


  • It could be resistivity if you have a thermocouple .

    如果你有个 热电偶,它也可以是电阻率。

  • A thermocouple is attached to the sample from above to give a direct measurement of the temperature .


  • Try checking the die exit temperature with a surface thermocouple .

    要设法用表面 热电偶检查口模出口温度。

  • Thermocouple temperature monitoring system with on-line compensation based on Profibus-DP

    基于Profibus-DP的具有在线补偿能力的 热电偶温度监测系统

  • It is applicable for laying computer cables communication cables thermocouple cables and control cables of highly-sensitive systems .

    它适用于数设计算机电缆、通信电缆、 热电偶电缆及其它高灵敏系统的控制电缆等。

  • Thermocouple or thermocouple wiring becomes short circuited .


  • Comparing with the measurement with PtPtRh thermocouple the advantages and disadvantages of continuous infrared temperature measurement system based on color contrast are analyzed .

    通过铂铂铑 热电偶 测温对比实验,分析了 热电偶测温和基于比色原理的红外钢水连续测温系统的优劣。

  • The transmitter is wired for up-scale thermocouple burn-out protection .

    变送器上壳连有 热电偶烧毁保护接线。

  • Necessary production and testing equipment for thermometer thermocouple precision resistor precision inductor manufacturing enterprises .

    也是温度计、 热电偶、精密电阻、精密电感等生产企业的必备生产和检测设备。

  • Temperature-measuring thermocouple . Type of heating element and polarity symbols can be specified .

    温度测量 热电偶。可指定加热单元和极性符号的类型。

  • The sample temperature was controlled by a Chromel_Alumel thermocouple with a precision on the order of0.1 ℃ .

    样品温度用Chromel-Alumel 热电偶控制,其精度在0.1℃左右。

  • Radiation error correction methods for thermocouple measurement in fire whirl experiment

    火旋风模拟实验中 热电偶 测温辐射误差修正方法研究

  • The ambient temperature shall be measured by means of a thermocouple .

    灯具工作 现场的温度应当采取 热电偶的方式来测。

  • The material selection and structural design of the thermocouple sensor and the routine test conditions especially the recovery factor and time constant experiment are introduced .

    介绍了 热电偶传感器材料的选择和结构的设计以及传感器的例行实验情况,特别是恢复系数和时间常数实验。

  • Development and Application of High-Accuracy Water Cooled High Temperature Thermocouple

    高精度水冷高温 热电偶的研制与应用

  • They should be checked frequently against a standard thermocouple .

    它们经常要用标准 热电偶来校对。

  • The transmitter must have the diagnostic capability to distinguish a thermocouple burnout from an out of range temperature .

    当温度在设定范围外时,温度传感器必须具有辨别 热电偶烧毁保护接线的能力。

  • The accuracy of the thermocouple sensor is determined by the accuracy of the wire used .

    所用的 热电偶线的准确性决定 热电偶传感器的准确度。

  • The testing result shows that it can accomplish the calibration of thermocouple automatically .

    经现场测试,检定软件可自动完成 热电偶的检定工作;

  • Also the test socket could be furnished with the self acting lubricator and the temperature thermocouple .

    还可以在试验座上安装有自动加油装置和测温 热电偶

  • Electricity produced by heat ( as in a thermocouple ) .

    由热产生的电(在一个 热电偶内)。

  • One thermocouple is required per thermowell .

    每个热电偶套管需要一个 热电偶

  • Measure the thermocouple 's millivolt output .

    测量 热电偶的毫伏输出。

  • So an based on the K-type thermocouple temperature measurement system of the off-line is designed in the article .

    本文针对转管炮炮壁温度测试过程中存在的 测试 环境恶劣、干扰多等特点,设计了基于K型 热电偶的离线 测温系统。

  • Effects of vacuum and pouring temperature on thermal transfer between metal-mold interfaces for magnesium alloy LFC process are investigated by thermocouple and computer data collection system .

    采用 热电偶和计算机数据采集系统研究了真空度和浇注温度对一镁合金消失模铸造金属-铸型间的传热的影响。

  • In tests of combustor heat loss arises from radiation in measuring tempera-ture with a thermocouple .

    我们在进行某一环形燃烧室扇形形试验件的试验研究时, 热电偶测量了燃烧室内的温度分布。

  • Input . Determine inputs such as thermocouple signals timer or analytical test results .

    输入。确定输入,比如 热电偶信号,定时器,或分析测试结果。

  • The Design of Thermocouple Temperature Measurement System Based on SCM

    基于单片机的 热电偶测温系统的设计