thoracic respiration

[θəˈræsɪk ˌrɛspəˈreʃən][θɔ(:)ˈræsik ˌrespəˈreɪʃən]


  • A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration . Preparation and research of HDPE microporous membrane for battery separators

    横隔膜一种分隔 胸腔和腹腔并起 呼吸 作用的肌性膜隔电池隔膜用HDPE微孔膜的制备和研究

  • Trachea ( or windpipe ): Tube in the throat and upper thoracic cavity through which air passes in respiration .

    气管:喉部以及 胸腔上部的管子, 呼吸时让空气通过。

  • A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration .

    横隔膜一种分隔 胸腔和腹腔并起 呼吸 作用的肌性膜隔。

  • Experience has proved that thoracic - abdominal respiration is the most consummate method .

    歌唱实践经验表明, 腹式联合 呼吸法是最完善的歌唱 呼吸方法。

  • Thoracic and abdominal tumors move appreciably due to physiological activities such as respiration and the movements can influence the accuracy of imaging treatment planning and deliver-y.

    腹部肿瘤因 呼吸等生理运动处于不断运动的状态,影响成像、治疗计划和治疗过程的精确度。

  • Chest wall defects are always caused by the surgical excision of chest tumor radiation ulcer infection and congenital malformation as well as thoracic trauma . That is the reason why we need chest wall prosthesis to prevent mediastinum from swing and to avoid anomalous respiration .

    胸壁肿瘤、放射性溃疡、感染、外伤及先天性畸形等疾病的广泛切除及 胸部外伤均可造成胸壁缺损,这时候就需要有人工胸壁来防止纵隔横摆和反常 呼吸

  • In the thoracic channel the change of impedance disappeared with the respiration ′ s disappearing .

    胸部通道 呼吸 运动停止时,阻抗随 呼吸的变化基本消失。

  • Comparison of the influence from thoracic and abdominal operation on respiration and its nursing

    胸腔和腹腔手术对 呼吸的影响比较及护理

  • The activity features of thoracic cavity both in rest respiration and forced respiration .

    平静与用力呼吸时 运动的特点。