


  • You know when a singer is thirsty I can help him or her .

    你知道的,当一名歌手 时候,我会帮助他或她的。

  • He must be thirsty or hungry .

    他一定是 ,或者是饿了。

  • She was obviously thirsty because she drank a lot .

    她显然是 ,因为她喝了很多酒。

  • He was so thirsty that he drank three glasses of water at a stretch .


  • The boy told me that he was thirsty .


  • I was so thirsty that I drank a liter of iced tea .

    我太 竟然喝了一公升的冰茶。

  • We are thirsty very very thirsty .


  • Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise .

    运动过程中 就喝点水。

  • Give me a glass of water because I 'm thirsty .


  • She was suddenly thirsty and dry .

    她突然 口渴

  • People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are .

    人们应该理解他们复仇的 愿望是多么 强烈

  • I know said Tommy but I was thirsty and as my half was at the .

    “我知道,”汤米说,但是我 口渴 ,而我的一半在瓶子的下部。

  • P : I am hungry ( thirsty constipated ) .

    我饿( ,便秘)了。

  • Here 's some boiled water . Have a drink whenever you 're thirsty .

    这里有开水, 随便喝。

  • No thank you . I 'm not very thirsty . I had a lot to drink earlier .

    不用了,谢谢。我不是很 。我之前喝了很多饮料了。

  • Some kinds of food makes one thirsty .

    有些种类的食物使人 口渴

  • Are you thirsty ? Yes I am . / No I am not .


  • I 'm feeling thirsty too !

    我也 口渴

  • I 'm thirsty you gave me drink ;


  • I 'm hurt and thirsty set me on my way .

    我很伤心又 ,我的道路上设置了我。

  • You uh thirsty ? You thirsty ?


  • I am thirsty . I need to drink some water .


  • Everybody felt more or less thirsty .


  • If your child is thirsty for learning then it is senseless to hold her back .

    如果你的孩子 渴望学习,那就不要毫无益处地进行阻拦。

  • When a baby is thirsty it feeds more often

    婴儿 时候吃奶就会更频繁。

  • I will buy a bottle of water if I get thirsty on the journey .

    如果在旅途中我 ,我就会买瓶水。

  • I am too thirsty to go away without it .

    我太 ,我不能不 喝水就走了。

  • Don 't wait till you are thirsty to dig a well .


  • I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty .

    当我听到水里的鱼 感到 口渴时我笑了。

  • If you are thirsty drink right now .

    如果你 ,现在就喝水。