three reading

[法] 三读制,三读会

  • Intensive reading skimming speed reading technique of carrying the three different reading tasks respectively reflecting the reading depth breadth and speed is that each reader must be familiar with both the mix of skills .

    精读、略读、速读 技法承载着不同的 阅读任务,分别反映了阅读的深度、广度和速度,是每位阅读者必须谙熟兼备的综合技能。

  • The Investigation of Students ' Reading Comprehension of Literary Masterpieces in Additional Questions of NCEE ( Jiangsu Part ) and a Brief Talk on the Answering Strategy An Empirical Study on the Validity of the Three Reading Item Types in the Effectiveness of Testing Reading Subskills

    江苏高考加试题之名著阅读学生阅读情况调查及应试方法初探 阅读理解题型在考查阅读微技能方面的效度研究

  • He spent three years reading for a degree in history .

    他花了 3年时间 攻读历史学位。

  • Three open reading frames ( termed wsv063 、 wsv069 and wsv477 ) of white spot syndrome virus are predicted to encode putative zinc finger proteins . They were cloned and inserted into pET-GST vector and expressed in E.

    从对虾白斑综合症病毒基因组的预测开放 阅读框中选取 3个编码类锌指蛋白的基因wsv063、wsv069和wsv477,将它们克隆到pET-GST表达载体,以E。

  • A View on the Activity and Initiative in Reading Comprehension from the Three Levels of Reading Process

    论读者在阅读理解中的主动性和能动性&从 阅读过程的 层面谈起

  • Chapter three studies the three reading positions in Ruth reader-elevating character-elevating and evenhanded .

    第三章研究《路得记》中的 阅读位置,即读者占上风、人物占上风及两者持平。

  • The first three modules-Listening Reading and Writing-must be completed in one day .

    部分考试(听力、 阅读和写作)必须在同一天内完成。

  • They get the three years from reading the Gospel of John .

    他们通过 约翰福音获得持续 年这个观点。

  • According to foreign linguists and psycholinguists there are three main reading models : bottom-up model top-down model and interactive model .

    外国专家对阅读模式进行了研究,主要有 阅读模式:自下而上、自上而下、相互作用模式。

  • THREE : While reading this there was one person on your mind this whole time .

    3:当你 着这 文章时,你的脑子里总有一个人。

  • On the basis of the CELT curriculum and absorbing the elite of the above three reading teaching models we attempt to set up a new one - the discourse-based task reading teaching model .

    在大学英语教学大纲的基础上,吸收上述 阅读教学模式的精华,本文试图建立一种大学英语阅读教学的新模式&以语篇分析为基础的任务阅读教学模式。

  • Additional Chi-square tests were used to check for significant differences in the use of individual strategy items across three reading proficiency levels .

    最后,使用卡方检验找出 不同 阅读水平的学生在单个策略的使用方面是否存在显著差异。

  • Next introduce three reading models namely bottom-up model up-down model and interactive models .

    然后简述了自下而上,自上而下和交互 阅读 阅读模式。

  • Abstract The paper introduces briefly the historical origins of three Reading House in Nanjing

    本文简介了南京 读书台的历史渊源

  • There were two to three reading periods per week .

    每星期的 阅读课约占两至

  • Three Reading House in Nanjing History

    南京历史上的 读书

  • Drawn on the three American reading theories and observed from the understanding theory of hermeneutics reading comprehension is in essence a process of fusion of horizons of the reader and the English text .

    在借鉴美国 阅读理论的基础上,以哲学阐释学的理解理论来观察 英语 阅读,英语阅读的本质是读者前见与英语文本的视域融合过程。

  • An Empirical Study on the Validity of the Three Reading Item Types in the Effectiveness of Testing Reading Subskills


  • Chapter Two theoretically and empirically reviews relevant literature . Three reading models i.e. bottom-up top-down and interactive models have also been expatiated in this part .

    第二章为相关理论综述,引出了 阅读 模式:自下而上、自上而下和交互式模式。

  • There are three reading tests two 5 Likert-Scale questionnaires and one retrospective interview embraced in the experiment instrument .

    实验工具采用 次英语 阅读水平测试;两份问卷和一次反省式面谈。

  • In Chapter Four of Section Two we match the problem-solving mode in information processing psychology with three reading process models then we build a problem-solving teaching process model .

    在第四章的第二节,我们把信息加工心理学中的问题解决模式与 阅读过程模式进行匹配,构建了一个问题解决教学过程模型。

  • To explore the narrative strategies of survival of TV prose description of matter can also be described in the text the way from the main narrative and narrative description of discourse states that the three reading .

    探究电视散文生存的叙事策略,还可以从文本叙述方式的叙述主体、叙述人称和叙述话语等 方面 解读对于事的叙述。

  • Don 't enroll in more than three reading intensive courses .

    不要在一 学期选 门以上 阅读量很大的课程。

  • The article introduced the application background of remote three meters reading system in summary concluded its development situation home and abroad define the main work this project had done .

    本文介绍了 三表自动 抄收系统的应用背景,课题意义,总结了国内外的应用和技术发展现状,提出了本课题需要完成的主要工作、总体方案及关键技术。

  • After three days without reading talk becomes flavorless .

    日不 读书,便觉言语乏味。

  • For a long time there are three methods of reading lessons .

    长期以来, 阅读课有 上法。

  • In teaching of reading three layer reading methods of first impression for feeling first learning for sense later teaching for understanding are supposed to be adopted ;

    在阅读教学中,应采用先入求感得、先学求知得、后教使悟得的 阅读法;

  • In each group the comparison is made between the EC and the CC in the three reading tests and three investigations and then we discuss the relationship between their reading and affective disturbances .

    各组实验班与控制班之间进行前、中、后测 阅读成绩比较、情感障碍问卷调查结果比较,最后分析讨论实验班各组与控制班相应组之间情感障碍的变化与阅读成绩之间的关系。

  • Three reading models have some limitations so the introduction of context to English teaching is necessary .


  • Each process contains the three vertical reading levels . This thesis mainly examines the relation between the translation strategies and the poetry acceptability of the two translated versions among TT readers .

    在每一个过程中都存在这 阅读接受阶段,并重点探讨了目标语读者对译本的接受度与翻译策略选择的关系。