ticket office

[ˈtɪkɪt ˈɔfɪs][ˈtikit ˈɔfis]


  • The ticket office is at the rear of the station concourse .

    售票 处在车站大厅的后部。

  • Disconsolate passengers waited by the ticket office .

    闷闷不乐的乘客们在 售票 等候着。

  • Just then a man hurried to the ticket office .

    正在那时,一个男人匆匆奔向 售票

  • Mary : Thank you . Where 's the ticket office ?

    谢谢你,请问 售票 处在哪儿?

  • Excuse me . Do you know where the ticket office is ?

    对不起,请问您知道 售票 处在哪儿吗?

  • The valuables please to deposit in the ticket office Thanks the cooperation the welcome presence !

    贵重物品请存放在 售票 。谢谢合作,欢迎光临!

  • How to get to the air ticket office ?

    11课去航空 售票 怎么走?

  • Please redeem this voucher for ticket at Group Ticket Office of Kingdom of Discovery .

    持本代用券到金石发现王国团队 售票 更换正式门票后方可入园。

  • There is a long queue at the ticket office .

    售票 排起了一条长队。

  • I went back to the ticket office at once .

    我马上又回到 售票

  • Just go to the ticket office in the subway .

    到地铁的 售票 去就行了。

  • If you want tickets you 'll have to join the queue at the ticket office .

    要买票的话,你得在 售票 前排队。

  • Only two tickets were available at the ticket office .

    只能在 售票 买到两张票。

  • My sister works in the ticket office .

    我姐姐在 卖票 事情。

  • Queue forme at the ticket office when the news of the fare reduction get out .

    票价下调的消息一传出, 售票 前就排起了队。

  • Please check with you ticket office whether this will affect your flight .

    请检查你的 售票 ,这是否会影响您的航班。

  • He waited for me near the ticket office .

    他在 售票 附近等我。

  • There 's an awfully long queue at the ticket office .

    售票 前站着一条好长的队。

  • Someone in the ticket office happened to notice her .

    有人在 售票 碰巧看到了她。

  • Where is the ticket office ?


  • Our travel arrangements have been buggered up by the ticket office .

    我们的旅行安排被 售票 弄糟了。

  • Football fans began lining up early in the morning at the ticket office .

    足球迷们一清早就在 售票 排起了长队。

  • Please purchase the tickets at the ticket counter or temporary ticket office in order .

    各位乘客您好:请到票务处或临时 售票点排队购票,谢谢合作。

  • Those film fans were waiting at the ticket office .

    那些影迷们正在 售票 门口等着。

  • Where is the platform ticket office ?

    站台 售票 处在哪里?

  • The ticket office will be making an announcement regarding selling arrangements for the new date in due course .

    售票 部门将会在适当的时候发出一份关于出售改期比赛 票务的公告。

  • The ticket office is outside the main entrance .

    售票 处在大门外面。

  • There is a long queue outside the ticket office .

    售票 的外面排了长长的队。

  • I know . I 'll go straight to the ticket office right after school and buy one !

    我知道。我放学后会直接去 售票