


  • Tickler files also known as the 43 folders method are a unique system that 's used by many people for organizing files .


  • Industrial structural imbalance and elementary state have always been a tickler in our economic growth the only solution will be rationalization and upgrade simultaneously .

    产业结构失衡状况和低级状态一直是 困扰我国经济增长的 难题,解决办法只能是合理化和高级化同时并举。

  • Whether it is old-fashioned4X6 index cards or an electronic tickler program you must develop an effective system to track dates and deadlines .

    不管你是利用已经过时的4X6索引卡,还是电子 记事本程序,你都可以创建一个有效程序来追踪日程和期限。

  • In fact in ordinary life create a fine piece of jewelry is not tickler .

    其实在平时生活中,制作出一件精美的饰品并非 难事

  • 766 . The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel .

    766. 挠痒 在绰号镍币上刺了个勾号。

  • Using a recursive algorithm of DFT this thesis can locate fault time exactly thus solved a tickler which had existed many years .

    本文采用了DFT递推算法,能准确确定故障时刻,解决了存在多年的 难题

  • He 's meeting the tickler successfully .

    他在顺利地 处理 难题

  • Want intention study only what taking an examination of is not tickler !

    只要专心学习,考什么都不是 难事

  • DNA identification solves the technology tickler that discriminated by the biological material and the tickler badger judicial identification so many years .

    DNA鉴定解决了困扰司法鉴定多年的、以生物检材进行 一认定的技术 难题

  • The Associated Press reported that most of the naked tickler 's victims were women over the age of 60 .

    美联社报道,大部分被 脚心的人是60岁以上的 太太。

  • The dressing of oxidized ore of zinc and lead in Lanping has been a tickler for a long time .

    兰坪氧化铅锌矿的选矿长久以来是选矿 难题