thermoelectric material

[ˌθɚmoɪˈlɛktrɪk məˈtɪriəl][ˌθə:məuiˈlektrik məˈtiəriəl]


  • As the key part of the thermoelectric generation equipment thermoelectric material becomes the important research object .

    作为热电发电器的核心部分的 热电 材料自然成为研究的重点,本论文工作以 Ca3Co4O9 热电 材料为研究对象,通过不同 元素 掺杂改善它的 热电 性能,已经初步取得了良好的效果。

  • Thermoelectric material is a functional material that can be used to convert thermal energy into electrical energy directly with carriers . It has a long performance life and good stability and environmental benign .

    热电 材料能够实现电能和热能之间的直接转换,它具有使用寿命长、稳定性好、环境友好等优点,在很多领域得到了应用,主要用于 热电 制冷 温差 发电

  • Calculation of Energy Band of Bi-Te Based Thermoelectric Material

    Bi-Te基 热电 材料的能带结构计算

  • Research on the performance of bi_2te_3 thermoelectric material 's FGM

    Bi2Te3系 热电 材料FGM化的性能研究

  • Thermoelectric material is a sort of functional material that can be directly converted between thermal energy and electrical energy .

    热电 材料是一种能够将热能和电能进行直接转换的功能材料。

  • Research Progress of PGEC and Low-dimension Thermoelectric Material

    声子玻璃电子晶体和低维 热电 材料的研究进展

  • Thermodynamic Analysis of Thermoelectric Process and Measurement for Seebeck Coefficient of Thermoelectric Material

    温差发电的热力过程研究及 材料的塞贝克系数测定

  • Study on surface processing technology for thermoelectric material slices

    温差 材料片表面处理工艺研究

  • Synthetic samples doped with CO have already had the preliminary performance of thermoelectric material .

    掺杂Co的合成样品已具备 热电 材料的初步性能。

  • Synthesis of CoSb_3 thermoelectric material by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering

    机械合金化与等离子体烧结法制备CoSb3 热电 材料

  • A new measuring technology for thermoelectric performance of the thermoelectric material with nanowire array structure ( NWAS ) was introduced .

    介绍了一种新的一维纳米线阵列结构 温差 材料热电性能测试技术。

  • Preparation and performance of P-type FeSi_2 / Bi_2Te_3 segmented thermoelectric material

    两元P-型梯度结构 热电 材料FeSi2/Bi2Te3的制备与性能

  • The second is to choose a thermoelectric material which conducts heat badly ( so that different parts remain at different temperatures ) but electricity well .

    第二,选择一种 热电 效应 材料,它导热不好(使在不同的部位保持不同的温度)但是导电良好。

  • Synthesis and Thermoelectric Property of Mg_2Si-Based Thermoelectric Material

    Mg2Si基 热电 材料的制备与热电性能研究

  • Research Progress and Properties Optimization of Co-based Oxide Thermoelectric Material

    钴基氧化物 热电 材料的研究进展及性能优化

  • The Seebeck coefficient S of a kind of Bi-Te-Sb-Se thermoelectric material at low temperature has been experimentally researched . Based on the experiment the function between S and T of this material has been expressed .

    测定了一种Bi-Te-Sb-Se半导体 热电 材料在低温下的塞贝克系数随温度的变化关系,绘制了曲线并进行数值拟合;

  • Equilibrium Thermodynamics Analysis of Underpotential Deposition of Bi-Te Substrate System Thermoelectric Material

    欠电势沉积Bi-Te基体系 热电 材料的平衡热力学分析

  • The core issue of thermoelectric materials is to improve the energy conversion efficiency and looking for a kind of better thermoelectric material which work at room temperature and the geothermal temperature zone .

    提高 热电 材料的能量转换效率,寻找能够在室温和地热温区工作是热电材料研究的核心问题。

  • However the thermoelectric material at present has a low conversion efficiency which confines it greatly from being used extensively in the national economy in turn .

    但是目前研究的 热电 材料的转换效率较低,极大地限制了其在国民经济中的广泛应用。

  • Thermoelectric material is a kind of functional materials which can convert heat into electricity directly .

    热电 材料,又 温差 材料,是一种能够实现热能和电能直接相互转换的功能材料。

  • Study on crystal growth and physical property of thermoelectric material lead telluride PbTe

    热电 材料碲化铅PbTe的晶体生长及物理性质研究

  • Finally prospects which were based on study about thermoelectric material the device and the coupling application of thermoelectric generation and cooling were performed .

    最后,在 温差 热电 材料、温差热电器件以及温差热电制冷和温差发电联合应用方面对温差热电技术进行了展望。

  • The surface processing technology for thermoelectric material slices was studied while the main technological steps and experimental processes are introduced .

    研究了 温差 材料片的表面处理工艺,介绍了主要工艺步骤及实验过程。

  • The thermoelectric material is called atom layer thermoelectric materials .

    这种 热电 材料称为原子层热电材料。

  • The experimental results show that the surface processing improves not only the solderability and bond strength of thermoelectric material slices but also the reliability and thermoelectric performance of thermoelectric module .

    该工艺实验表明, 材料片经表面处理后,不仅提高了可焊性和结合强度,而且提高了组件的可靠性和 热电性能;

  • Thermoelectric material is a kind of energy materials which can convert heat to electricity directly or use electricity to cooling through the motion of internal carrier .

    热电 材料是一种通过 固体内部载流子运动可直接将热能转化成电能,反之可以利用电能制冷的新能源材料。

  • Thermoelectric material is named temperature battery material which can convert thermal energy directly to electric energy and vice versa . It is a kind of novel functional material which can primarily be used in refrigeration and power generation .

    热电 材料又称温差电池材料,可以实现热能和电能的相互转换,是一种应用于 温差 发电和热电制冷的新型功能材料。

  • Thermoelectric material is a semiconductor material that can realize the direct conversion between thermal energy and electric energy so it can serve as a good solution to the environmental problems and energy problems currently faced by the world .

    热电 材料是一种能实现热能和电能直接转换的半导体材料,可解决当今面临的环境问题及能源问题。

  • Devices made of thermoelectric material have many special advantages and have been successfully used in a few acmes of science and technology .

    热电 材料制成的 热电器件具有很多独特的优点,在少数科技尖端领域已获得成功的应用。