



  • It 's a good enough tick for me .

    对我来说,这 够好的了。

  • I decided it was time to tick the cupping box on my list .

    我决定是时候 滴答 作响拔罐框我的名单上。

  • I 'm interested in how people tick .

    我对人们的所 所想很感兴趣。

  • So I sat down to see how many points I could tick off on the various generic lists .

    所以,我坐了下来,看看这各种概括清单中提到的 愿望,我可以 掉几

  • Put a tick opposite the answer that you think is correct .

    在你认为对的答案 打个

  • Did he tick you off ?


  • Teacher write a tick quickly .


  • I can tick the order . What do you want ?


  • He sat listening to the tick of the grandfather clock .

    他坐在那儿,听着落地式大摆钟 嘀嗒 作响

  • A wind-up clock ticked busily from the kitchen counter .

    一只上了弦的钟在厨房的案子上 嘀嗒 个不停。

  • As each boy said yes he ticked their name .

    随着男孩们依次答到,他 他们的名字

  • Can you let me have this on tick until thursday ?

    你能让我 赊购 东西,到星期四 付款吗?

  • I shall be with you in two ticks .


  • That don 't look like no flea and tick thing to me .


  • Put a tick next to those activities you like and a cross next to those you dislike .

    你喜欢的活动 ,在不喜欢的活动旁 叉。

  • This is a pretty early tick I reckon .


  • Abdel felt free to tick him off for smoking too much

    阿卜杜勒 动辄责骂他抽烟太凶。

  • Place a tick in the appropriate box .


  • Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive such mailings

    如果你不想收到此类邮件,请 这个方框里

  • Note that more than one event can occur for each tick .

    注意每个 tick中可以出现多个事件。

  • He wanted to find out what made them tick

    他想搞清楚他们 为什么那样

  • I had to tick him off for being late again .

    由于他又一次迟到,我 责备了他。

  • I 'll be back in a tick

    我马上就 回来

  • Tick bites can cause Lyme disease .


  • Just hang on a tick we may be able to help

    稍等 一会儿,我们或许能帮上忙。

  • He put a tick by her name on the list .


  • Only this last did I tick with conviction thinking we were back on hairdos again .

    我把最后一 出来,还以为我们又回到发型那种问题上了。

  • The back tick or back quote operator ( ` ` ) expands commands in place .


  • The silence were broken only by the tick of the clock .

    只有钟的 滴答 打破了寂静。

  • His exercise books were full of well deserved red ticks

    他的练习本上 尽是 钩钩,都是他应得的。