third estate

[θə:d ɪˈstet][θɜ:d isˈteit]


  • The third chapter is real estate development status of Dalian .

    章是大连市房 产业发展现状。

  • The third part draw the theory of real estate pricing and the real estate bubble ;

    部分,总结了房地产泡沫的相关理论,集中在房地产市场的市场有效性分析,房 地产价格的决定因素,以及房地产泡沫的实证分析模型的引入;

  • Third the relation between real estate developers is analyzed .

    分析了房 地产 开发商之间的动态关系。

  • The third estate of the realm ; the commons ( especially in Britain or France ) viewed as forming a political order having representation in a parliament .

    社会的 等级;被认为是组成社会政治秩序的平民(尤其在英国和法国),在议会中有代表。

  • The third part is the real estate financial risk management analysis ( Chapter 4-5 ) .

    部分是我国房 地产融资模式风险管理分析(第4&5章)。

  • Third mortgage real estate value-added part of the division of marriage .

    ,按揭 房产婚后增值部分的分割问题。

  • The Marketing Strategy Research of Star Coast the Third High-level Area Real Estate Project

    星海湾 高层区房 地产项目市场营销策略研究

  • The first to use it in its modern sense was Alfred Sauvy a French demographer who drew a parallel with the third estate ( the people ) during the French revolution .

    首次使用现代意义上 世界的是法国人口学家艾尔弗雷德·索雷(AlfredSauvy),法多大革命时期,他用第 世界来比喻“平民阶级”(第 阶级, third estate)。

  • Third real - estate for reception ;

    接待类旅游房 地产 开发

  • The third estate of the realm : the nobility ( especially British nobility ) of the rank of duke or marquess or earl or viscount or baron .

    社会的 等级;公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵、男爵等级的贵族(尤指英国贵族)。

  • In the third part of the real estate market local government and regulatory improvement measures about the problem .

    部分,提出地方政府房 地产市场监管完善对策以及笔者对此问题的见解。

  • In the third chapter I utilize real estate integration boom index model and analyze the specific process and main characteristics of the cycle of real estate industry by positivist research .

    章则利用房 地产综合景气指数模型,从实证角度分析了房地产周期波动的具体运行过程和主要特征。

  • Third reforms real estate tax system structure .

    改革房 地产税制结构。

  • Proposition On Constructing Strategic Alliance of Third Estate Circling Bohai Region

    建立环渤海经济圈 产业战略联盟构想

  • On Some Legal Issues about Third Party Protection in Real Estate Business

    浅谈不 交易中 人保护问题研究

  • Third Equitable estate it is an important component of estate system and can not be ignored . It is created mainly by trust .

    衡平法上的 Estate是研究Estate体系不可忽视的重要组成,其主要通过信托的使用而创设。

  • Nanning city as an associate triplet has been pointed out that the real estate bubble ranked the third national it reflects the real estate prices have been virtual high from the side .

    南宁市作为准三线城市却被指出其房地产泡沫成本排名全国 ,侧面反映出房 地产价格的虚高。

  • Disputes immediately broke out between the three estates due to the resolve of the Third Estate the Commons to control the assembly .

    由于 等级,即平民,决心控制议会,因此 个社会 阶层之间的争论立即爆发。

  • Transactions in Shanghai in the first half of January reportedly jumped by more than a third year-on-year according to local estate agents .

    据当地 房屋中介透露,1月份上半月,上海房屋交易量同比增长了 之一

  • Third the development of real estate financial intermediaries .

    ,发展房 地产金融中介机构。

  • Third The crowding-out effect of real estate investment has more influence to large cities in China .

    、房 地产投资挤出效应较为严重的主要地区为我国的大中城市。

  • Third the disputed ownership of real estate Is resolved through civil litigation is resolved through settlement or through administrative proceedings . Part ⅱ: Analysis the controversy of the case theoretically .

    对于不动 产权属有争议的,是通过民事诉讼解决还是通过行政诉讼解决。 二部分:对本案的争议从理论上进行分析。

  • When court auctions the real estate which beyond the liability limit of debtor 's possessions belong to the third ones they do not distinguish goodwill or malice of the bargainee and neglect to protect the third ones ' real estate property .

    法院在拍卖债务人以外第三人不动产时,不具体区分拍定人的善意或恶意,严重忽视不 所有人的保护和救济。

  • The third the control policy of real estate changed as the growing of the economic the perfect housing security .

    ,随着各国经济的发展,国力的变化,住房保障的完善,房 地产 市场调控政策也在发生种种变化。

  • In the knowledge economy era the knowledge creating is social theme but if we want the new knowledge to be combined with the social practice in our country we must heighten the workers ' quality and develop the third estate rigorously .

    知识创新是知识经济时代的主题,然而,要实现新知识与社会实践的结合,必须提高一线从业人员的素质,同时大力发展第 产业

  • Third the poor liquidity real estate wealth facing strong credit constraints .

    ,房 地产财富的流动性差,面临较强的信贷约束。

  • Artworks become the third major investment fields beyond the real estate financial and securities .

    艺术品投资,已经成为了继房 地产、金融证券之后的 大投资领域。

  • Third the letter A Estate Development Co. Ltd. Human Resources Development Status and Problems of a profound analysis .

    ,对A 地产开发有限公司人力资源开发现状及问题进行了深刻剖析。

  • Promissory prior call has only obligatory right effect while legal prior call has the validity of real right which also be limited by the third person acquiring system and estate real right registration validity in order to protect the equity of the third person in good will .

    约定优先购买权仅有债权效力,法定优先购买权具有物权性质的效力,但应受到第 人善意取得制度、不 物权登记效力的限制,以保护善意第三人的利益。