third finger

[θə:d ˈfɪŋɡɚ][θɜ:d ˈfiŋɡə]


  • If any of you had been observant you would have noticed that I put my second finger into the jar and my third finger into my mouth .

    如果你们有谁观察了,就会发现我把 食指放进罐子,却把中 伸进了嘴里。

  • The middle finger of left hand is exerted oneself slightly the bank note of tight card together with the third finger little finger ;

    左手中指稍用力,与 无名 、小拇指一起紧卡钞票;

  • The correct way of using the chopsticks requires concerted efforts of the thumb index finger middle finger and third finger .

    使用时须依靠拇指及食指、中指和 无名 的连贯配合。

  • She loosened the half-hoop of diamonds on her left hand third finger and held it out to him playfully .

    她取下 左手 上的半环形钻石 戒指,开玩笑地递给了他。

  • Why is a wedding ring always worn on the third finger ?

    为什么结婚戒指总是戴在第 手指上?

  • Left hand the third finger naturally curly pinch get up bank note little finger stretch to bank note front push down bank note below the Left deviation ;

    左手 无名 自然卷曲,捏起钞票后小拇指伸向钞票正面压住钞票左下方;

  • Pin the upper left corner of the bank note with the third finger of left hand little finger ;

    用左手 无名 、小拇指按住钞票的左上角;

  • He took her left hand hoping that it would someday bear a gold ring on the third finger .

    他捧起她的左手,希望这只手的中 有朝一日会 上一枚金 戒指

  • The brain activity occurred a third of a second before the person consciously decided to move his finger .

    这个大脑活性,比受测者意识到决定移动 手指还早了 1/3秒。

  • The bride placed a gold wedding ring on the third finger of the groom 's left hand .

    新娘把一枚金戒指戴在新郎左手的 无名 上。

  • The 36-year-old prince third in line to the throne was visibly nervous during the ceremony . After a long wait at the altar the prince struggled to put the wedding ring on his bride 's finger .

    现年36岁的菲利普王子是瑞典王位 3顺位继承人,他在婚礼上显然很紧张,在圣坛前花了很久才总算给索菲娅戴上了 婚戒

  • Rings-Long thought to have a vein going directly to the heart the third finger of the left hand has been universally adopted as the ideal place for the wedding ring .

    戒指-长期以来人们认为左手的 无名 有一根血管与心脏直接相通,人们普遍认为它是佩带结婚戒指最理想的地方。

  • He wears a large diamond ring around his third left finger .

    他的左手 无名 上带着一颗硕大的钻戒。

  • On the third day he remembered Abanazar 's ring on his finger & the ring to protect him .

    天的时候他想起了 上戴着的阿巴那扎尔给他的 戒指&能够保护他的戒指。

  • Because I found no rings in his third finger in either of hands .

    因为我发现他两只手的 无名 上都没有带戒指。

  • First place one chopstick on the third finger and clip it with the thumb ; then clip the other between the index finger and the middle finger .

    首先要将一只筷子放在第 手指上,然后用大拇指夹住它;然后将另一根筷子夹在食指与中指之间。

  • I savoured my third slice of burnt toast with jam and pushed the tiny segment of photo around and around the table with my buttery finger .

    我就着果酱吞下 片烤面包,用我那沾满黄油的 手指把那张照片碎片绕着桌子边转了一圈又一圈。

  • Ring-finger ( third finger usu of the left hand on which a wedding-ring is traditionally worn )

    无名指(通常指左手的 ,结婚戒指多戴于该指)。

  • A ring with diamond on the third finger of her left hand twinkled in the fire-light .

    她左手 无名 上戴的钻石戒指在火光下闪闪发亮。

  • In Britain wedding-rings are worn on the third finger of the left hand .

    在英国,结婚戒指戴在左手 无名 上。

  • The third finger of the left hand .

    左手的 手指

  • Forearm Retrograde Island Flap Lobule Grafting for Repair of Third Degree Electric Burn in the Parts between the Thumb and the Index Finger and Other Fingers at the Early Stage

    前臂逆行岛状皮瓣分叶移植早期修复 虎口伴多指 度电烧伤

  • Bryant blocked an attempted layup by Shawn Marion in the final seconds of the third quarter then turned toward the first-row seats across from the Lakers bench and wagged his index finger like Dikembe mutombo .

    科比在 节比赛最后几秒钟时封盖了马里昂的上篮,然后转向湖人板凳席,还像穆托姆博那样摇起了 食指

  • Modern authorities on etiquette follow their predecessors in matrimonial procedure in urging that the wedding ring always be worn on the third finger .

    现代礼仪权威在婚姻程序上遵循他们前任的有关规定,坚持结婚戒指要戴在第 手指上。