thermal flux

[ˈθɚməl flʌks][ˈθə:məl flʌks]


  • A deep study is made on shading problem on large deployable antenna that has not been solved in this paper which is based on structures and parameters of deployable antenna and the research status of the outer thermal flux calculation .

    针对我国在星载大型可展开天线方面以及空间轨道外 热流计算理论的研究状况,本文就目前还没有解决的星载大型可展天线的遮挡问题作了深入研究。

  • The Application of Thermal Flux Measurement to Design of B / KNO_3 Igniting Charges


  • By using 3He / thermal ratio the ocean thermal flux can be calculated .

    利用3He/热比值可以计算海洋的 通量

  • Deformation Deformation gradient temperature temperature gradient temperature rising rate stresses couple stresses and thermal flux are used which .

    叙述中涉及了变形梯度、高阶变形梯度、温度、温度梯度和温升率描写的应力、偶应力和 热流 矢量

  • Calculation and Software Design of the Orbit External Thermal Flux of a Space Optical Remote Sense

    空间光学遥感器轨道外 热流的计算与软件设计

  • The air temperature has highly significant impact on fur thermal flux between summer and winter and between male and female .

    温度变化对黄鼬夏冬季节间和雌雄间的被毛 热流 密度均有极显著。

  • Calculating the thermal flux distribution of an isothermal tube type furnace

    等温圆柱管式炉加热 热流 轴向分布计算

  • The rotating irradiation model for ND silicon presented in this paper gives distribution mean value and heterogeneity of the thermal flux on the cross section of silicon .

    本文提出的中子掺杂硅单晶旋转辐照模型,给出了 中子 通量在硅断面上的分布.平均值和不均匀度。

  • Specifically for complicated antenna structure in order to improve accuracy and speed for calculating outer thermal flux of the earth albedo and emitted radiation it has suggested that the approach adopt the Monte-Carlo method to calculating outer thermal flux of the space-borne antenna . 3 .

    对于复杂天线结构,为提高计算地球反照辐射和地球红外辐射外 热流的精度和速度,提出了采用蒙特卡洛法计算星载天线表面轨道外热流的原理和方法。

  • It is concerned with orbit parameters structures properties of material and its surface calculation of orbit external thermal flux simulation of orbit external thermal flux space vacuum thermal boundary status thermal computation and thermal design etc.

    这项技术涉及到试验对象的轨道参数、结构、材料表面特性、轨道外 热流计算、轨道外热流模拟、真空冷黑、热边界条件、热计算和热设计等因素。

  • After the thermal flux enters into friction discs and steel discs the temperature fields in these discs are affected and then the thermal stress fields are generated changing the mechanical status in discs .

    摩擦 热流进入摩擦片和对偶钢片后, 引起温度场的改变,进而引起热应力场的产生,改变了盘片的力学状态。

  • Ambient air temperature has a significant impact on fur thermal flux .

    环境温度对黄鼬被毛 热流 密度具有显著影响。

  • Based on the combination of theory and empirical data defined the thermal flux exit temperature and pressure of the experimental bench and so on .

    通过理论和经验数据相结合的方法确定了试验台的 流量、出口温度及压力等参数。

  • The results indicate the distribution range of gas hydrate is related mainly with the bottom sea methane flux and thermal flux the water depth and the fluid flux in the deposits . The thickness of hydrate deposits will reach and keep a constant critical value .

    这些结果表明了自然界中水合物的分布边界很大程度上与海底甲烷通量、 热能 通量、水深和沉积物中流体通量有关,甲烷水合物沉积区厚度会到达并保持一个临界恒定值。

  • A local thermal flux mechanism is proposed to explain the thermal relaxation mechanism .

    提出了一个局部 热流的概念来解释热弛豫机制。

  • In an extensional basin the surface thermal flux could be controlled by several factors such as the thermal flux derived from mantle radioactive heat generation of the upper crust and sediments and the thermal conductivities of lithosphere and sedimentary strata .

    伸展盆地的大地 热流值可以认为是由地幔热流、地壳内部和盆地沉积物生热效应以及岩石圈和沉积物导热性质等多个因素综合叠加的结果。

  • Then a physical interpretation of pressure and thermal flux is discussed by introducing the momentum flux vector M and the energy flax (?) through a surface dS in flow field .

    然后通过引入流场中某面元dS的动置流密度M和能量流密度δ来讨论压强和 热流等量的物理意义。

  • The thermal insulation objective is to minimize the temperature of the interior surface of the structure in order to minimize the thermal flux passes through the structure .

    隔热优化目的为降低结构内表面的温度,从而减少外界通过结构 热量

  • The theoretical analysis and numerical simulation result showed that the microchannel cooling system could keep the temperature of the chip with high thermal flux density in a suitable range which met the thermal control requirement of micro / nano satellite .

    理论分析和数值模拟结果表明,微槽冷却系统可使大 热流密度的 热源芯片温度维持在较低的范围内,能满足微纳卫星热控的要求。

  • Calculation of soil thermal flux in cotton field

    棉田土壤 通量的计算

  • Bucher Graph of Thermal Flux and Work in Diesel Cycle

    狄塞尔循环 热流和功的Bucher图

  • On pressure and thermal flux in gas-mixture flow and in two-phase flow

    论气体混合物和两相流中的压强和 热流

  • In term of experiment requirements of space optical remote sensors the thermal equilibrium experiment will be implemented under the condition of simulation in connection with space vacuum orbit external thermal flux and thermal boundary .

    按照试验规范,在模拟真空 、空间外 热流和热边界条件下对空间光学遥感器系统进行热平衡试验。

  • The temperature distribution and thermal flux distribution of copper lead were also given in range of room temperature ( 300 K ) to one stage of refrigerator temperature ( 77 K ) at different operating currents .

    给出了不同运行电流下,在室温温度(300K)和制冷机一级冷头温度(77K)间铜电流引线的温度、 热流分布。

  • The simulated averaged thermal resistances different wall sizes are also obtained since the distribution of temperature and thermal flux are known .

    在已知墙体的温度分布和 热流分布的基础上,计算了不同结构尺寸墙体的模拟平均热阻值。

  • In the analysis considering the non-linear change of physical parameters which flow the temperature change and the non-linear of the radiation the non-linear temperature field and thermal flux was simulated with finite element software .

    分析中,充分考虑了罐体物性参数随温度变化的非线性、辐射的非线性等因素,进行了鱼雷罐车罐体的温度场、 热流 通量场和 力场的非线性有限元模拟。

  • Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Flux Test of Fireworks and Firecracker Transport Hazard Classification Experiment

    烟花制品运输危险性定级试验 通量实验研究

  • This method takes advantage of the dynamic simulation function of finite element analysis and the thermodynamic theory to calculate the value of thermal flux .

    该方法利用动力学分析功能,结合传 热学原理求解 热流 传递数值;

  • To study the distribution and dissipation of braking power of wet multidisc brake and determine thermal load and thermal flux distribution between mated discs the concept of distributing brake power four times was put forward .

    研究湿式多片制动器制动过程制动能的分配和耗散,确定制动器的热负荷及摩擦偶件间 热流分布的状况。

  • When conductance heat is equal to half of Joule heat the thermal flux at joint of binary current leads is minimum at large operating current .

    认为大电流运行下,传导热等于焦耳热的一半时,在二元电流连接点的 热流最小。