three-phase supply

[计] 三相电源

  • So it is very valuable to design a three-phase power supply quality monitoring system include measure display communication and high efficient low cost high reliability which is used in power distribution room as monitoring device .

    所以设计一个集测量、显示和通信一体的高效率、低成本、高可靠性的 三相 供电质量的监测系统,用于配电室中作为监控装置是很有价值的。

  • An Economical and Credible Circuit Design for Gyro Three-phase Power Supply

    一种经济可靠的陀螺 三相 电源电路设计

  • The paper mainly studies on the distorted current detection algorithm based on the Least Compensation Current . The paper gives detailed deduction to the principle of the algorithm to realize deep simulation study and finally apply it to the three-phase supply system .

    主要研究了基于最小补偿电流的畸变电流检测算法,对其原理作了详细的推导证明,算法实现作了深入的仿真研究,最后并成功将此算法应用于 三相 电力系统中。

  • DSP Control Strategy for a Novel Three-phase Emergency Power Supply System

    新型 三相应急 电源系统的DSP控制方法

  • Three-phase isolation transformer has been widely used in AC50-60HZ500V three-phase power supply voltage does not exceed the occasion .

    三相隔离变压器已经广泛适用于交流50-60HZ电压不超过500V 三相 供电场合。

  • A three-phase Emergency Power Supply ( EPS ) is introduced in this dissertation . A bidirectional DC / DC converter bidirectional PWM converter and absolute digital control technique with DSP are applied to this EPS system . It is green intelligent and with low cost .

    本文研究了一种 三相应急 电源系统,该系统采用双向PWM变流器,双向DC/DC电路,使用DSP全数字控制,实现了EPS产品的绿色化、智能化和低成本的要求。

  • In this paper we mainly study the following contents : 1 . The operation of single and three-phase combined power supply model is studied .

    本文主要研究分析了以下内容:1.研究了单相 供电及单 三相混合 配电方式。

  • Study of Three-Phase Emergency Power Supply System

    三相应急 电源系统研究

  • Breakage of zero line and the fault caused by poor contact in three-phase four-wire power supply system are introduced based on the experiences of the three electric power practices .

    通过三例电力现场实践运行经验介绍了 三相四线制 配电系统零线断线和接触不良引起的故障现象。

  • The secondary voltage and secondary current of three-phase three-wire power supply are real-timely moni-tored .

    通过对高供低计或高供高计 三相三线 供电 用户的二次侧电压、电流进行实时监测,分析 电压、电流之间的 相位关系。

  • Research into Control Method of Three-phase Inverter Power Supply Under Unbalanced Load

    三相逆变 电源在不平衡负载条件下的控制研究

  • It is proposed a double close-loop control method towards the inverter part of the single-phase to three-phase power supply which keeps the output voltage along with the reference signal .

    对于单相 三相 供电 方式中的逆变器输出部分,提出了一种电压电流双闭环控制方法,实现了输出电压跟随参考信号变化,从而保证平衡变压器两相电压的正交性。

  • Designs of the three-phase power supply gyro-controlling circuit azimuth-sampling circuit and the interface with other tools are described .

    文章介绍了井下陀螺 三相 电源、框架陀螺控制电路、方位采集电路的设计和通用短接接口的设计。

  • Fit for various small machinery powered by three-phase power supply .

    适用于使用 三相 电源的各类小型机械。

  • Control Method for DC-link Voltage Ripple Cancellation in Voltage Source Inverter under Unbalanced Three-phase Voltage Supply Conditions

    消除 三相 电压不平衡引起的电压源逆变器直流环节电压脉动的控制方法

  • Combined Three-phase Emergency Power Supply System with Parallel Active Power Filter

    三相应急 电源和并联型有源滤波器复合系统

  • This paper introduces a kind of electric circuit which mainly consists of a peak detector and a pulse-width discriminator for protecting the three-phase alternating-current supply with loses a phase .

    介绍了一个主要由峰值检波器和脉冲宽度鉴别器构成的 三相交流 电源缺相保护电路。

  • The Design of Hybrid Integration of High Precision Three-Phase Alternating Power Supply

    一种高精度 三相交流 电源的混合集成设计

  • In order to solve the requirement of high precision equal phase in three-phase AC power supply one AC power supply is designed based the traditional DDS technology .

    针对某设备所需的三相 电源相位精度要求高的特点,在传统DDS技术的基础之上,设计了一款高度 对称 三相 电源

  • Apply single-phase and three-phase transformer mixed supply power manners that can lower line loss largely and improve power supply stability and voltage rate at the aim of shorten low voltage line with high voltage into users .

    在配电线路上采用单、 三相变压器混合 供电方式,以高压进户、缩短低压线路降低线损为目的,使配电线路线损有了较大幅度降低,提高了供电可靠率和电压合格率。

  • In the three-phase power supply system in mining wells the method to detect the single-phase breakdown earth phase in the system of neutral point unconnected to earth is the next to the phase with the highest voltage in the three-phase voltage is the breakdown phase .

    在矿井 三相 供电系统中,中性点不接地系统中单相故障接地相的判断法:三相电压中以指示值最高相为依据,按相序顺序往下推移一相才是故障相。

  • On basis of the analysis to the double feeding back velocity regulation principle bi-variant AC-AC transducer serves as three-phase power supply to design a double feeding back velocity regulation system and which is made experimental analysis .

    在分析双馈调速原理的基础上,引入双变量交-交变频器作为转子 三相 电源,设计一双馈调速系统,并进行了实验分析。

  • On the basis of introducing the motor structure the self-exciting converting principle of SCLRM under three-phase AC supply is described .

    在介绍电机结构的基础上,深入分析了SCLRM在 三相交流 电源下的自激换流工作原理。

  • In the university teaching the three-phase power supply cant meet the teachings needs and has its limitation .

    在大学教学过程中, 三相 电源 配置往往难以满足教学需要并有其局限性。

  • An Intelligent Protective Device of Three-phase Supply on FMAT-251 Mass Spectrometer

    FMAT-251质谱仪 三相 电源的智能保护装置

  • Automatic Servo System of the Precision Symmetric Three-phase AC Power Supply

    精密对称 三相交流 电源自控伺服系统

  • Measuring method of ratio braking characteristic curve on differential protection for impedance-matching balance transformer with three-phase current power supply

    三相电流 测试阻抗匹配平衡变压器差动保护比率特性曲线的方法

  • There needs no new special equipment and three-phase power supply .

    不需新增专用设备,不需 三相 电源

  • The distribution law of leakage current in three-phase supply lines

    三相 供电线路的漏电流分布规律

  • Neutral-point Earthing Isolation and Arc-suppression Technology of Three-phase Power Supply

    三相 电源的中性点接地隔离与消弧技术