30 cases .

    结果经左胸入路110例,经腹入路113例, 联合切口46例,切除率为88.5%(238/269),联合脏器切除共30例。

  • Objective To study the safety and value of left oblique thoracoabdominal incision ( LOTAI ) in operating cardiac cancer .

    目的:探讨经左 联合斜切口(LOTAI)切除贲门癌的围手术期安全性和价值。

  • Conclusion Endovascular graft exclusion is an effective and safe treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm .

    结论腔内隔绝术能有效治疗 主动脉瘤,具有 创伤 疗效确切和并发症 优点

  • Objective To discuss the proper standard of the thoracoabdominal incision in patients with cardiac carcinoma .

    目的探讨贲门癌 选择 联合切口的合理标准。

  • Clinical features and early management of combined thoracoabdominal injury


  • Comparative Study of Thoracoabdominal Combined Injuries and Thoracoabdominal Multiple Injuries

    腹部 伤口 遭受 很多并发症 联合伤与胸腹多发伤的比较研究