thermal softening


  • Alumina dispersion strengthened copper composite ( Al_2O_3 / Cu composite ) is an attractive engineering material for applications requiring high strength high thermal and electrical conductivities and resistance to softening at elevated temperatures .

    Al2O3弥散强化铜基复合材料(Al2O3/Cu复合材料)因其具有优良的高强度高导电性能以及抗高温 软化 性能而成为备受瞩目的一种工程材料。

  • In the current model of cutting force Oxley model is the one which considers the material properties comprehensive mostly . However the material strain rate effects and thermal softening effects are still considered less than .

    目前所得到的切削力模型中,Oxley模型相对来说是考虑材料性能最全面的,但是对于材料的应变速率效应及 软化效应考虑不足。

  • It is found that the fluctuation is induced by the gradual aggravation of thermal expansion and thermal softening and is closely related to the evolution of plastic zone in the metal material .

    根据激光静态加热过程中应力出现的波动现象,发现是热膨胀、 软化逐渐加剧导致的,且与金属板内部塑性区域的发展演化密切相关。

  • So far as the high refracto - riness the high thermal stability and the high softening point under load of the magnesia spinel brick are concerned it is possible to prepare them either by using highly purified raw materials or by adding chromite .

    直接结合镁铝砖具有高耐火、 高热稳和高荷重 软化的性能,它可以由纯原料或用添加氧化铬矿物来制备。

  • The reason for the sawtooth chips is that the adiabatic shear localization occurs in the primary deformation zones when thermal softening exceeds strain and strain rate hardening .

    锯齿形切屑产生的原因是第一变形区内因 软化超过应变和应变率强化而发生了绝热剪切局部化。

  • Numerical analysis indicates that strain hardening and strain rate hardening are to resist the growth of voids whereas the ambient temperature is to promote the growth of voids in OFHC . It is also shown that the thermal softening has negligible influence on the growth of voids .

    模型的数值分析表明,对 OFHC铜来说,应变硬化效应、应变率效应阻碍了孔洞的增长, 效应对孔洞增长影响不大,而环境温度的 升高促进了孔洞的增长。

  • Hardness measurement on welding thermal simulated specimens and cross weld specimens showed that no softening occurred in the HAZ . All the cross weld tensile specimens ruptured in the base metal .

    无论是焊接 模拟试件还是焊接接头硬度测试均表明HAZ不存在 软化问题,接头拉伸试验断在远离热影响区的母材上。

  • Thermal softening of rattan canes : influence of the hemi cellulose-lignin matrix

    棕榈藤的 软化:半纤维木素基质的影响

  • Al2O3 / Cu composite has recently made their debut as potentially viable and attractive engineering materials for industrial applications that require high strength high thermal - and electrical-conductivity and high resistance to softening at elevated temperatures .

    Al2O3/Cu复合材料因具有优良的高强度高导电性能以及抗 高温 软化性能而成为备受瞩目的一种工程材料。

  • A corresponding computer program by using finite element methed is coded in FORTRAN 77 and is implemented on microcomputers . Numerical results show that the thermal stress and material softening irradiated laser beam will induce the catastrophic buckling failure of the pre compressed cylindrical shell .

    数值计算结果表明,激光照射区域产生的 应力和材料 软化将导致处于正常工作状态的轴压圆柱壳发生灾难性的热屈曲破坏。

  • Metal thermal softening and thermal conductivity offset each other at a certain extent thus adiabatic shear occurs at low cutting speeds ; At high cutting speed metal thermal softening dominates .

    在中低切削速度下,金属 软化 作用和热导率变化作用在一定程度上相互抵消,绝热剪切作用占主导地位;高切削速度时,金属热软化作用占主导地位。

  • It shows obvious regularity that saw-toothed chips form as alternating effect of thermal softening and strain hardening or periodic alternating cracks formation .

    由于 软化、应变硬化的交替作用或周期性裂纹的产生,使得锯齿形切屑形成呈现很明显的规律性。

  • Not only these PMMA / nano-SiO2 composite materials have also enhanced thermal stability glass transition temperature increased from 104.85 ℃ to 119.3 ℃ vicat softening temperature increased by 13 ℃ .

    不仅如此,PMMA/nano-SiO2复合材料的 稳定性也得到增强,玻璃化转变温度由原来的104.85℃升高为119.3℃,维卡 软化点也提高了13℃。

  • A thermal postbuckling analysis is presented for a rectangular plate subjected to uniform and nonuniform ( parabolic ) temperature loading and resting on a softening nonlinear elastic foundation .

    给出非线性弹性基础上矩形板在均匀和非均匀( 抛物型)热分布作用下的后 屈曲分析。

  • The paper come from the thermal properties of bleached shellac and find drying ways within its softening temprature .

    本实验从漂白紫胶的 性质出发,在其 软化程范围内寻找适宜的方法对其进行干燥。

  • Applications of Differential Thermal Analysis on Determination Softening Point and Acid Value of Rosin

    分析在测定松香 软化点、酸值研究上的应用

  • The testing involved Comprehensive thermal analysis loading softening performance .

    测定内容包括对 南钢 烧结 试样的综合 分析和 烧结 荷重 软化性能的测定。

  • For the eight species variation in the degree of thermal softening was observed .

    8种品种的 软化程度差异也被观测到。

  • The results showed that both methods of air blowing and thermal polycondensation in the presence of nitrogen raised the asphalt softening points and increased coke yields and heptane insolubles .

    结果表明,空气氧化和氮气 热缩聚可提高石油沥青的 软化点、焦产率和正庚烷不溶物含量。

  • Thermal Deformation and Vicat Softening Temperature Tester Based on Neural Network PID Temperature Control

    基于神经网络PID温度控制的 变形与维卡 软化温度测定仪

  • To the physical properties CNTs / Al composite gains the advantages over pure aluminum in density coefficient of thermal expansion and resistive softening temperature but too high content of CNTs will negatively affect the tightness and high temperature stability of the composite .

    物理性能方面,与纯铝相比,CNTs原位增强铝基复合材料在密度、 膨胀系数、抗 软化温度方面具有明显优势,但过高的CNTs含量对复合材料致密度、高温稳定性有不利影响。

  • It is found that particle and substrate preheating can promote the occurrence of thermal softening effect and then enhance the plastic deformation and final bonding strength between particles and substrate .

    研究结果表明,预热处理可以促进粒子或基体发生 软化 效应,进而促进强塑性变形的发生,同时提高接触面附近的 局部 温度,促进粒子与基体的结合。

  • The thermal characteristics of toner were introduced . The relations of toner composition with glass transition temperature softening temperature and melting index were investigated . The glass transition temperature of polymerization toner were tested and compared with calculational value .

    介绍了墨粉的 热学特性,考察了墨粉的玻璃化转变温度、 软化点、熔融指数与墨粉组成的关系,测试了聚合型墨粉的温度特性并与理论计算进行对比。

  • Thermal and mechanical response of the internally pressured cylindrical shell under laser irradiation is analyzed by FEM / Explicit and the dynamic failure phenomenon including thermal softening ablation and bursting are simulated .

    采用动力有限元显式积分程序,对承受内压、在侧面受到激光辐照的圆柱壳的热力学响应进行了数值模拟,展现了圆柱壳 软化、鼓包和爆裂的动态失效过程。