

[化] 硫双卡

  • A test to determine the toxicological effect of thiodicarb flowables on cotton bollworm ( Heliothis armigera ) was performed using methods of topical application leaf diping and contact residue .

    采用点滴法、浸叶法、药膜法测定了 多威 悬剂毒力效果。

  • HPLC method might provide immediately the reaction kinetic data of Thiodicarb .

    高效液相色谱法能及时提供 多威的反应动力学数据, 其它 物质 干扰

  • Field Tests on 25 % Thiodicarb WP against Cotton Bollworm

    25% 双威防治棉铃虫田间试验