


  • Diagnostic Significance of Topical Image of Infrared Thermograph on the Patient with Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation & A Comparative Study on 45 Patients and 65 Normal Control

    红外 热图对腰椎间盘突出症患者的诊断意义&附手法治疗45例患者及65名正常人资料分析

  • Defining the main work specific property of thermal radiating thermograph and the system of on line temperature measured

    红外辐射测温 主要工作参数确定 及在线 自动测试系统 开发

  • Conclusions : The thermograph could only be considered as a reference in the diagnosis of lumbar disc protrusion .

    结论: 红外 热图诊断腰椎间盘突出症仅具有 辅助作用;

  • Method : the different regions in temperature were selected by Cortical Infrared Thermograph ( CIT ) and microcirculation flow on the regions was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry ( LDF ) in 20 cats .

    方法:应用皮层红外 热像显示法和激光多普勒血流测量仪,对家猫皮层不同温度区上的微循环血流量进行电针前后的比较观察。

  • To explore the effects of hand transmitted vibration ( HTV ) on peripheral circulation and its correlation with autonomic nervous function the thermograph and heart rate variability of 39 drilling workers in gold mine were observed .

    为探讨手传振动对外周循环功能与植物神经功能的关系,对39名金矿凿岩工人进行了 冷水试验 前后 红外 摄像及心率变异性的研究。

  • Infrared Thermograph Study in Diabetic Limb Artery Obliteration

    糖尿病肢体动脉闭塞症红外 热像 研究

  • Methods Infrared thermograms of the spine area were collected using a TIP medical infrared thermograph . The average temperature of each unit area in the middle and on the two sides of the spine was measured .

    方法应用TIP型医用红外 热像 ,采集成年男性脊柱区红外热像,记录脊柱正中及两侧区域单位面积内红外 热像的平均温度值,通过 定量分析 明确 红外 热像 温度 连续变化规律。

  • The Design of New Ultrasound Excited Thermograph Testing System Based on DSP Technology

    基于DSP的新型超声热 成像 材料 缺陷检测系统的设计

  • Infrared Thermograph Testing and Heat Transfer Analysis Complex Material of Contained Delamination Image processing algorithms for uneven heating in infrared thermographic NDT

    红外 无损检测加热不均时的图像处理方法

  • He IR Thermograph Observation on Local Heating Effect Caused by Laser Heating

    激光局部热效应的红外 热图观察

  • According to usage environment temperature measurement error of automatic thermograph was studied in different environment temperatures .

    根据 温度 自记 的使用环境,研究在不同环境温度下温度 自记 的测温误差。

  • Our study reveals that the changes in the distributions of microvessels and breast thermoareas are associated with the anomaly of microcirculation of breast disease by means of breast thermograph .

    本研究表明乳腺温敏区及微血管分布变化与乳腺病 微循环障碍有关。

  • Methods : 287 cases with dubious breast cancer were examined with the thermograph .

    方法:采用 医用 红外 热像 对287例临床 为乳腺病患者进行了检查。

  • Experimental observation on temperature distribution and flame structure in the course of extinguishing pool fire by water mists in confined space was conducted by using IR ( Infrared ) thermograph technique .

    利用红外 热像技术对受限空间内细水雾熄灭油池火过程中火焰温度分布和火焰结构变化情况进行了实验观察,结果 证明池火火焰存在 核心 反应 通风 控制和燃料 控制 区域

  • Infrared thermograph processing system with Microcomputer

    微机红外 热像处理系统

  • All the subjects were observed by infrared thermograph ( TVS-2000 Color Instrument Japan ) for the lower back and the degree of pain was evaluated by visual analogue scale ( VAS ) .

    使用日本产TVS-2000型彩色红外 热像 分别对病例及对照组人员的腰背部进行红外热像观察。

  • With the development of Infrared Focal Plane Array ( IRFPA ) and the maturity of the infrared image processing technology the application of the infrared thermograph system becomes wider and wider .

    随着红外图像处理技术和红外焦平面阵列的发展和不断成熟,红外 成像系统的应用越来越广泛。

  • The examples to diagnose transformer faults with measuring element method by electro microscopy infrared thermograph and ICP plasma emission spectrum are introduced .

    摘要介绍了应用扫描电镜测量元素法、红外 成像分析法、等离子发射光谱法检测大型变压器故障的实例。

  • An Observation on Infrared Thermograph of Lower Back Pain Patients

    腰背痛病人的红外 热像观察

  • A study of the surface temperature of human using the technology of infrared thermograph

    应用红外 技术 测试 舌面温度的研究

  • The thermograph obtained by a thermal imaging system is only the distribution of radiant temperature of the surface of measured devices not the true temperature .

    红外热成像系统 直接获得的 热像 ,是被测器件表面辐射温度的分布,并不是真实温度的分布。

  • Application of ANSYS in Thermal Analysis of Infrared Thermograph

    ANSYS在红外 成像 三维热分析中的应用

  • Inspections on Carbon Fiber-reinforced Concrete Compound Materials for Defects with the Method of Infrared Thermograph

    碳纤维混凝土复合材料缺陷的红外 热像检测

  • Operation Principle and Application of Compact Thermograph for Heating

    采暖 便携式 温度 自动 记录仪的工作原理及应用

  • Stress distribution and variation on infrared thermograph and photoelastic technique Research on the Characteristics of Distribution and Variation of Snow Cover on the Tibetan Plateau by Using EOF Analysis

    基于红外 成像和光弹性 测试的应力分布与变化的 定量分析用EOF方法研究青藏高原积雪 深度分布与变化

  • Utilizing the conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced concrete ( CFRC ) the damage characteristic of CFRC specimen subjected to different levels of loading were detected by means of segmental resistance measurement and infrared thermograph and were compared with that measured by conventional strain gauge .

    依据碳纤维增强混凝土(CFRC)的导电性,利用分段测电阻及红外 热像法检测了CFRC试块承受不同载荷的损伤情况,与传统的应变片测量作了比较。

  • Single MCU in Low Cost Digital Thermograph

    采用单片微控制器的低成本数字 温度计

  • The results show that it is feasible to e-valuate segregation by means of nuclear density and laser surface texture measurement and control the temperature differentials in construction by infrared thermograph .

    研究表明:使用激光断面仪和核子密度仪来评价混合料离析是较为快速有效的,而且对路面没有损坏;使用红外线 温度 记录仪可以 有效控制现场施工温度离析,提高施工 质量

  • The exploring for the value of thermograph diagnosis in breast cancer ( analysis of 21 cases )

    红外 热像 对乳腺癌诊断价值的探讨(附21例分析)

  • The localization and quantification study of the infrared thermograph in spine area of the healthy young people

    健康青年男女脊柱区红外 热像 的定位、定量研究