think up

[θɪŋk ʌp][θiŋk ʌp]


  • One is obviously if you think up the information with a website then now on the website you do a lot of interesting things in terms of sharing enough information .

    原因之一是,如果你 ,信息 上传到了网站上,那么在网站上你就可以做很多事情,为了分享到更多的信息。

  • He wanted to think up some place .

    一个什么可 的地方。

  • ' I think up to that point I had been using acting as a disguise & somewhere where I could express my emotions . '


  • Can you think up a caption that exactly covers the whole idea ?

    你能 想出一个把整个意思确切地加以概括的标题吗?

  • So try to think up an experiment which will distinguish your result from others .

    因此,试图 想出一个实验,将区分你从别人的结果。

  • We can just think up a different method .

    我们可以 别的办法啊。

  • Examples that mathematicians think up .

    数学家们所 想出的例子。

  • He tried to think up a plan for escape .

    他企图 想出一个逃跑的计划。

  • Renee : Seriously now we have to think up some ideas before the meeting tomorrow .

    雷内:严肃点,现在,我们必须在明天会议之前 点主意 出来

  • Most organizations eliminate the space to think up new things and experiment & too many are slaves to the urgent matters of the day .

    大多数公司都抹杀 人们 思考新事物、尝试新事物的空间&结果导致太多的人变成了日常要紧事务的奴隶。

  • I would have to think up some more catchy names for these designs .

    我不得不为这些设计 想出一些更好的名称。

  • Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money

    朱利安 想出了不少筹款的新办法

  • Reform is to resolutely give up the old ways and courageously think up new ones .

    改革就是要 一改故辙,勇于创新。

  • I don 't know how the first spider in the early days of the world happened to think up this fancy idea of spinning a web but she did and it was clever of her too .

    但是我没办法,我不知道最开始时,蜘蛛祖先是怎样 想到这种方式,织一张网来捕捉昆虫,然后吸干它们的血。

  • I 've got to think up something to wear for the fancy dress party .

    我得 出去参加 化装舞会时应穿戴的东西。

  • This flexibility allows development to take place through e-mail peer-to-peer and any manner that a development team could think up .

    这种灵活性允许通过电子邮件、对等网络和开发团队 喜欢的任何方式进行开发。

  • But I don 't know what I can think up next .

    但是我不知道还可以 想出什么办法。

  • I tried to think up a new idea but it 's too difficult .

    我试图 个新主意 出来,但那太难了。

  • There are probably no question we can think up that can 't be answered sooner or later including even that matter of consciousness .

    迟早可能不存在我们 得出但解答不了的问题,甚至包括我们意识的问题。来源:考试大。

  • I 'm gonna have to think up a name for that .

    我得给它 个名字。

  • To think up a new concept is one thing ; to put the idea to work is another .


  • I 'm sure the Pug Club of South Florida will think up another fun picnic next year for all pug lovers alike to enjoy .

    我相信南佛州巴哥犬俱乐部明年会 为所有的 巴哥犬狂热友计画另一个热闹的野餐会。

  • I just have to think up a new life .

    我要 考虑一个新生活了。

  • We must think up a good plan .

    我们得 想出一个好方案来。

  • The director was asked to think up a scheme that would save the situation .

    他们要主任 想出一个办法来挽救这个局势。

  • I wish I could think up some ways of convincing them of their mistakes .

    我但愿自己能 出使他们相信自己有错的方法。

  • He was unable to think up a new trick and went away .

    他无法 再想 新的花招来,就讪讪地溜走了。

  • Oh the things you can think up if only you try !

    哦,只有你试试,你就能有多少 奇思妙想

  • I am afraid so . I hope the organizers think up more tricks to attract people .

    恐怕是这样的。我希望组织者能够 多想一些招数来吸引人。

  • ' Where do you get that idea about the piano ? ' — ' Well I just thought it up . '

    “关于钢琴的那个主意你是从哪儿得来的?”——“哦,就这么想 出来的。”