Thomson apparatus

[医] 汤姆森氏电子速度测量器

  • Analysis for signals and noises of 90 °? Thomson scattering experiment & Key points in optical design of 90 ° Thomson scattering apparatus for CT-6B Tokamak

    汤姆逊散射的信号和噪声&CT-6B托卡马克的红宝石激光90° 汤姆逊散射 系统的光学设计要求

  • The structure and performance of the Ruby Laser Thomson Scattering apparatus for HL-1 Tokamak device is described . The method of acquisition and calibration of multichannel scattered signals are presented . Examples of measurements electron temperature Te with experimental error are given .

    叙述了HL-1托卡马克装置激光 汤姆逊散射 的结构和特性,介绍了多道散射信号的获取和校准方法,给出了电子温度测量的例子及其实验误差。