


  • For know ye ever the dwellers seek such Souls to hold in their thrall .

    因为知道啊,永远的居住者,就是这样寻找约束在他们 束缚里的灵魂。

  • Thrall : Those hideous creatures have the bodies of horses ! Lok-Tar Ogar !


  • She hath my heart in thrall .


  • Anti-thrall leaders agitated the question of thrall for many years .

    反对奴隶制的领袖们就奴隶制问题进行 多年的激烈争论。

  • British people are as in thrall to their royal family as you are .

    英国人和你一样,被他们的皇室家庭所 束缚

  • He is not in thrall to the media

    他不 受制 媒体。

  • It is in thrall to a kleptocracy unable or unwilling to separate the national interest from personal gain .


  • We adore The Front Page and Scoop which present us as lazy unprincipled and hopelessly in thrall to bogus information .

    我喜欢封面和独家新闻,但是这些新闻又证明了我们只是一群无纪律、 慵懒和没希望的 专注 一些假信息的人。

  • It 's gone so far that one expert calls First World countries chronocracies in thrall to rigid scheduling .

    发展到的地步如此之深以至于有为专家把第一世界的国家们称之 严格的行程安排所 奴役的“多重”国家。

  • She gives her body to men to take their souls in thrall .

    她以自己身体为 代价将男人们的灵魂 控制

  • Thrall says : You challenge me boy ? I don 't have time for this


  • Arise you slaves no more in thrall !

    起来,奴隶们,不再 奴役

  • Mind you that doesn 't mean he 's Thrall either .

    他并不是 你预想的那样是个 带来 厄运的人。

  • At the concert I was held in thrall by the music .

    在音乐会上,我 音乐 迷住了。

  • Don 't order me around . I am not your thrall .

    不要使唤我。我不是你的 奴仆

  • What do they know ? Thrall asked of the spirit of fire .

    它们知道什么? 萨尔向火焰之灵问道。

  • Her beauty held him in thrall .

    她的美貌 征服了他。

  • Everytime you create an alliance character Thrall eats a kitten .

    每当你创建一名联盟角色, 萨尔 要吃一只小猫。

  • Thrall . Subject is your slave forever .

    奴役 永久成为你的奴隶。

  • Also : Thrall summons spirit wolves !

    还: 崇信传票精神的狼!

  • Thrall : The horse men look as if they 're dressed for war .


  • Thrall put me in charge of the Horde and I will always do what I believe is best for it .

    萨尔 指定我为部落的领导人,而我会永远依照我认为最好的方法来 治理

  • In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy .

    为了使部落摆脱恶魔的腐化, 萨尔禁止 人们使用术士魔法和通灵术。

  • The story held me in thrall . We were all very taken with her .

    这故事把我 吸引 了。我们都被她 吸引 了。

  • To keep her under his thrall .

    来控制她让 成为自己的 奴隶

  • The poet was in thrall to the sophisticated woman .

    这位诗人完全 听凭于这个老于世故的女人的 摆布

  • Tomorrow 's children will be even more in the thrall of the silicon chip .

    将来 硅片对孩子们的影响将进一步加深。

  • The story held me in thrall .

    这故事把我 吸引 了。