


  • In examing the escaping vapor of thio-alcohol in pharmaceutical iudustry the author discusses the experimental measurement and kinetics analysis on the fixed bed of activated carbon in its cleaning process .

    本文以制药工业生产 过程中逸出的 硫醇蒸气为 对象,进行活性炭固定床净化过程实验测定和动态分析。

  • Kinetics analysis of thio-alcohol on the fixed bed of activated carbon


  • In conclusion the author reveals that the match of break-through curve of the thio-alcohol on the activated carbon bed and the prediction of break-through curve in low concentration can be satisfactorily acquired through experiments with three parameters given and the application of Yoon Model .

    设计三个参数进行试验,应用Yoon模型进行参数 估值得到 硫醇在活性炭固定床上 透过曲线的 拟合和低 透过浓度透过曲线的预示。