


  • The heat of the sun hardens clay . a thermosetting resin .

    太阳的热使黏土变硬。一种 硬化 的树脂。

  • Study on High Performance BMI and BCE Based Thermosetting Copolymer Matrix Resins

    BMI和BCE为基础的多元共聚 热固性高性能基体树脂研究

  • Only the thermosetting resins provide a strong cohesive forces ; this is due to molecular cross linkages .

    只有 热固性树脂具有巨大的凝聚力,这是由于分子交错链所造成的。

  • Thermosetting plastics and fiber-reinforced shapes are injection molded .


  • Study on Thermosetting Acrylic Resin with High Solid and Low Viscosity

    高固体分、低粘度 热固性丙烯酸树脂的研究

  • ( trademark ) a thermosetting plastic used as electric insulators and for making plastic ware and telephone receivers etc. .

    (商标)一种 硬化性塑料,用作电源绝缘体和制造塑料制品、电话听筒等。

  • Study on the Modified Thermosetting Systems and Composites Based on Cyanate Ester Resins

    改性 氰酸酯树脂及其复合体系的研究

  • Thermoplastic and thermosetting substances are called plastics .

    热塑塑料和 热固的物质称为塑料。

  • Study on the Preparation of a New Type of UV Curable TMA Epoxy Acrylic Resin ; A thermosetting epoxy modified acrylic clear top finish for metal electroplated parts is formulated .

    新型紫外光固化TMA环氧丙烯酸酯树脂性能研究介绍了一种金属电镀件罩光用的 热固性环氧改性丙烯酸清漆的配制。

  • A new kind of thermosetting epoxy modified acrylic varnish for metallic electroplated parts was developed .

    研制出一种金属电镀件 热固性环氧改型丙烯酸清漆。

  • The technological process principles and the key points of technology controlling of the thermosetting plastic by using the fusible core injection moulding were described .

    阐述了用可熔型芯注射成型 热固性塑料的工艺过程和原理、工艺控制要点。

  • Thermosetting plastics and formaldehyde cross-linking points and the other two types of cross-linking .


  • Bakelite is a well-known thermosetting material and it has a wide variety of uses .

    电木就是人们都熟悉的 热固性材料,具有多种用途。

  • The scientific research institute has developed a new thermosetting material .

    科研所研制出了一种新型的 热固性材料。

  • Advance in preparation and modification methods of thermosetting epoxy asphalt materials


  • The phenol resins and plastics were the original synthetic thermosetting materials .

    酚树脂和塑料是原始的 硬化 的合成材料。

  • A thermosetting resin ; used chiefly in strong adhesives and coatings and laminates .

    一种 硬化 树脂,主要用于强力粘合剂和涂料、绝缘层中。

  • Study on the Dielectric Properties of Thermosetting Polyimide Modified by Silica

    二氧化硅改性 热固性聚酰亚胺介电性能研究

  • Thermosetting resins impart durable press or wash-and-wear properties to the fabric and improve the fastness of the repellent .


  • He product based on phenolic resin as adhesive with mineral filler and other additives is processed into thermosetting plastics .

    本产品以酚醛树脂为粘合剂,加入矿物填料及其它添加物而制成的 热固性塑料。

  • The thermosetting reaction of the epoxy resin / tung oil acid anhydride / neodymium acetylacetonate ( AD ) system was studied .

    对环氧树脂/桐油酸酐/乙酰丙酮钕体系的 固化反应进行了研究。

  • A thermosetting epoxy modified acrylic clear top finish for metal electroplated parts is formulated .

    介绍了一种金属电镀件罩光用的 热固性环氧改性丙烯酸清漆的配制。

  • A clear thermosetting resin made from urea and formaldehyde and used in electrical fittings adhesives and finishes .

    一种清亮的 硬化 树脂,由尿素和甲醛制成,用于电器装备、粘合剂和末道漆中。

  • Performance of thermoset rubber but processed like thermoplastic . Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding compounds

    热固性橡胶之性能,热塑性塑料之加工方法. GB/T5472-1985 热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法

  • Research on mechanical properties of continuous glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic / thermosetting composite

    连续玻璃纤维增强热塑/ 热固性复合材料力学性能研究

  • Thermosetting plastic is defined as heat or other conditions can be solidified or insoluble ( melt ) properties of plastics such as Bakelite epoxy plastic .


  • Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics ( grp ) pipes and fittings-test methods to prove the design of cemented or wrapped rigid joints

    玻璃增强 热固塑料(GRP)管和配件-粘合和粘合部位的试验方法

  • Application Progress of BMP Thermosetting Polyimide Resin Matrix Composites

    BMP 系列 热固性聚酰亚胺树脂基复合材料的应用进展

  • Testing methods for thermosetting plastics

    硬化 塑料试验方法

  • This property differentiates thermoplastic materials from thermosetting ones .

    这个特性将热塑性材料与 硬化性材料区分开。