thermal imagery

[ˈθɚməl ˈɪmɪdʒri][ˈθə:məl ˈɪmɪdʒri:]


  • This paper reviews the basic principle of 256 element linear PtSi - Schottky barrier infrared charge coupled device ( SB-IRCCD ) and introduces the overall plan of IRCCD thermal imagery and the design of thermal imagery sys - tem for this linear image sensor .

    本文简述了256元线阵PtSi肖特基势垒红外电荷耦合器件(以下简称SB-IRCCD)的基本工作原理,介绍了IRCCD 成像总体方案及该线阵图像传感器热成像系统的设计。

  • Although the effect of correlation between NDVI and brightness temperature from the thermal infrared band of TM imagery was unobvious relatively on urban scale on built-up area scale which affected intensively by human activity it showed a significant negative correlation .

    全市尺度上 NDVI与基于 红外波段计算的亮温值的相关性较差,但在受人类活动强烈影响的中心城区,考虑水体因素的影响,NDVI与亮温之间表现为显著的负相关关系。

  • Recently human detection tracking and action recognition in thermal infrared imagery are very active in many fields such as intelligent video surveillance automatic vehicle driver assistance and advanced human-machine interface .

    近年来,基于红外 成像的人体目标检测、跟踪与行为识别正逐渐成为智能视频监控、自动车辆辅助驾驶和高级人机接口等领域十分活跃的课题。

  • When firefighters couldn 't find anyone in the house they started using thermal imagery technology which detected no people but rather a parrot sitting on a table Islas said .

    伊斯拉斯说,当消防员在屋里找不到人时,他们便用 成像技术探测,但仍然找不到被困人员,却发现一只鹦鹉正坐在桌子上。

  • Thermal imagery produces a visual record from natural heat radiating sources .


  • Thermal Imagery & Assurance of Safe Operation for Power System


  • Face Recognition by Fusing Thermal Infrared and Visible Imagery

    基于 红外与可见光 图像融合技术的人脸识别

  • Finally the test of simulated infrared thermal imagery is presented .

    最后介绍模拟红外 成像实验情况。

  • Then again for fires or volcanoes it is thermal imagery that is needed & to pick up hotspots .

    对于火灾或火山,需要的是 图像从而发现热点地区。

  • According to the problems of human action recognition in thermal infrared imagery an infrared action database is constructed and a novel algorithm based on the fusion of human action silhouettes energy images and local scale-invariant features is proposed .

    针对红外 成像中人体行为识别问题,构建了一个红外人体行为数据库,并且提出一种融合时空轮廓和局部尺度不变特征的识别方法。

  • According to the problem of robust human tracking in thermal infrared imagery a novel algorithm based on the intensity-distance projection space is proposed .

    针对红外 图像序列中人体目标鲁棒跟踪问题,提出了一种基于亮度-距离投影空间的 红外人体跟踪算法。