


  • Gearbox has large feed and threading functions .

    变速箱有大饲料和 线程功能。

  • The Linux operating system has provided different user-level threading implementations throughout its history .

    Linux操作系统发展至今已经提供了不同用户级别的 线程 实现。

  • Threads and synchronization primitives solve the vital problem of diversity of the threading API 's on different platforms .

    线程和同步原语解决了 线程API在不同平台上的区别导致的问题。

  • As mentioned there 's a lot of support for threading on servers to handle background batch processing .

    正如前面提到的,服务器对 线程提供了许多支持,可以进行后台批处理。

  • The threading change improves the application-starting performance on heavily loaded systems .

    这一 线程变化改善了在重负载系统中应用程序的启动性能。

  • Native operating system threading APIs are not portable : Both syntactic and semantic differences exist .

    原生操作系统 线程API是不可移植的:存在语法和语义差异。

  • The Linux kernel uses a process model rather than a threading model .

    Linux内核使用的是进程模型,而不是 线程模型。

  • Specify threading model interface type and any additional interface to support .

    指定要支持的 线程模型、接口类型和任何附加接口。

  • Automatic feed and threading are fully interlocked .

    自动饲料和 线程完全互锁。

  • Specify threading model aggregation and support for your object .

    为对象指定 线程模型、聚合和支持。

  • It also provides threading support automatically for you which handles the socket connection and disconnection to a peer .

    其次它会自动提供对 线程的支持,以处理同另一端的连接和断开连接。

  • POSIX threads provide the threading mechanism as well as shared memory .

    POSIX线程提供了 线程 机制和共享内存。

  • This article introduces threading with a simple threaded application .

    本文通过一个简单的线程应用程序来介绍 线程

  • It has an elaborate threading process that uses three spools of thread .

    它的 穿 线过程很复杂,要用三个线轴。

  • The plain Tomcat runtime has no limitation on threading and file or network I / O.

    普通Tomcat运行时对 线程以及文件或网络I/O没有限制。

  • Specify control type threading model interface type aggregation and additional support for your control .

    请为控件指定控件类型、 线程模型、接口类型、聚合和附加支持。

  • This Threading Module constructs higher-level threading interfaces on top of the lower level thread module .

    这个 线程 模块在较低层次线程模块的基础上构造了高层次的线程接口。

  • Application servers are composed of two fundamental threading components : managed threads and unmanaged threads .

    应用程序服务器由两个基本 线程组件组成:托管线程和非托管线程。

  • No resource contention means most threading problems go away .

    没有资源冲突就意味着大多数 线程 问题消失了。

  • InfoQ : How does it relate to Ruby 's threading system or Ruby 's new Fibers / Coroutines ?

    它与Ruby的 线程体系或者Ruby中新的纤程/协程有什么关系?

  • For example consider threading and multiprogramming .

    例如,考虑 线程和多程序设计。

  • However operation specifics such as threading issues or instance management are opaque to clients .

    但是,操作详细信息(例如, 线程 处理问题或实例管理)对客户端是不透明的。

  • Threading and the number of processes per CPU settings are configurable by administrators .

    每个CPU上多 线程和进程数的设置可由管理配置。

  • Threading becomes easy because no resources are shared .

    线程 变得容易了,因为不共享任何资源。

  • The threading module does provide many synchronization primatives including semaphores condition variables events and locks .


  • Do not overexert when reaming holes or threading lest breaking off the reamer or the tap .

    铰孔或 攻丝时,不要用力过猛,以免折断铰刀或丝锥。

  • There are some specifics in threading models implementations that influence JVM performance on different Linux distributions .

    以下是一些 线程模型实现方面的详细说明,该实现将影响不同Linux发行版本上的JVM性能。

  • The following counters pertain to threading locks timers and thread pools .

    下列计数器与 线程 处理、锁、计时器和线程池有关。

  • Many methods of the managed threading classes provide time-outs to help you detect deadlocks .

    托管 线程 处理类的许多方法都提供了超时设定,可帮您检测到死锁。

  • I also give you some tips on avoiding threading mistakes and improving application startup performance .

    我还会给您提供一些避免 线程错误以及提高应用程序启动性能的技巧。