


  • Loki sealed the deal by promising to bring Thor a very special present too .

    洛基达成了协议,答应他也会带一份很特别的礼物给 托尔

  • The God of storm and thunder Thor was a mighty fighter .

    索尔 北欧雷雨暴风雨神。

  • The15-metre ( 50-foot ) long ship named after the Norse god Thor .

    该海盗船长15米(50英尺),根据挪威神话中的 雷神托尔命名。

  • You are the very thor ? Join us and you will get whatever you want .

    你就是 那个 索尔?加入我们吧,你将想要什么有什么的。

  • No ! I want you to be more like thor !

    不,我要你像 索尔

  • Iron Man Captain America Thor Hulk .

    钢铁侠,美国队长, 雷神,绿巨人。

  • Currently the Thor has splash damage whereas the Battlecruiser has direct damage in its attack .

    当前, 雷神有飞溅损伤,而战略巡洋舰为直接攻击伤害。

  • Famous Norwegians include the playwrights / novelists Baron ludvig Holberg and Henrik Ibsen explorers Roald Amundsen Fridtjof Nansen and Thor Heyerdahl expressionist painter Edvard Munch and the romanticist composer Edvard Grieg .

    著名的挪威剧作家、小说家有路维霍尔堡男爵和亨瑞克易卜生,探险家罗尔德阿蒙森,弗里德持乔夫南森和 图尔海耶达尔,写实派画家爱德华蒙克和浪漫主义作家爱德华格里格。

  • I 've seen none of them but I got really jealous at my mom and dad when they saw thor .

    全都没看,但爸妈去看 雷神的时候我很嫉妒。

  • The half brother of Thor .


  • Stan Lee posed as one of the vocal veterans telling Thor that he could handle the drink .

    李老爷子扮演一个有 台词的退伍老兵,他告诉 索尔他可以hold 这酒。

  • The film will focus on the relationship between Thor and love interest on earth Jane Foster played by Natalie Portman .

    这部新片将重点 讲述 索尔和爱的关系感兴趣的培养,在地球上简了娜塔莉波曼。

  • Apart from their commercial success what do Captain America Thor and Iron Man have in common ?

    除了都取得了巨大的商业成功之外,美国队长、 雷神和钢铁侠还有什么共同之处呢?

  • After being a handsome background actor in movies for several years in 2011 Hemsworth got the opportunity of a lifetime to play a magic hammer-wielding god in superhero movie Thor .

    在电影中担当了几年花瓶之后,2011年,锤哥终于得到了千载难逢的机会:在超级英雄电影 雷神 中饰演魔幻人物 雷神

  • Chuan Thor a partner at highland will be based permanently in China and recruit two or three more partners locally .

    高原 资本合伙人涂鸿川 chuan thor 将常驻中国,并在本地招募两至三名合伙人。

  • Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer .

    柔和劝诱的 雪,比 用锤子的 雷神,力量大得多。

  • Thor Buster Iron Man comes with the right arm and Spider-Woman comes with the most important piece & MODOK 's head .


  • At the investors ' conference last year he presented Thor to analysts as his successor .

    在去年的投资者会议上,他向分析师们 透露,将 托尔作为他的继承人。

  • Truth and roses have thor about them .

    真理和玫瑰, 身旁都有

  • However he is facing tough competition from Les Miserables star Eddie Redmayne Hugh Dancy and Thor 's Tom Hiddleston .

    不过竞争也非常激烈,他的对手还包括《悲惨世界》男星埃迪·雷德梅尼、休·丹西和 雷神》汤姆·希德勒斯顿。

  • One curiosity though : Why does Thor get more prominent placement than Captain America ?

    但还是要好奇下:为什么 雷神的位置比美国队长更抢眼呢?

  • A lot of people think me as a Thor .

    许多人认为我是 托尔

  • We decided that this can be too much benefit to Terran and we changed that Thor could be built from a Factory .

    我们决定这对人族来说有太多好处了,所以我们把 雷神改成工厂制造了。

  • Thor is now smaller and faster and now has a strong GTA AOE ability .


  • Domestically ' Thor : The Dark World ' became the first Marvel release to perform better on Saturday than on Friday Mr. Hollis said .

    北美 市场,《 雷神 2:黑暗世界》成为Marvel首部周六票房好于周五的电影。

  • After achieving massive success with movies devoted to each one of the superheroes : Iron Man Thor and Captain America the time has come to get these big guns firing as one .

    当钢铁侠、 雷神、美国队长等所有超级英雄主题的电影都大获成功时,集中火力、 强强 联手的时刻已经到来。

  • The current Thor is countered by range mobility or certain powerful anti-armor units .

    现在 雷神的弱点在于射程和移动力,同时也被强力反装甲单位克制。