thousands of times


  • For example in an eCommerce site popular items might be retrieved thousands of times per hour but the merchant might update its catalog only once a day .

    例如,在一个 eCommerce站点中,受欢迎的项目可能会有每小时 的检索量,而商家可能一天只更新目录一次。

  • Thousands of times I have thought thousands of times asked also want to re-graft tasteless life .

    我也曾 千百 地想,千百次地问,也曾想重新嫁接无味的人生。

  • We can be beaten thousands of times but never be defeated .

    我们可以被 千百 地打倒,但我们不能接受失败。

  • Ultimately nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively .

    最终,纳米机器人将取代我们的红细胞,然且将比我们的红细胞工作效率高 几千

  • You 've seen it on television or in the street hundreds of times thousands of times .

    你应该在电视上或是街上见过 无数 了。

  • After a week or two they invade red blood cells and reproduce thousands of times .

    在一两周之后,他们侵入到血红细胞中,并 成千 地繁殖。

  • We may only be reusing the architecture a few times or dozens of times instead of thousands of times .

    我们可能只复用这个体系结构几次,或者几十次,而不是 数千 ,我们需要的是建立健壮的、可利用的架构能力。

  • Magnified thousands of times you can see why : the silicon is full of holes .

    它被放大 数千 之后,你就能看清为什么会这样了:硅元素里充满了孔。

  • Within three hours the post was forwarded tens of thousands of times .

    在三个小时内,这条微博被转发了 数万

  • Media carried the news with TV show segments featuring guest commentary many of which have been uploaded on You-Tube and watched thousands of times .

    媒体报道了这一新闻,一些电视节目播出了嘉宾评论,其中许多节目被上传到了you-tube,被观看 数千 之多。

  • The actors of Chinese acrobatics usually have to practice one movement thousands of times .

    表演中国杂技的演员必须常常把一个动作练习 成千上万

  • I 've told him thousands of times .

    我已告诉他 许多 多次了。

  • He drew a large following on his Sina Weibo with his posts being forwarded thousands of times .

    延参法师在新浪微博拥有众多粉丝,他的微博转发量 之多。

  • I must have driven past that place thousands of times .

    我得有上 开车经过那里。

  • They will have the resources to replicate many thousands of times .

    他们就会利用资源 大量复制。

  • Hundreds and thousands of times for her I searched in chaos suddenly I turned by chance to where the lights were waning and there she stood .

    成千上万 时候,对她,我搜查混乱,突然,我变成一个偶然的机会,那里的灯都被减弱,和她站在那里。

  • Today the company has about 10 million users putting it ahead of traditional data-security companies like Symantec and McAfee whose mobile security apps have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times .

    现在,该公司约有1000万个用户,遥遥领先于赛门铁克公司(Symantec)和迈克菲公司(McAfee)等传统数据安全公司,它们提供的手机安全应用程序下载 次数已经高达 数十万

  • The pictures went viral online being forwarded hundreds of thousands of times on Weibo .

    照片在网上火了起来,在微博上被转发了 几十万

  • I 've told you thousands of times it 's in the garage !

    我已经告诉你 好多 了,在车厍里!

  • Our current junk drawer has been opened thousands of times .


  • Has been repeated for thousands of times the content Baidu may not be included .

    对于已经被重复了 千百 的内容,百度可能会不予收录。

  • Then the girl got married and went to France visiting Paris that had emerged in her dram thousands of times .

    女孩结婚了,去了法国,去了 无数 出现在她梦中的巴黎。

  • The impact would produce a shock wave thousands of times greater than all the nuclear weapons on Earth .

    碰撞会产生比地球上所有核武器引起的强 几千 的震动。

  • This star is absolutely huge . It's100 times bigger than our sun and thousands of times brighter .

    这颗恒星绝对是个巨无霸。它要比我们的太阳大百倍,更比太阳亮 数千

  • I know because I 've done it thousands of times .

    我知道,因为我已经做了 成千上万 了。

  • Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he succeeded in producing the first electric lamp .

    托马斯•爱迪生就是在失败了 数千 之后才成功地发明了第一盏电灯。

  • I guessed I had practised this topic for thousands of times so I gave the answer very quickly and fluently .

    这个问题我可能 了N 了,所以也很快答出来了。

  • Even the fastest code in a loop body will add up when iterated thousands of times .

    即使循环体中最快的代码,累计迭代 (也将是不小的负担)。

  • Over the course of your life you will earn thousands of times the price of your rucksack and contents .

    在你一生中,你赚的钱将是你的“背包”及内容物价格的 数千